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Lesson 4.2: JavaScript and the DOM

This assignment will teach you the following:

  • What is the DOM?
  • Making Changes to the DOM


Getting Started:

Merge your pull request from the previous lesson (if you haven't already):

View tutorial

Checkout your main branch and pull changes:

git checkout main
git pull

Create a new local branch to work on separate from the main branch:

git checkout -b lesson-4-2

Now, open the project directory in your code editor and continue to the next section.

Task List:

Create a JavaScript file

  • Create a folder called js/ at the root level (the same level as your instructions folder and inde.xhtml file)
  • Inside that folder, create a JavaScript file called index.js

Link your JavaScript file to your HTML file

  • Open your index.html file
  • Before the closing </body> tag, insert a <script> element with a src attribute that specifies the relative path to your JavaScript file (i.e. js/index.js)
  • Save and open the index.html file in your browser

Add Footer Element

  • Open your index.html file
  • Above the <script> element, add an empty <footer> element
  • Save and refresh your browser

Insert Copyright Text in Footer via JavaScript

  • Open your index.js file

  • Create a new date object and store it in a variable named today

    • hint: new Date() constructor
  • Retrieve the current year from your date object and store it in a variable named thisYear

    • hint: getFullYear method
  • Using "DOM Selection", select the <footer> element from the DOM and store it in a variable named footer

    • hint: querySelector method
  • Create a new paragraph (p) element and store it in a variable named copyright

    • hint: createElement method
  • Set the inner HTML of your copyright element to display your name and the current year

    • hint: use thisYear variable from earlier
  • Using "DOM Manipulation", append the copyright element to the footer

    • hint: appendChild method
  • Save and refresh your browser

    • You should see the text "Your Name 2021" at the bottom of the page

STRETCH GOAL the next checkbox is optional. If you'd like to stretch your skills an knowledge attempt it:

Add Skills Section

  • Open your index.html file
  • Above the "Connect" section, add a new <section> element with an id attribute of value "skills"
  • Inside the new section, add a <h2> element that says "Skills"
  • After the <h2> element, add an empty unordered list (<ul>) element
  • Save and refresh your browser
    • You should see the new "Skills" heading

Create List of Skills

  • Open your index.js file
  • List your technical skills by creating an Array of String values and store it in a variable named skills
  • Using "DOM Selection", select the #skills section by id and store it in a variable named skillsSection
    • hint: querySelector or getElementById method
  • Using "DOM Selection", query the skillsSection (instead of the entire document) to find the <ul> element and store it in a variable named skillsList
  • Create a for loop to iterate over your skills Array, starting at index 0
  • Inside the loop, create a new list item (li) element and store it in a variable named skill
    • hint: createElement method
  • On the next line, set the inner text of your skill variable to the value of the current Array element
    • hint: access the Array element using bracket notation
  • On the next line, append the skill element to the skillsList element
    • hint: appendChild method
  • Save and refresh your browser
    • You should see your list of skills beneath the "Skills" heading

Final Step:

Check the status of your local repository to double-check the changes you made:

git status

Stage the file(s) that you edited:

git add .

Check the status again and notice that the changes from before are now staged:

git status

Create a commit for the changes you made and add a message describing the changes you made:

Note: Replace <message> with your message

git commit -m "<message>"

Push your commit to the remote repository (visible in GitHub):

git push

Check the log to make sure your commit has been published:

git log --oneline

Create a pull request and submit:

View instructions

Created by Code the Dream