A macOS command line utility that lists audio components known to the system.
Usage: aulist manufacturer type subtype
--help Print usage message
--no_system Don't show system plugins (Manufacturer = "Apple", e.g., "appl" and "sys")
--no_ints Only show codes as strings; no integers (OSTypes)
--no_views Don't show AUs of type 'auvw'
Arguments can be "0" which doesn't filter by that criterion (showing components
by any manufacturer, for instance)
* aulist Tdrl aufx <- all effects by Tokyo Dawn Labs (shown below)
Tokyo Dawn Labs: TDR VOS SlickEQ ( Tdrl aufx Td10 ) ( 1415869036 1635083896 1415852336 )
Tokyo Dawn Labs: TDR Ultrasonic Filter ( Tdrl aufx Td1b ) ( 1415869036 1635083896 1415852386 )
Tokyo Dawn Labs: TDR Nova ( Tdrl aufx Td5a ) ( 1415869036 1635083896 1415853409 )
Tokyo Dawn Labs: TDR Kotelnikov ( Tdrl aufx Td96 ) ( 1415869036 1635083896 1415854390 )
4 components
* aulist <- all plugins (missing trailing args replaced with 0s)
* aulist appl aufx dcmp <- a single plugin
* aulist 0 aufx 0 <- all effect plugins (last 0 optional)
* aulist appl 0 0 <- all apple plugins (last two 0s optional)