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Build and development guide

Build the Docker image

Generate a signing key and build the image:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem -3 3072
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t edb --secret id=signingkey,src=private.pem - < Dockerfile

Add --build-arg heapsize=x where x is the desired enclave heap size in MB. By default, heap size is 1024 MB.

Add --build-arg numtcs=x where x is the desired number of TCS (max threads). By default, number of TCS is 64.

Add --build-arg production=ON to build a production enclave. By default, a debug enclave is built.

Get the era configuration:

docker run --rm --entrypoint cat edb edgelessdb-sgx.json > edgelessdb-sgx.json

Run the Docker image

You can run EdgelessDB in simulation mode on any system:

docker run -t --name my-edb -p3306:3306 -p8080:8080 -e OE_SIMULATION=1 edb

If your dev environment supports SGX-FLC:

docker run -t --name my-edb -p3306:3306 -p8080:8080 --device /dev/sgx_enclave --device /dev/sgx_provision edb

If your dev environment supports SGX without FLC:

docker run -t --name my-edb -p3306:3306 -p8080:8080 --device /dev/isgx -v /var/run/aesmd:/var/run/aesmd edb

Note that you'll get attestation errors on such systems.

Nightly Docker images

Use these images to try the latest changes from the main branch:


Build from source


  • Edgeless RT is installed and sourced
  • Go 1.17 or newer

On Ubuntu 20.04 build with:

sudo apt install bbe bison build-essential cmake liblz4-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j`nproc`

You may add the following flags to the cmake command:

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to enable optimizations.
  • -DHEAPSIZE=x where x is the desired enclave heap size in MB. By default, heap size is 1024 MB.
  • -DNUMTCS=x where x is the desired number of TCS (max threads). By default, number of TCS is 64.
  • -DPRODUCTION=ON to build a production enclave.


After building, you can run EdgelessDB from the build directory:


"not implemented" errors

If you built a debug enclave, you may get not implemented errors at runtime. This is because Edgeless RT doesn't implement all syscalls and POSIX functions. EdgelessDB doesn't strictly rely on the missing ones, so you can ignore the errors.


EdgelessDB tests verify basic SQL functionality and all of the additional CC features. In addition, we use MariaDB tests to ensure that we retain compatibility.

EdgelessDB tests

cd build
ctest --output-on-failure

MariaDB tests

Prerequisite: A fresh EdgelessDB instance with default config is running.

curl -k -d@src/test_manifest.json
cd build/mariadb
MARIADB_CC_TEST=1 MYSQL_TEST_TLS=1 ctest --output-on-failure


In addition to the end user configuration, the following environment variables may be useful for development:

  • EDG_EDB_DATA_PATH: The path on the host file system where EdgelessDB will store its data. Defaults to $PWD/data.

Run emariadbd

During development it may be useful to run emariadbd. This is mariadbd inside the enclave, but without the additional EdgelessDB functionality.

cd build
make emariadbd
mariadb/scripts/mysql_install_db --srcdir=../3rdparty/edgeless-mariadb --auth-root-authentication-method=normal --no-defaults
erthost emariadbd.signed --no-defaults --datadir=./data --default-storage-engine=rocksdb