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660 lines (560 loc) · 26.6 KB

How to install and run eUPF

The easyest way to install eUPF is to use helm charts for one of the supported opensource 5G core projects in your own kubernetes cluster. Alternatively, eUPF could be deployed with docker-compose (with free5gc or OpenAirInterface configs is ready at the moment).

We have prepared templates to deploy with two opensource environments: open5gs and free5gc, for you to choose.

UERANSIM project is used for emulating radio endpoint, so you'll be able to check end-to-end connectivity

Deployment options:

General node requirements

eUPF need Linux kernel > 5.14 version (we used Ubuntu 22.04 LTS)

Driver support

Drivers supporting generic XDP

Starting from kernel 4.12 you can run XDP(and eUPF) in generic mode anywhere. But it should be used for testing or debugging purpose only (no performance prospective)

Drivers supporting native XDP

In order to run eUPF in native mode you need compatible driver. List of supported driver could be found in Cilium or IOVisor docs:

Native mode is suppored in most modern clouds and VM NICs:

  • Amazon ena
  • Microsoft hv_netvsc
  • VirtIO virtio_net
  • VMWare vmxnet3
  • SR-IOV ixgbevf

Drivers supporting offloaded XDP

Only Netronome NICs at the moment

Deploy with docker-compose


Configure & run

Create docker-compose.yaml

docker-compose.yaml template
version: '2.4'

    privileged: true
      - /sys/fs/bpf:/sys/fs/bpf
      - GIN_MODE=release
      - UPF_XDP_ATTACH_MODE=generic
      - UPF_API_ADDRESS=:8081
      - UPF_PFCP_ADDRESS=:8805
      - UPF_N3_ADDRESS=
      memlock: -1
      - NET_ADMIN
      - SYS_ADMIN
      - 2152:2152/udp
      - 8805:8805/udp
      - 8080:8081
      - 9090:9091
    restart: unless-stopped
      - net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1

    image: praqma/network-multitool:alpine-extra@sha256:47b259d4463950f5c10d9c0bf63d9e71ec456618f5549a414afa0c04392e0ac1
    network_mode: host
    privileged: true
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /bin/sh
      - -c
      - |
        ip ro add via
        echo "done"
        tail -f /dev/null

    external: true

Set eUPF configuration parameters

See configuration guide

Run eUPF

docker-compose up -d

Examples in docker-compose

See docker-compose deployment examples with open5gs, free5gc and OpenAirInterface in the Deployment examples table.

Deploy with Kubernetes


  • Kubernetes cluster with Calico and Multus CNI
    • with Enabled Unsafe Sysctls net.ipv4.ip_forward: kubelet --allowed-unsafe-sysctls 'net.ipv4.ip_forward,net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding'
  • helm installed
  • kube-prometheus-stack installed, or
    create CustomResource ServiceMonitor as a minimum:
    kubectl apply -f

In our environments, we use one node K8s cluster deployed by means of kubespray.

With additional file inventory/mycluster/group_vars/kube_node.yaml


    - "net.ipv4.ip_forward"

UE subnets routing

In order to route downlink traffic back to UE options below are proposed:

  1. Use BGP
  2. Use static routes. For every UE


BGP daemon(BIRD) is running as a sidecar in eUPF pod. UE subnet is announced to K8s nodes. K8s CNI should be configured to use BGP.

This solution is suitable for single instance eUPF deployment.

Use static routes

To use scalable eUPF deployment (more the one eUPF replica) downlink route to specific UE have to pass the UPF with corresponding PDU-session.

As a proof-of-concept, simple route utility is provided. The utility reads active PDU-sessions for every UPF via API and updates node's routing table. For each UE's PDU-session there is a static route via corresponding UPF.


See kubernetes deployment examples with open5gs and free5gc here.

Test scenarios

case 0


UE can send packet to internet and get response


  1. run shell in pod

    for open5gs:

    export NS_NAME=open5gs
    export UE_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l "," --output=jsonpath="{}" -n ${NS_NAME})
    kubectl exec -n ${NS_NAME} --stdin --tty ${UE_POD_NAME} -- /bin/bash

    for free5gc:

    export NS_NAME=free5gc
    export UE_POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l "app=ueransim,component=ue" --output=jsonpath="{}" -n ${NS_NAME})
    kubectl exec -n ${NS_NAME} --stdin --tty ${UE_POD_NAME} -- /bin/bash
  2. run command from UE pod's shell.

    $ ping -I uesimtun0

    expected result:

    ping command successful

Information for troubleshooting

For builds with trace enabled, not production one: See details under the spoiler.

To see debug log from eBPF programs, at the node console start command: sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe

Then switch to UE pod's shell. Sending a single packet ping -I uesimtun0 -c1 with successfull responce, normally you will see such debug output:

sergo@edgecom:~$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe

          nr-gnb-4117277 [003] d.s11 266111.395788: bpf_trace_printk: upf: gtp-u received
          nr-gnb-4117277 [003] d.s11 266111.395819: bpf_trace_printk: upf: gtp pdu [ -> ]
          nr-gnb-4117277 [003] d.s11 266111.395825: bpf_trace_printk: upf: uplink session for teid:1 far:1 headrm:0
          nr-gnb-4117277 [003] d.s11 266111.395828: bpf_trace_printk: upf: far:1 action:2 outer_header_creation:0
          nr-gnb-4117277 [003] d.s11 266111.395831: bpf_trace_printk: upf: qer:1 gate_status:0 mbr:200000000
          nr-gnb-4117277 [003] d.s11 266111.395857: bpf_trace_printk: upf: bpf_fib_lookup -> nexthop:
          nr-gnb-4117277 [003] d.s11 266111.395861: bpf_trace_printk: upf: bpf_redirect: if=6 18446669071770913972 -> 18446669071770913978
          <idle>-0       [007] d.s.1 266111.396975: bpf_trace_printk: upf: downlink session for ip:  far:2 action:2
          <idle>-0       [007] dNs.1 266111.396983: bpf_trace_printk: upf: qer:0 gate_status:0 mbr:0
          <idle>-0       [007] dNs.1 266111.396985: bpf_trace_printk: upf: use mapping -> TEID:1
          <idle>-0       [007] dNs.1 266111.396987: bpf_trace_printk: upf: send gtp pdu ->
          <idle>-0       [007] dNs.1 266111.396996: bpf_trace_printk: upf: bpf_fib_lookup -> nexthop:
          <idle>-0       [007] dNs.1 266111.396998: bpf_trace_printk: upf: bpf_redirect: if=4 18446669071771765924 -> 18446669071771765930

Components logs then successfully connected:

eUPF successfull connections log output (stdout)

2023/04/17 16:09:39 map[api_address::8080 interface_name:n3 metrics_address::9090 pfcp_address::8805 pfcp_node_id: xdp_attach_mode:generic]
2023/04/17 16:09:39 {n3 generic :8080 :8805 :9090}
2023/04/17 16:09:40 Attached XDP program to iface "n3" (index 4)
2023/04/17 16:09:40 Press Ctrl-C to exit and remove the program
2023/04/17 16:09:40 Start PFCP connection: :8805
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
 - using env:    export GIN_MODE=release
 - using code:    gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)

[GIN-debug] GET    /upf_pipeline             --> main.CreateApiServer.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /qer_map                  --> main.CreateApiServer.func2 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /pfcp_associations        --> main.CreateApiServer.func3 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /config                   --> main.CreateApiServer.func4 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] GET    /xdp_stats                --> main.CreateApiServer.func5 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] You trusted all proxies, this is NOT safe. We recommend you to set a value.
Please check for details.
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080
2023/04/17 16:11:13 Received 30 bytes from
2023/04/17 16:11:13 Handling PFCP message from
2023/04/17 16:11:13 Got Association Setup Request from:
2023/04/17 16:11:13
Association Setup Request:
  Node ID:
  Recovery Time: 2023-04-17 16:11:13 +0000 UTC
2023/04/17 16:11:13 Saving new association: {ID: Addr: NextSessionID:1 Sessions:map[]}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Received 287 bytes from
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Handling PFCP message from
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Got Session Establishment Request from:
2023/04/17 16:11:50
Session Establishment Request:
  CreatePDR ID: 1
    Outer Header Removal: 0
    FAR ID: 1
    Source Interface: 0
    TEID: 1
    Ipv6: <nil>
  CreatePDR ID: 2
    FAR ID: 2
    Source Interface: 2
    UE IPv4 Address:
  CreateFAR ID: 1
    Apply Action: [2]
    Forwarding Parameters:
      Network Instance: �internet
  CreateFAR ID: 2
    Apply Action: [2]
    Forwarding Parameters:
  CreateQER ID: 1
    Gate Status DL: 0
    Gate Status UL: 0
    Max Bitrate DL: 100000
    Max Bitrate UL: 200000
    QFI: 9

2023/04/17 16:11:50
Session Establishment Request:
  CreatePDR ID: 1
    Outer Header Removal: 0
    FAR ID: 1
    Source Interface: 0
    TEID: 1
    Ipv6: <nil>
  CreatePDR ID: 2
    FAR ID: 2
    Source Interface: 2
    UE IPv4 Address:
  CreateFAR ID: 1
    Apply Action: [2]
    Forwarding Parameters:
      Network Instance: �internet
  CreateFAR ID: 2
    Apply Action: [2]
    Forwarding Parameters:
  CreateQER ID: 1
    Gate Status DL: 0
    Gate Status UL: 0
    Max Bitrate DL: 100000
    Max Bitrate UL: 200000
    QFI: 9
2023/04/17 16:11:50 WARN: No OuterHeaderCreation
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Saving FAR info to session: 1, {Action:2 OuterHeaderCreation:0 Teid:0 RemoteIP:0 LocalIP:0}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 EBPF: Put FAR: i=1, farInfo={Action:2 OuterHeaderCreation:0 Teid:0 RemoteIP:0 LocalIP:0}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Saving FAR info to session: 2, {Action:2 OuterHeaderCreation:0 Teid:0 RemoteIP:0 LocalIP:0}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 EBPF: Put FAR: i=2, farInfo={Action:2 OuterHeaderCreation:0 Teid:0 RemoteIP:0 LocalIP:0}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Saving uplink PDR info to session: 1, {PdrInfo:{OuterHeaderRemoval:0 FarId:1} Teid:1 Ipv4:<nil>}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 EBPF: Put PDR Uplink: teid=1, pdrInfo={OuterHeaderRemoval:0 FarId:1}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Saving downlink PDR info to session: 2, {PdrInfo:{OuterHeaderRemoval:0 FarId:2} Teid:0 Ipv4:}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 EBPF: Put PDR Downlink: ipv4=, pdrInfo={OuterHeaderRemoval:0 FarId:2}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Saving QER info to session: 1, {GateStatusUL:0 GateStatusDL:0 Qfi:9 MaxBitrateUL:200000 MaxBitrateDL:100000}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Creating QER ID: 1, QER Info: {GateStatusUL:0 GateStatusDL:0 Qfi:9 MaxBitrateUL:200000 MaxBitrateDL:100000}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 EBPF: Put QER: i=1, qerInfo={GateStatusUL:0 GateStatusDL:0 Qfi:9 MaxBitrateUL:200000 MaxBitrateDL:100000}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Received 148 bytes from
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Handling PFCP message from
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Got Session Modification Request from:
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Finding association for
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Finding session 2
2023/04/17 16:11:50
Session Modification Request:
  UpdatePDR ID: 2
    FAR ID: 2
    Source Interface: 2
    UE IPv4 Address:
  UpdateFAR ID: 2
    Apply Action: [2]
    Forwarding Parameters:
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Updating FAR info: 2, {Action:2 OuterHeaderCreation:1 Teid:2 RemoteIP:3962725386 LocalIP:0}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 EBPF: Update FAR: i=2, farInfo={Action:2 OuterHeaderCreation:1 Teid:2 RemoteIP:3962725386 LocalIP:0}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 Updating downlink PDR: 2, {PdrInfo:{OuterHeaderRemoval:0 FarId:2} Teid:0 Ipv4:}
2023/04/17 16:11:50 EBPF: Update PDR Downlink: ipv4=, pdrInfo={OuterHeaderRemoval:0 FarId:2}
Stream closed EOF for free5gc/edgecomllc-eupf-universal-chart-d4b54d4b7-t2hr6 (app)

SMF free5gc successfull connection log (stdout)

2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][CFG] SMF config version [1.0.2]
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][CFG] UE-Routing config version [1.0.1]
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][Init] SMF Log level is set to [info] level
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][NAS] set log level : info
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][NAS] set report call : false
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][NGAP] set log level : info
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][NGAP] set report call : false
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][Aper] set log level : info
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][Aper] set report call : false
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][PFCP] set log level : info
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][PFCP] set report call : false
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][App] smf
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][App] SMF version:
    free5GC version: v3.2.1
    build time:      2023-03-13T18:13:22Z
    commit hash:     de70bf6c
    commit time:     2022-06-28T04:52:40Z
    go version:      go1.14.4 linux/amd64
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][CTX] smfconfig Info: Version[1.0.2] Description[SMF initial local configuration]
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][CTX] Endpoints: []
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][Init] Server started
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][Init] SMF Registration to NRF {4892acc3-b6b3-418f-b791-f2b300277fe9 SMF REGISTERED 0 0xc00024f480 0xc00024f4c0 [] []   [free5gc-free5gc-smf-service] [] <nil> [] [] <nil> 0 0 0 area1 <nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> 0xc00002ee40 <nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> <nil> map[] <nil> false 0xc00024f300 false false []}
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][PFCP] Listen on
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][App] Sending PFCP Association Request to UPF[]
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][LIB][PFCP] Remove Request Transaction [1]
2023-04-17T16:11:13Z [INFO][SMF][App] Received PFCP Association Setup Accepted Response from UPF[]
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] Receive Create SM Context Request
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] In HandlePDUSessionSMContextCreate
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] Send NF Discovery Serving UDM Successfully
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][CTX] Allocated UE IP address:
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][CTX] Selected UPF: UPF
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] UE[imsi-208930000000003] PDUSessionID[1] IP[]
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][GSM] In HandlePDUSessionEstablishmentRequest
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][NAS][Convert] ProtocolOrContainerList:  [0xc0004aaa80 0xc0004aaac0]
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][GSM] Protocol Configuration Options
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][GSM] &{[0xc0004aaa80 0xc0004aaac0]}
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][GSM] Didn't Implement container type IPAddressAllocationViaNASSignallingUL
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] PCF Selection for SMContext SUPI[imsi-208930000000003] PDUSessionID[1]
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] SUPI[imsi-208930000000003] has no pre-config route
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][Consumer] SendNFDiscoveryServingAMF ok
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] Sending PFCP Session Establishment Request
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][GIN] | 201 | | POST    | /nsmf-pdusession/v1/sm-contexts |
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][LIB][PFCP] Remove Request Transaction [2]
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] Received PFCP Session Establishment Accepted Response
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] Receive Update SM Context Request
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] In HandlePDUSessionSMContextUpdate
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] Sending PFCP Session Modification Request to AN UPF
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][LIB][PFCP] Remove Request Transaction [3]
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][PduSess] Received PFCP Session Modification Accepted Response from AN UPF
2023-04-17T16:11:50Z [INFO][SMF][GIN] | 200 | | POST    | /nsmf-pdusession/v1/sm-contexts/urn:uuid:6dffeab5-0861-490d-8cb0-f5528e8e21a9/modify |

UERANSIM UE successfully connection log output:

[2023-04-25 14:36:41.461] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/PLMN-SEARCH]
[2023-04-25 14:36:41.462] [rrc] [warning] Acceptable cell selection failed, no cell is in coverage
[2023-04-25 14:36:41.462] [rrc] [error] Cell selection failure, no suitable or acceptable cell found
[2023-04-25 14:36:42.464] [rrc] [debug] New signal detected for cell[1], total [1] cells in coverage
[2023-04-25 14:36:43.663] [nas] [error] PLMN selection failure, no cells in coverage
[2023-04-25 14:36:45.865] [nas] [error] PLMN selection failure, no cells in coverage
[2023-04-25 14:36:46.966] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/NO-CELL-AVAILABLE]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.939] [nas] [info] Selected plmn[208/93]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.939] [rrc] [info] Selected cell plmn[208/93] tac[1] category[SUITABLE]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.940] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/PS]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.940] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-DEREGISTERED/NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.940] [nas] [debug] Initial registration required due to [MM-DEREG-NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.940] [nas] [debug] UAC access attempt is allowed for identity[0], category[MO_sig]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.940] [nas] [debug] Sending Initial Registration
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.940] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-REGISTER-INITIATED]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.940] [rrc] [debug] Sending RRC Setup Request
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.941] [rrc] [info] RRC connection established
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.941] [rrc] [info] UE switches to state [RRC-CONNECTED]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.941] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [CM-CONNECTED]
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.993] [nas] [debug] Authentication Request received
[2023-04-25 14:36:47.994] [nas] [debug] Sending Authentication Failure due to SQN out of range
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.020] [nas] [debug] Authentication Request received
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.048] [nas] [debug] Security Mode Command received
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.048] [nas] [debug] Selected integrity[2] ciphering[0]
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.137] [nas] [debug] Registration accept received
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.137] [nas] [info] UE switches to state [MM-REGISTERED/NORMAL-SERVICE]
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.137] [nas] [debug] Sending Registration Complete
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.137] [nas] [info] Initial Registration is successful
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.137] [nas] [debug] Sending PDU Session Establishment Request
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.137] [nas] [debug] UAC access attempt is allowed for identity[0], category[MO_sig]
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.447] [nas] [debug] PDU Session Establishment Accept received
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.447] [nas] [info] PDU Session establishment is successful PSI[1]
[2023-04-25 14:36:48.478] [app] [info] Connection setup for PDU session[1] is successful, TUN interface[uesimtun0,] is up.
Stream closed EOF for free5gc/ueransim-ue-7f76db59c9-c4ltw (ue)

UERANSIM UE successfully connected status "cm-state: CM-CONNECTED"

Open UE pod's shell. kubectl exec -n ${NS_NAME} --stdin --tty ${UE_POD_NAME} -- /bin/bash

  • Command for open5gs openverso: nr-cli imsi-999700000000001 -e status

  • Command for free5gc towards5gs: ./nr-cli imsi-208930000000003 -e status

<<K9s-Shell>> Pod: open5gs/ueransim-ueransim-gnb-ues-5b9d9c577b-zwb6d | Container: ues
bash-5.1# nr-cli imsi-999700000000001 -e status
cm-state: CM-CONNECTED
5u-state: 5U1-UPDATED
sim-inserted: true
selected-plmn: 999/70
current-cell: 1
current-plmn: 999/70
current-tac: 1
last-tai: PLMN[999/70] TAC[1]
stored-suci: no-identity
 plmn: 999/70
 amf-region-id: 0x02
 amf-set-id: 1
 amf-pointer: 0
 tmsi: 0xf9007746
has-emergency: false
bash-5.1# ping -I uesimtun0 -c1
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=57 time=2.360 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 2.360/2.360/2.360 ms
bash-5.1# traceroute -i uesimtun0
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 46 byte packets
 1 (  1.524 ms  1.246 ms  0.928 ms
 2 (  0.946 ms  1.722 ms  1.116 ms
 3 (  1.778 ms  1.990 ms  1.691 ms
 4 (  1.268 ms  1.822 ms  1.535 ms

Then UE disconnected

UERANSIM UE disconnected:

cm-state: CM-IDLE

root@ueransim-ue-7f76db59c9-c4ltw:/ueransim/build# ./nr-cli imsi-208930000000003 -e status
cm-state: CM-IDLE
5u-state: 5U1-UPDATED
sim-inserted: true
selected-plmn: 208/93
current-cell: 2
current-plmn: 208/93
current-tac: 1
last-tai: PLMN[208/93] TAC[1]
stored-suci: no-identity
 plmn: 208/93
 amf-region-id: 0xca
 amf-set-id: 1016
 amf-pointer: 0
 tmsi: 0x00000001
has-emergency: false

Then you can try to reconnect:

  • Command for open5gs openverso: nr-cli imsi-999700000000001 -e "deregister normal"

  • Command for free5gc towards5gs: ./nr-cli imsi-208930000000003 -e "deregister normal"

UE will send Initial Registration after 10 seconds.

If connection can not set up, we recommend to restart components in next sequence:

  1. SMF
  2. AMF

eUPF useful API

  • To check currently applied config use GET /api/v1/config
  • To check connected sessions use GET /api/v1/pfcp_associations

You can forward api-port (8080 by default) from eUPF running container to your machine and use pretty GUI interface by opening the link http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html in browser.

Or you can simply open shell inside the container and run commands: wget -O - http://localhost:8080/api/v1/config and wget -O - http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pfcp_associations

API json output example of successfully connected UE

/ # wget  -O - http://localhost:8080/api/v1/config
Connecting to localhost:8080 ([::1]:8080)
writing to stdout
    "InterfaceName": [
    "XDPAttachMode": "generic",
    "ApiAddress": ":8080",
    "PfcpAddress": ":8805",
    "PfcpNodeId": "",
    "MetricsAddress": ":9090",
    "N3Address": ""
-                    100% |************************************************************************************************************|   246  0:00:00 ETA
written to stdout
/ #
/ # wget  -O - http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pfcp_associations
Connecting to localhost:8080 ([::1]:8080)
writing to stdout
    "": {
        "ID": "",
        "Addr": "",
        "NextSessionID": 2,
        "Sessions": {
            "2": {
                "LocalSEID": 2,
                "RemoteSEID": 1,
                "PDRs": {
                    "1": {
                        "PdrInfo": {
                            "OuterHeaderRemoval": 0,
                            "FarId": 1,
                            "QerId": 1
                        "Teid": 1,
                        "Ipv4": ""
                    "2": {
                        "PdrInfo": {
                            "OuterHeaderRemoval": 0,
                            "FarId": 2,
                            "QerId": 0
                        "Teid": 0,
                        "Ipv4": ""
                "FARs": {
                    "1": {
                        "Action": 2,
                        "OuterHeaderCreation": 0,
                        "Teid": 0,
                        "RemoteIP": 0,
                        "LocalIP": 0
                    "2": {
                        "Action": 2,
                        "OuterHeaderCreation": 1,
                        "Teid": 3,
                        "RemoteIP": 3962725386,
                        "LocalIP": 3912393738
                "QERs": {
                    "1": {
                        "GateStatusUL": 0,
                        "GateStatusDL": 0,
                        "Qfi": 9,
                        "MaxBitrateUL": 200000000,
                        "MaxBitrateDL": 100000000,
                        "StartUL": 0,
                        "StartDL": 0
-                    100% |************************************************************************************************************|  1954  0:00:00 ETA
written to stdout
/ #