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118 lines (84 loc) · 4.47 KB

Latest version GitHub license


IceTimer is a graphical timer and match scheduler for round-robin style informal tournaments. Primarily intended for use in Oxford University Alternative Ice Hockey sessions but could easily be modified for use in other situations.

IceTimer 1.2


  • Match scheduling for up to 30 teams.
  • Up to 3 simultaneous matches.
  • Visual indication at 30 and 10 seconds until end of current game.
  • Visual indication at 15 and 5 minutes until end of current session.
  • Easy to read who's next on the ice.


Binaries with installation instructions for Windows and Mac OS X are available from the releases page.


If there is no binary available for your system then you can compile IceTimer from its source files using the Processing IDE, the latest version of which can be downloaded from

Make sure that all of the .pde files and the data folder are together within the same parent folder – this should already be the case if you have cloned the repository or downloaded one of the archived releases. Use the IDE to open the file IceTimer.pde and choose 'Sketch' > 'Run' from the menu to check that everything is working. You can then export an application for your system by choosing 'File' > 'Export Application'.

You can also compile IceTimer directly from its Java source file but you will need to install the Processing library to be able to do this.


Use the controls at the top of the program interface to enter session details and press 'START' to begin. The background will turn amber to warn when there are 15 minutes left in the session and red when there are 5 minutes left. You can end the session by pressing 'END' in order to change the session details (e.g. if more teams arrive).

The current game is highlighted in the match list and will respond to presses of the play/pause and skip button controls, the latter of which advances the current game to the next game in the match list. The highlight will change colour to indicate when there are 30 seconds and 10 seconds left in the current game.

When the timer reaches zero, the current game will automatically be advanced but the clock for the next game will not start until the play button is pressed; this gives time for the new teams to be read out. You can also use the spacebar instead of the play/pause button, and Shift-+ and Shift- to move freely between games.

The match list will slowly scroll up the screen as games are played. The horizontal bars indicate the current position in the list and within the current game, so it should be easy to tell the teams who will be on next from those who are on now.

You can toggle between full screen and windowed mode by pressing Shift-F while the program is running; changes take effect when the program is restarted.

Version History

v1.2  + Added Shift-`+` and Shift-`–` shortcuts to move freely between games
      * Match locations within rink are now randomly chosen

v1.1  + Added full screen mode
      * Minor fixes

v1.0  + Initial release


Match fixture lists generated using Jonathan Rennison’s Match Fixture List Generator. Program typeface is Squarish Sans CT by Tim Larson. IceTimer is written in Java using Processing.


Copyright (C) 2014–2015 Joe Cridge.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See LICENSE.txt.

Joe Cridge, February 2015.
mailto:[email protected]