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There are several Python libraries to work with physical quantities in the market, such as pint, unyt or openmm.unit. Imagine that your project or workflow requires the interaction with more than one of these tools, or that you are not sure if you will work with a different quantities library in the future. Wouldn't having a unique API to work with different forms of physical quantities be a relief? PyUnitWizard just does that. It is the wizard you need in your code to change the form of your quantities with no effort.


In [1]: import pyunitwizard as puw

In [2]: puw.configure.load_libraries(['pint', 'openmm.unit'])
   ...: puw.configure.set_default_form('pint')
   ...: puw.configure.set_standard_units(['nm', 'ps', 'kcal', 'mole'])

In [3]: q = puw.quantity(2.5, 'nanometers/picoseconds')

In [4]: puw.get_form(q)
Out[4]: 'pint'

In [5]: puw.get_value(q)
Out[5]: 2.5

In [6]: puw.get_unit(q)
Out[6]: <Unit('nanometer / picosecond')>

In [7]: puw.dimensionality(q)
Out[7]: {'[L]': 1, '[M]': 0, '[T]': -1, '[K]': 0, '[mol]': 0, '[A]': 0, '[Cd]': 0}

In [8]: q2 = puw.convert(q, to_unit='angstroms/femtoseconds', to_form='openmm.unit')

In [9]: print(q2)
0.025000000000000005 A/fs

In [10]: puw.get_form(q2)
Out[10]: 'openmm.unit'

In [11]: puw.compatibility(q, q2)
Out[11]: True

In [12]: q3 = puw.standardize(q2)

In [13]: print('q3 is now a {} quantity expressed in {}.'.format(puw.get_form(q3), puw.get_unit(q3)))
q3 is now a pint quantity expressed in nanometer / picosecond.

Units Python libraries


This project is under an MIT License. A copy of the license text is included in this repository.


Copyright (c) 2021-2022 The Mexico Children's Hospital Federico Gómez, its Unit of Research on Computational Biology and Drug Design, and authors.


Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.5.


A complete list of contributors can be found checking the insights section of this repository.

The main project authors and contributors are:

  • Daniel Ibarrola Sánchez
  • Liliana M. Moreno Vargas
  • Diego Prada Gracia