The utility 🔧 of never getting your texts 📃 lost! Takeep is a simple command-line 🧑💻 tool that keeps 🗃️ your texts & lets you take them easily 🙂.
Takeep is as simple as you can imagine! Add your text to takeep, give it a name, done! Now, you can access your text with 'take' command.
> tkp keep -n myToken -c 239840984:sdofum0JDokcdfvjiSiodo
√ Successfully added the item!
> tkp take -n myToken
■ This is the content of myToken:
> tkp list
■ The list of items of default keepsheet:
> tkp edit -n myToken -c sdofum0JDokcdfvjiSiodo
√ Successfully edited the item!
> tkp take -n myToken
■ This is the content of myToken:
takeep is written in C# with Visual Studio. Currently, takeep has 2 main projects:
- Takeep.Cli
- Takeep.Core
Takeep.Cli is the presentation project. It uses System.CommandLine to handle arguments for app call. Takeep.Core is the core project. It contains methods & functionality of takeep commands.