Automated builds for ulx3s for all FPGA sizes.
You just need to start
git clone
cd ulx3s-saxonsoc
./ -e FPGA_SIZES=85 -e SDRAM_SIZES=64 -e DIST_OUT=/dist/ulx3s-85-64
make will output bit and other files in $HOME/dist
Or if you need build for all sizes:
git clone
cd ulx3s-saxonsoc
./ -e FPGA_SIZES="12 25 45 85" -e SDRAM_SIZES="32 64" -e DIST_OUT=/dist/ulx3s-85-64
If you just need build environment:
docker run -it --user 1000 dok3r/ulx3s-saxonsoc
Of course, you can always run build script inside docker:
docker run -it --user 1000 -v $HOME/dist:/dist -v `pwd`/scripts:/scripts dok3r/ulx3s-saxonsoc
If you need more dirs to be available:
docker run -it --user 1000 -v $HOME/fpga:/fpga -v $HOME/dist:/dist -v `pwd`/scripts:/scripts dok3r/ulx3s-saxonsoc