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phantasm4489 edited this page Jun 29, 2020 · 65 revisions

To run AmiExpress you need a lot of ICONS contained in differentdirectories. These ICONS contain much of information to run /X.

This Information are stored as TOOLTYPES. Now I will list for you all needed ICONS and the TOOLTYPES for it. To change the configuration of your BBS you should click on the icon and go with the right mousebutton to the workbench menu to view the information of the ICON. There you will find the TOOLTYPES to configurate your personal AmiExpress. For more information look at the example icons on disk.


This ICON only represents the definition to ACP, and required data for the BBS to operate and locate the other definition files.

Tooltype Description
ACPFONT=<font> Tell ACP what font you would like to have. IE: ACPFONT=cleanibm.font
BACKUP.<numb>=<file> tells ACP to make backup from a specified file. A history of 5 backups will be made.<numb> is number occurrence of this tooltype.
BBS_NAME=<name> Specifies the name of your BBS.
BBS_STACK=<stack> Specifies the STACK number of your System.
BBS_LOCATION=<dir> Specifies the location of all BBS main files. This directory will be the directory where the Node(x) directories should be. Along with all of the .DEF files. If the location is a directory, then the directory name must have trailing '/' when specified in the tooltype.
BUTTON_NAME.<numb>= defines the name of the specified button, the can range from 1-15.
BUTTON_COMMAND.<numb> defines the command to be executed when this button is selected, can range from 1-15.
BBS_GEOGRAPHIC=<geo> Specifies the Geographic Location of Your BBS this will be mentioned in the LOGON Sequence...
CREDIT_BY_KBYTES This allows the sysop to make xpress keep track of credits, (files) by Kbytes instead of Bytes.
ICONFIED Will toggle ACP to start ICONFIED or not
ICONIFY.LEFTEDGE=<left> tells ACP the number of pixels from the left edge of the screen to place the ICONFIED window.
ICONIFY.TOPEDGE= tells ACP the number of pixels from the top edge of the screen to place the ICONFIED window.
LONG_WHO This tooltype will provide a separator between each node listed in the WHO command.
MULTICOM_PORT If this tooltype is placed the MULTICOM PORT of AmiExpress is turned on for multinode systems.
NEW_ACCOUNTS=APPEND This tells ACP to ADD new User to the End of the Databases.
NODE<x>_LOCATION=<loc> This lets you specify the location of a given node
NODEx_NAME=<string> This lets you specify a name for your node, the default is the same as the BBS_NAME
NODEx_SYSOP=<string> This lets you have a different SYSOP per node, this should effect comment to SYSOP and paging the SYSOP. The default is BBS_SYSOP.
NODES=<n> Tells ACP how many Nodes you have
NUTTON_NAME.<numb>=<name> defines the name of the specified nutton, the <numb> can range from 1-15.
NUTTON_COMMAND.<numb>=<cmd> defines the command to be executed when this nutton is selected, <numb> can range from 1-15. All NUTTONS will be passed the selected NODE number as a command line argument.
PRIORITY=<numb> Specifies the taskpriority for ACP to run.
RESTRICT.<numb>= tells ACP to place a filenote on the specified file. This prevents users from viewing or downloading the restricted files.
SHORT_DONOTMOVE if this tooltype is placed, then if the '/X' gadget is selected your ACP window will not move.
SYSOP_NAME= <name> Specifies your name.
AESHELL New for /X 5 - Tell ACP you want to show the AESHELL button instead of the CONFIG button (AESHELL was the default in /X3 and CONFIG was the default in /X4
NO_SAVSTATE New in /X 5.2.0 - disables saving/loading of last users/uploads/downloads
NO_CX New for /X5 - Tells ACP you don't want ACP to be run as a commodity. The default without this tooltype is that ACP will be added as a commodity when it starts up.
NO_SAVESTATE By default (new in v5.1.0) ACP saves the last callers, uploads and downloads. This tooltype disables that feature
EXECUTE_ON_STARTUP_COMPLETE= Execute this command line once all the nodes that are set to auto-start have started successfully (New in 5.1.0)
TELNETPORT= Sets the port used for native telnet support (New in 5.2.0)
DOSCHECKTIME= Sets the denial of service check time (New in 5.2.0). Used in conjunction with DOSCHECKTRIGGER to determine the number of connection attempts (DOSCHECKTRIGGER) over a given period of time in seconds (DOSCHECKTIME) that will trigger a ban for DOSBANTIME minutes.
DOSCHECKTRIGGER= Configures denial of service checking. See DOSCHECKTIME (New in 5.2.0)
DOSBANTIME= Configures denial of service checking. See DOSCHECKTIME (New in 5.2.0)


The default determines which rights are given to all users. If the permissions configured in the access level specific tooltype below include ACS.OVERRIDE_DEFAULTS option then the user specific and level specific rights will be the only rights granted to the user. IF ACS.OVERRIDE_DEFAULTS is not included then the user specific and level specific rights will be added to the default access rights to determine the users acecss rights.

The following list are ICONS which should be placed in this directory to have ACCESS Levels,AREA Names & PRESETS for the User Accounts:


This ICON Must be placed in the ACCESS directory and it can be the USERNAME or the Accesslevel. i.e.: ACS.010, ACS.200, ACS.255, BYTEMASTER.INFO, USER.INFO. IT defines the access permissions for the specified access level or the specific user named. If the user name contains any special characters %#?/() they should be represented as an underscore in the file name.

Tooltype Description
ACS.ACCOUNT_EDITING Gives Access to Account Editing.
ACS.ATTACH_FILES Allows user to make a file attached to messages.
ACS.BREAK_CHAT Allows user to break the sysopchat with CTRL-C.
ACS.CENSORED Messages created by this user will be censored - this means that public messages sent will be treated as private but will show as being public to the people reading them. Replies to censored messages will inherit the censored flag. (Undocumented in /X4)
ACS.CONFFLAGS Allows user to use the CF command.
ACS.CONFERENCE_ACCOUNTING This will turn on the Conference Account for a User. So now you can define a Ratio for each Conference to each User.
ACS.CREDIT_ACCESS Allows a user (co-sysop/sysop) to view CREDIT ACCOUNTS as long as they have ACCOUNT EDITING access.
ACS.COMMENT_TO_SYSOP Allows user to leave comment to SYSOP.
ACS.DUPE_FILECHECK This will turn on the DUPE FILECHECKING after the upload for the specified user.
ACS.DOWNLOAD Allows user to download files.
ACS.DISPLAY_USER_STATS Allows user to view his/her status on the system.
ACS.DELETE_MESSAGE Allows user to delete Messages.
ACS.EDIT_DIRS Allows user to Edit catalogs of Files.
ACS.EDIT_FILES Allows user to Edit Files in your BBS. Also controls access to the file maintenance (FM) command
ACS.EDIT_INTERNET_NAME Allows the user to edit their internet name
ACS.EDIT_USER_INFO Allows a user to edit his/her account.
ACS.EDIT_USER_NAME Allows user to change his/her handle.
ACS.EDIT_USER_LOCATION Allows user to change his/her location.
ACS.EDIT_PHONE_NUMBER Allows user to change his/her phone number.
ACS.EDIT_PASSWORD Allows user to change his/her password.
ACS.EDIT_REALNAME Allows user to change their real name.
ACS.ENTER_MESSAGE Allows user to enter messages.
ACS.EALL_MESSAGES Allows user to enter EMAIL to All user so that they are forced to read them.
ACS.FULL_EDIT Allows User to use the FULL-SCREEN-EDITOR if one is located in the SYSCMD <dir>.
ACS.FILE_LISTINGS Allows to view catalog of available files.
ACS.FILE_EXPANSION Allows user to wildcard files.
ACS.FREE_RESUMING Allows user the free resuming of partuploads.
ACS.HIDE_FILES Prevents the user from seeing which files are being transferred via the WHO command and NEWCHAT (who).
ACS.JOIN_CONFERENCE Allows user to Join a Conference.
ACS.LIST_NODES Allows user to view the On-line Nodes.
ACS_LOCAL_DOWNLOADS Allows the user to download files when logged on locally
ACS.MAX_PAGES=<numb> This will set the maximum number of pages allowed per session. If a user goes above this limit, then page sysop will be translated to Comment to Sysop.
ACS.MESSAGE_EDIT Enables the edit message function allowing a user to edit the message header (subject/to/from) for any messages they are able to read
ACS.MCI_MESSAG Allows user to write MCI Messages in the BBS.
ACS.MODIFY_VOTE Allows the Sysop access to change or modify the information in the voting booth.
ACS.NEW_FILES_SINCE Allows user to list recent catalog entries.
ACS.OVERRIDE_DEFAULTS OverRide access defined in the ACCESS Icon tooltypes above.
ACS.OLM Allows users to send OLM, (Internal ONLINE Message sender), messages to ALL Nodes.
ACS.OVERRIDE_CHAT Allows user to OverRide the /X chat flag and successfully page the SYSOP.
ACS.OVERRIDE_TIMES Allows user to bypass the time restrictions placed on a Node.
ACS.PAGE_SYSOP Allows user to page sysop. If the sysop page flag on express is turned off the user will be notified that you are not available.
ACS.PUB_MSGFILES Allows user to upload a file into the MSGBASE and to make it automatically ATTACHED to (ALL) Users with "X"Option.
ACS.PRI_MSGFILES Allows user to upload a file into the MSGBASE and to make it automatically ATTACHED to another user with "X" Option.
ACS.QUIET_NODE Allows user to make himself invisible from other nodes by the "Q" command in Main Menu.
ACS.READ_BULLETINS Allows user to read the normal Bulletins.
ACS.READ_MESSAGE Allows user to read messages.
ACS.RELOGON Allows user to make a RELOGON by pressing "RL" in the Main Menu Prompt.
ACS.REMOTE_SHELL Allows user to gain access to the Remote Shell.
ACS.SYSOP_READ Allows user to read mail, regardless of whose it is.
ACS.SHOW_PAYMENTS Allows user to be able to see when there credit account will expire via the 'S' command.
ACS.SYSOP_VIEW Allows user to view Files like a SYSOP.
ACS.SYSOP_DOWNLOAD Allows user to make a SYSOPDOWNLOAD of any path.
ACS.SYSOP_COMMANDS Allows user to make normal SYSOP Commands.
ACS.TRANSLATION Enables the auto translate feature.
ACS.ULSTATS Allows user to view number of new uploads since the last SYSOP LOGON.
ACS.UPLOAD Allows user to Upload files.
ACS.VOTE Allows user to vote in the voting booth.
ACS.WHO_IS_ONLINE Allows user to view Nodes with "WHO" command.
ACS.VIEW_A_FILE Allows user to view downloadable text files.
ACS.XPR_RECEIVE Allows user to receive file with XPR Libraries.
ACS.XPR_SEND Allows user to send files with XPR Libraries.
ACS.ZIPPY_TEXT_SEARCH Allows user to search the catalog for key items with the ONLINE search features of /X.
ACS.ZOOM_MAIL Allows user to Zoom Mail the messagebase.
ACS.HOLD_ACCESS Allows user to access the conference hold dirs (New in v5).


This ICON should be placed in the ACCESS dir. It defines the Access a user has to Conferences. The same name should be placed in the ACCOUNT EDITING at "AREA NAME"

Tooltype Description
CONF.<x> Allows a user with that AREA NAME to join the specified conference you inserted at<x>


Allows you to choose PRESETS for the Account editing over tooltypes. This ICON should be = 1 - 8 placed in the ACCESS directory.

Tooltype Description
PRESET.AREA=<name> Specifies the AREANAME for the UserAccess that the user has access to.
PRESET.ACCESS=<numb> Specifies the Access for the Preset you want to set.
PRESET.CONFRJOIN= Specifies the Conference when a User is selected with this PRESET. Then he will automatically join this CONF in his next LOGON.
PRESET.DAILY_BYTE_LIMIT= Specifies the Daily Byte Limit for the Preset you want to set.
PRESET.RATIO_TYPE= Specifies the RatioType for the Preset you want to set.
PRESET.RATIO=<numb> Specifies the Ratio you want to have for the preset.
PRESET.TIME_LIMIT= Specifies the Time Limit for the Preset you want to set.


This ICON tooltype controls bbs level options. Many of the settings relate to the configuration of the smtp server used for outgoing internet email messages and the options to control which user actions trigger email notifications. You will need to set up AmiSSL on your machine in order to send emails (even if you aren't using SSL).

Tooltype Description
REGKEY= allows you to specify you own regkey displayed on logon
SMTP_HOST= Specifies the hostname of the smtp server to use for sending emails
SMTP_PORT= Controls the port used to connect to the smtp server to send notification emails
SMTP_USERNAME= The username used to authenticate to the smtp server when sending emails. /X uses PLAIN authentication so your smtp server needs to support this
SMTP_PASSWORD= The password used to authenticate to the smtp server.
SMTP_SSL Tells /X that it should use SSL to connect to the smtp server, this is recommended otherwise your emails and smtp logon details will be sent unencrypted over the internet
SYSOP_EMAIL= This is the address where any email notifications will be sent
BBS_EMAIL= This is the email address that any bbs notifications are sent from. This will need to be a valid email address if you wish to receive any replies to the email
MAIL_ON_SYSOP_PAGE Tells /X to email a notification when a user pages the sysop
MAIL_ON_SYSOP_COMMENT Tells /X to email a notification whenever a user leaves a message for the sysop
MAIL_ON_LOGON Tells /X to email a notification whenever a user logs on remotely
MAIL_ON_LOGOFF Tells /X to email a notification whenever a remote user logs off
MAIL_ON_NEW_USER Tells /X to email a notification whenever a new user registers
MAIL_ON_UPLOAD Tells /X to email a notification when a user has uploaded some new files
EXECUTE_ON_NEW_USER= specifies a command line to execute when a new user logs on, you can use mci strings in the command line to pass in the user name for example
EXECUTE_ASYNC_ON_NEW_USER= As above but does not wait for command to complete and executes in background
EXECUTE_ON_SYSOP_PAGE= Specifies a command line to execute when the sysop is paged (see EXECUTE_ON_NEW_USER above)
EXECUTE_ASYNC_ON_SYSOP_PAGE= As above but does not wait for command to complete and executes in background
EXECUTE_ON_LOGON= Specifies a command line to execute when every time a remote user logs on (see EXECUTE_ON_NEW_USER above)
EXECUTE_ON_LOGOFF= Specifies a command line to execute when every time a remote user logs off (see EXECUTE_ON_NEW_USER above)
EXECUTE_ON_SYSOP_COMMENT= Specifies a command line to execute when a user leaves a message to the sysop(see EXECUTE_ON_NEW_USER above)
EXECUTE_ON_UPLOAD= Specifies a command line to execute when a has upload new files (see EXECUTE_ON_NEW_USER above)
HISTORY=<dir> Tells express to enable saving the command history between logons. The directory must end with a / if needed eg. BBS:history/
CONVERT_TO_MB Enables uploaded files to be stored in the file listing in megabytes rather than bytes when they are over a certain size. This means they will be stored in the file listing in the format 1234.0M and so allows file uploades of 9999.9M before overflowing the 6 digit limit
TIMEOUT_LC By default in /X5 timeouts are not considered to be carrier loss. This tooltype will revert to the old /X4 default that timeouts will be recorded as lost carrier.
LANGUAGE_BASE=<dir> Enables the auto translation feature and sets the folder the translation files are loaded from
HOLD_ACCESS_LEVEL= Specifies the access level necessary to access the conference hold dirs. default value is 201. This access can also be granted by giving the ACS.HOLD_ACCESS permission
USERNOTES=<dir> Specifys the directory where user notes are stored and enables the user notes feature. User notes can then be entered in the account editor (New in v5.1.0)


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS: directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain Module definitions for Modules that are in different directories and will now be listed,


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the COMMANDS directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain Module definitions for Modules that are allowed to be executed globally throughout the BBS.

The following list are ICONS which can be placed in this directory:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the COMMANDS directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain Module definitions for Modules that are allowed to be executed only from MCI Message/Textures or internal Module execution but not from Main Menu prompt.

The following list are ICONS which can be placed in this directory:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the COMMANDS directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain Module definitions for Modules that are allowed to be executed only in that Conference you choose by changing .

The following list are ICONS which can be placed in this directory:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the COMMANDS directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain Module definitions for Modules that are allowed to be executed only in that Node you choose by changing .

The following list are ICONS which can be placed in this directory:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the COMMANDS directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain Module definitions for Modules that are allowed to be executed only from MCI Message/Textures or internal Module execution but not from Main Menu prompt and only while you are currently in the specified conference

The following list are ICONS which can be placed in this directory:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the COMMANDS directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain Module definitions for Modules that are allowed to be executed only from MCI Message/Textures or internal Module execution but not from Main Menu prompt and only while you are currently on the specified node

The following list are ICONS which can be placed in this directory:


This ICON defines a MODULE for /X. The Name of the <module> should be the same as the executing in MainMenu prompt, and should be in one of the three Directories.

  1. BBSCmd - Modules in this directory are allowed to be executed from any menu prompt or MCI text file.
  2. SYSCmd - Modules in this directory are only accessible by MCI text files and internal BBS operations.
  3. CONF(x)Cmd - Modules in this directory are allowed to be executed from conference (x) menu prompt or from any MCI text file in conference (x).
  4. Node(x)Cmd - Modules in this directory are allowed to be executed from node (x) menu prompts or from any MCI text file in Node (x).
  5. CONF(x)SysCmd - Modules in this directory are accessible by MCI text files and internal BBS operations in conference (x).
  6. Node(x)SysCmd - Modules in this directory are accessible by MCI text files and internal BBS operations in Node (x).
Tooltype Description
ACCESS= <numb> tells /X the access level required to run this module. This option is ignored for internal Module options.
INTERNAL= <command> Specifies if you want to have this Module the same as a internal AmiExpress command. if you choose this option you don`t need the following tool types.
LOCATION= <string> Specifies the location of the Module.
NAME= <string> The name of the door that will be displayed in ACP and in the WHO node list
MIMICVER= <string> Tells /X to report its version as this string while this door is running. Used to run older doors that expect a specific version of /X (New for /X 5.2.0)
MULTINODE=<YES|NO> tells /X if the module may be simultaneously accessed from other nodes.
PASSWORD= <string> force the user to enter password before executing this module.
PASS_PARAMETERS=<res> This tooltype only takes effect if you use the INTERNAL tooltype as well, so the following result options are available:
PASS_PARAMETERS=1 - This will tell express to not execute the internal command.
PASS_PARAMETERS=2 - This will tell express to swap the customcommand with the internal command but retain the commandline pars.
PASS_PARAMETERS=3 - This will do the same as the previous entry except will additionally tell express to redo the menu command from the top of the routines, which means that express will re-check the customcommands to see if anything meets the criteria.
PASS_PARAMETERS=4 - This option will tell AmiExpress to bypass checking the BBSCmd modules. This option was primarily introduced to allow a sysop to invoke an INTERNAL command from a ConfXCMD and forcing it to bypass checking the BBSCmd directory for the INTERNAL command.
PRIORITY= <numb> Let's you set the priority of the door. If you use PRIORITY=SAME, it will use the same Priority that express uses.
RESIDENT This indicates that the file we will be executing is a resident command and should not be prefixed with its path and /X should not check for its existence before it is executed. (Previously undocumented in /X 4)
QUICKMODE This simply tells AmiExpress not to run the Module in question if the user has logged onto the BBS using the QUICK LOGON option.
STACK= <numb> tells /X the stacksize to use when launching this module. Default is 4096.
TYPE= <XIM | AIM | TIM | IIM | SIM | MCI > tells /X which type of module it is to support:
XIM = /X Standard Module
AIM = Arexx Module (requires REXXDOOR in BBS:Utils directory)
TIM = Traditional BBS Module (requires PARADOOR in the BBS:Utils directory)
TRAPON This makes LOGON Output go to a Log for Error Checking.
EXPERT_MODE This prevents /X from displaying the menu following the execution of this door. ie. it temporarily forces expert mode (Undocumented in /X 4)


This ICON tooltypes specifies the ComputerTypes which the Users can select.

Tooltype Description
COMPUTER.NUM=<numb> Specifies the total number of ComputerTypes you have in your BBS System.
COMPUTER.<numb>=<name> Specifies the Computer Description the users can choose from there own USERDATA.


This Icon will specify some information about how to install the Conference. = ConfName

Tooltype Description
CONFDB_SHARED=<confnum> This tooltype allows you to tell a conference to use another conference's CONF.DB file for storing and retrieving user's file credits, and ratios. NOTE: ACS.CONFERENCE_ACCOUNTING is needed for this to take effect.
CUSTOM This will tell express that THIS conference is using AmiX-Net Mail.
DLPATH.<numb>=<str> Required for all conferences which allow downloads and file viewing. Specifies the directory of files available for downloading. is the number occurrence of the DLPATH tooltype. If the download path is a directory then the directory name in tooltype must have a trailing '/'.
FREEDOWNLOADS Tell /X that the current conference allows free downloads.
FORWARDMAIL=<str> Redirects Comments to the SYSOP to another user.
FORCE_NEWSCAN This will force your users to have a New Mail scan whether they have selected it or not.
INTERNETNAME This will tell Express that internet names are in use for this conference. Express will prompt for the users internet name when they log on if they have not yet entered one and they have access to this conference. Messages in this conference will be sent via the internet name rather than the usual username.
MENU_PROMPT= This tooltype lets you specify the MenuPrompt to use in this Conference.
NDIRS=<numb> Required for all conferences which allow file transfers. Specifies the number of file catalogs for the conference..
NO_NEWSCAN This will Force No New Mail scan whether a users has turned it off or not.
DEFAULT_NEWSCAN Turns on the mail scanning in this conference by default for new users. (New in v5.1.0)
DEFAULT_NEW_FILES Turns on the new file scanning in this conference by default for new users. (New in v5.1.0)
DEFAULT_ZOOM Turns on mail zoom in this conference by default for new users. (New in v5.1.0)
REALNAME This will turn on the realname option in the current conference. This is optional. Express will prompt the user for their real name when they log on if they have not yet entered it and they have access to this conference, if messages are sent in this conference they will be sent via their real name rather than their user name. If both REALNAME and INTERNETNAME are enabled then real names will be used.
SHOW_NEW_FILES If used in the CONF icon, will act like the above force command for messages. IE: Force your users to get a new file scan whether they have chosen it or not.
ULPATH.<numb>=<str> Specifies an overflow directory for uploads to goto, this is useful in instances where the default upload directory does not room for anymore files. <numb> is the nth occurrence of the ULPATH tooltype. If the upload path is a directory then the directory name in the tooltype must have a trailing '/'.
LOCAL_UPLOAD_PATH= (new in V5) forces the default ASL requester path for local uploads for this conf only
NO_NEW_FILES (new in V5) Forces no new file scan in a similar way to NO_NEWSCAN does for emails
ULPROMPT= This defines a message to be displayed after the prompt to enter the description when uploading files. (Previously undocumented in /X4)


This is the actual conference directory and contains the following icons


Tooltype Description
NMSGBASES Number of message bases in this conference
NAME.<numb> Repeated for each message base - specifies the name for the message base
LOCATION.<numb> Repeated for each message base - specifies the folder location for the message base
EXTSEND.<numb> Indicates the external sending is enabled for this message base. This means external message files will be created in this message base if a user sends a message. External message files are intended to be scanned by QWK or FTN message processors to be send to external message networks. This also means no user name validation will be performed on messages entered in this message area


This ICON is required to be in the BBS directory This defines your conferences.

Tooltype Description
NCONFS=<numb> tells /X the number of conferences your BBS has.
NAME.<numb>=<name> tells /X the name of your conferences.
LOCATION.<numb>= tells /X the location of conference (DIR).
RELATIVE_CONFERENCES tells /X to only show user accessible confs VS. showing all conferences on the system.
LOCAL_UPLOAD_PATH= (new in V5) forces the default ASL requester path for local uploads for all confs


This ICON should be placed in the BBS: Directory Here you place in your Upload directories.

Tooltype Description
DRIVE.<numb>=<name> tells /X which drives to use in determining free space for uploads. IE:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS: directory. It is also possible to have a node specific fcheck directory (bbs:node/fcheck) which if present will override the default fcheck folder for callers into that node. (Undocumented /X4 feature).

ABOUT: This directory will contain Checker definitions for AmiExpress.

The following list are ICONS which should be placed in this directory:


These ICONS are used for the FCHECK in Express and should be placed in the directory BBS:FCHECK = The Extension of Files like "DMS", "WRP" & "LHA"

Tooltype Description
CHECKER=<comp.Path> Specifies the complete Path to the FileChecker you want to have for the extension.
ERROR.<numb>=<name> Specifies the Error Message if a file is corrupt and have to move to the Hold Directory. You can specify unlimited Error Messages by changing the <numb>.
OPTIONS=<options> Specifies the option you want to start with the FileChecker. This Will be put after the executing of FileChecker.
PRIORITY=<numb> Here you can specify the Taskpriority on which the FileChecker will be run.
SCRIPT=<script path> This will tell express to run that script after it finishes testing the file. Once that is finished then express will go ahead and move the file to where ever.
NOTE: express will pass the file name as the first command line argument to the SCRIPT.
STACK=<numb> Here you can specify the Stack which you want to have for the checker.


This ICON tooltype defines the languages that can be used by the auto translation feature. This feature was present in older versions of /X but was removed in v4. It was added back in v4.20 with some major changes but the corresponding changes were not present in ACP to allow it to work. It has been fully re-instated in /X5. If the languages are configured, it will be possible to translate messages to and from the bbs host language and the sysop chat will also have an auto translation feature if the user selects that they are using a supported language.

Tooltype Description
HOSTLANGUAGE=<string> Specifies the host language of the system. This is the language which will be used by the sysop and is expected to be the main language for the system
LANGUAGE.<numb>= Specify each language that will be used on the system and provide a corresponding pair of translation files for each language eg. If we have the following setup:


Then you will need to provide the following translation files:


These translation files are text files with one word per line. The host language word should come first then the corresponding translated word on the next line. This is repeated for each word to be translated. You must also specify the LANGUAGE_BASE in the in order to enable this function


This ICON tooltype specifies UserNames you don`t want to use in your BBS System. In this tooltype Names like: ALL,EALL,SYSOP should be there, to prevent user to log in the BBS with these Names This ICON should be placed in the BBS: directory.

Tooltype Description
NAME.<numb>= Specifies the Name you want to prevent to be used in your BBS System.


This Icon will specify some information about how to install the Node in AmiExpress (x) = Nodenumber

Tooltype Description
CALLERS_LOG tells /X to record all events to a file called CallersLog in the node directory.
CAPITOL_FILES tells /X to make all upload files names UPPER_CASE letters.
CHAT_ON tells /X that the node should have the CHAT FLAG ON, when the node is started.
COPYBUFFER= <numb> this allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory that you wish express to use when copying files from one partition to another. If you do not specify this, then express will try and allocate memory enough to copy the file with 1 WRITE. Of course,if there is not enough memory, it will decrement by 8Kblocks, until it can copy it, regardless of the COPYBUFFER. ie:
^---------100K copy buffer
CONF_DB=<string> This tooltype will specify the filename (not filepath) to use when loading msgbase pointers for a given node. The default is CONF.DB
DEBUG_LOG This turns on the DEBUGGING Log for Express
DEF_SCREENS DEF_SCREENS tells AmiExpress to use non security screens before looking for security screens. ie:
In the above case, express would start it's search for screens with BULL.TXT, this can be a considerable time savings if the majority of your screens are not security oriented. Under this scheme, BULL0.TXT is now a valid security designator. AmiExpress searches for security oriented text in increments of 5 based on the user's password. So if a user has an access level of 255, and there is only a BULL30.TXT, then express would have to check for the existence of 88 screens prior to locking in on BULL30.TXT. By default express does this now. We are just saying, if if you do not have security text or most of your texts aren't security oriented, then we recommend using the DEF_SCREENS.
NOTE: if you use the DEF_SCREENS option, but you have security oriented menus to display, then instead of having:
and simply do not have a BULL.TXT for that bulletin.
DISABLE_QUICK_LOGONS Allows you to prevent a user from using the skipping of the Logon/off texts in your BBS.
DOOR_LOG tells /X to record the start and end time for Module use.
EXPFONT= tells Express what font you would like to have. IE: EXPFONT=cleanibm.font
FILESNOTALLOWED=<pathname> <pathname> is a full path and file name to a ASCII file which lists filenames you do not wish uploaded to your system.
FIRSTCOMMAND= runs the text specified using Execute() when the node is first started
FREE_RESUMING This tells Express to allow the FREE RESUMING of uploaded files for ALL Users in the BBS.
FTPPORT Configures the main FTP port used for FTP transfers (New in 5.2.0) Defaults to 10000+(node*2)
FTPDATAPORT Configures the data port used for FTP transfers (New in 5.2.0) Defaults to 10001+(node*2)
HTTPPORT Configures the main HTTP port used for HTTP transfers (New in 5.3.0) Defaults to 20000+(node*2)
HDTRANSBUFFER= <buffers> HDTRANSBUFFER allows you to change the buffer size from serial to HardDisk. This option is a better alternative than using a RAMPEN because it works on a file by file basis, whereas the RAMPEN method has to wait until all uploads are complete. You may specify as many buffers as you like. The number of buffers default to 8 if this tooltype is not used. Here is a formula for determining how much memory will be allocated for transfers when the node is started:
^--- This is required due tothe double buffering. ie:
HDTRANSBUFFER=20 would require 45,056 bytes of memory
1. ((20+2)*1024)2
2. (22
3. (22528)*2
4. 45056
IDLENODE tells ACP not to start the node and wait for click.
KEEP_UPLOAD_CREDIT= <numb> specifies the user which upload credit will be kept if he downloaded something. Can have 1 of 2 values '0' or '1'. There meaning is as follows:
'0' = Do not penalize a user 'time' for uploads.
'1' = Do not penalize a user 'time' for uploads and give them an additional %50 time increase to the remaining time on-line.
MAILSCAN_PROMPT prompts the user as to whether they wish to scan for new messages and files
MAX_MSG_LEN controls the maximum message length (in lines) that can be entered on this node. The default is 800 lines
MAX_MSG_QUE this allows you to specify the maximum number of messages (olm/chat) that can be queued to that node. Anything that is sent after the maximum will be ignored. If this tooltype is not specified then express defaults to 5.
NAME_PROMPT= This tooltype lets you specify the prompt to use for the LOGON procedure.
NEWUSER_PASSWORD= tells ACP that a user is required to enter the specified password prior to join as a new user.
NODESTART= tells ACP where Express is located to start node.
NORADBOOGIE disables the SERF_XDISABLED and SERF_RAD_BOOGIE options when opening the serial device
NO_TIMEOUT tells /X to disable the keyboard TIMEOUT option.
NO_MCI_MSG tells /X to disable the ability to use MCI commands in the message base.
NO_WILDCARD_EXPANSION This tells Express to not allow the using of WILDCARD expansions (*) in the specified NODE.
OWN_PARTFILES tells /X to adds the node number into the partupload and download files so that they are owned by the node
PRIORITY= <numb> tells ACP the priority for this Node in respects to the system.
PHONECHECK If this tooltype is activated, express will ask for the 4 last digits of the specified user phonenumber at every LOGON.
PLAYPEN= <dir> tells ACP that this node is going to use a SYSOP directory for initial uploads to go into. !! USING RAM: FOR THIS IS HIGHLY DISCOURAGED !! You must create this directory for running.
QUIETNODE tells ACP to make this node quiet to the WHO command, and some 3rd party modules.
RAMWORK This tells the Node not to check for FREE SPACE like when wanting to use RAM: for Playpen.
RINGCOUNT=<rings> This tooltype will instruct the node, to what the specified number of rings to come across the modem sequentially before answering the modem.
RIPSCRIPT=<numb> This tooltype will tell the node to enable RIP cabability. This is a new graphics term language. The number is in 10th's of a second. If you do not specify a number express will default to 10. What this does is delay the login sequence, so express can determine if the term calling has RIP capability.
REMOTE_PASSWORD= tells ACP that a user is required to enter the specified password prior to gaining access to SHELL.
SCREENS=<location> This will tell express to use one common area for locating .TXT files, if you use this option for conferences, then you will need to have a bulletins drawer in that directory as well so the bulletins can be found.
SCREENPENS this tooltype is primarily there for testing the color configurations of the upload file requestor and overall screen color appearances, It is hard to explain how this works, but we have 12 color pens we can configure that make up the look of the screen, the SYSOP can define what those 12 colors will be, so here is an example:

1 = WHITE<
4 = BLUE
6 = CYAN
7 = RED

Now for a 1 bitplane screen (2 colors) you will use only 1 and 0, so you experiment with this, and see what you can come up with.
SHOWPWFAIL /X records the incorrect password entered in the callers log on password failures, otherwise it just records the fact that an incorrect passworde was entered
SENTBY_FILES tells /X that you wish to have user`s handle placed at the end of his/her files descriptions.
STEALTH_MODE This will have express ask for the system password before the connect message and BBS name.
START_LOG tells /X to record the start & end times of the NODE.
SYSTEM_PASSWORD= tells ACP that this node is going to require users to enter a password before allowing access to the system.
SYS_PWRD_PROMPT= This tooltype lets you specify the prompt to use for the system password prompt. default is >:
SYSOP_CHAT_COLOR= tells /X which ANSI color to use when display the SYSOPS Chat. (Range 31-37)
TELNETD tells /X that telnet is in use for this node, all this actually does is override the modem settings in use for this node to save you having to configure them
TELNET Tells /X that this node supports native telnet. (New in 5.2.0)
TRAPDOOR tells ACP that this node is going to run Express indirectly via another program. If this option is used then you should specify the program to be run externally in the NODESTART= tooltype.
TRAP_SERIAL This will Trap the A2232 Error Messages
UD_LOG tells /X to record all uploads & downloads to a file called UDLOG in the node directory.
USER_CHAT_COLOR= tells /X which ANSI color to use when displaying the User`s Chat. (Range 31-37)
USERDATA_NAME=<path> This lets you specify an alternate location for USERDATA.
USERKEYS_NAME=<path> This lets you specify an alternate location for your USERKEYS.
USERMISC_NAME=<path> This lets you specify an alternate location for your USER.MISC.
USERNUMBER_LOGIN tells acp to allow a user to login with his account number instead of his name/handle.
VIEW_PASSWORD This tooltype will allow you to see what users are typing in for there passwords and new user passwords.
LOCAL_UPLOAD_PATH= (new in V5) forces the default ASL requester path for local uploads for this node only
OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT= (new in V5) change the idle timeout for this node to the number of seconds specified
CONSOLE_DEBUG (new in V5) enables debug output to be written to console
NO_EMAILS (new in V5) disables sysop notification emails from being sent from this node
LOG_HOST (new in V5) tells /X to record the ip and hostname of all telnet connections in the callers log on this node
OWNDEVUNIT (new in V5) this will tell /X to use the owndevunit.library to lock access to this nodes serial device. If another program requests access to the serial device using owndevunit.library and there are no calls in progress on this node, /X will suspend the node and release the serial device. It will resume the node when the device becomes available again.
CONSOLE_INPUT_DEVICE (new in V5) this will select an alternative device to use for console input. This defaults to the standard 'console.device' driver.
CONSOLE_OUTPUT_DEVICE (new in V5) this will select an alternative device to use for console output (for example kalacon.device which only supports output and not input, but also supports 16 colour ansi). This defaults to the standard 'console.device' driver.
NO_CX (New for /X5) - By default all nodes will be created as a commodity. This tooltype disables this functionality.
CENTRAL_ANSWERS Stores new users questionaire answers in bbs:answers/ instead of under each node. If the users answers are found in this folder they can be displayed directly from the account editor. (New in v5.1.0)
FORCE_ANSI= Can override the ansi settings for the node and prevent the Ansi Question or 'ANSI' door from being called. eg. FORCE_ANSI=n will disable ANSI. You can use the exact same values as you would type in response to the Ansi question, so for example "FORCE_ANSI = n q" will also work (New in v5.1.0)
SERIAL_CACHE_SIZE=<numb> Enables serial writes to be cached until the next serial read or the cache limit is hit (specified in bytes). Can speed up serial transfer but causes the display to update in a jerky manner. (New in v5.1.0)
TELSERD Same as TELNETD but sets up the defaults as they need to be for easy use of the telser.device (New in v5.1.0)
NAME_PROMPT2=<prompt> Similar to name prompt but overrides the whole "Enter your name" string rather than just the "Name" part of the string. (New in v5.1.0)
PASSWORD_PROMPT=<prompt> Override the password prompt displayed to the user (New in v5.1.0)


This ICON represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS: directory.

The following list are ICONS which should be placed in this directory:


This ICON should be placed in the NODE directory and specifies special Connect Messages to change the BaudRate.

Tooltype Description
<connectmsg>=<baud> if the Connect Message is the same the BaudRate will be changed to the specifies one.
if the Connect message is the above one the hardware BaudRate will be changed to 9600 baud.
NOTE: This tooltype is not mandatory. It was basically introduced to allow older modems to show correct connect strings. i.e.: Older HST modems even though connected at 14400, only showed a connect string that wasdisplayed through the modem hardware as 9600.


This ICON should be placed in the NODE directory and specifies the Window Prefs of the node.

Tooltype Description
WINDOW.NUM_COLORS= Specifies the Number of Colors you want to have for the Node Window.
WINDOW.INTERLACE= Specifies that you want to have this window in HighRes-Interlace Mode.
WINDOW.LEFTEDGE= Specifies the beginning of the Node Window in the Left Edge.
WINDOW.TOPEDGE= Specifies the beginning of the Node Window in the Top Edge.
WINDOW.WIDTH=<numb> Specifies the WIDTH of the Node Window.
WINDOW.HEIGHT=<numb> Specifies the HEIGHT of the Node Window.
WINDOW.STATBAR This turns on the STATBAR in the Node Window
WINDOW.ICONIFIED Specifies if you want to have the Node Window ICONIFIED if you start the ACP.CTRL.
WINDOW.TO_FRONT Specifies if you want the Node Window to pop up automatically when starting ACP.
WINDOW.PUBSCREEN= (new in v5) opens this one on the spamed public screen, creates the public screen if it does not exist, specify an empty string to open the node window on the default public screen.
WINDOW.DISPLAYID= (new in v5) allows you to open the node screen on any monitor in any mode.


This ICON should be placed in the NODE directory and specifies the special Times in which specifies BaudRate can call or not.

Tooltype Description
START.<baud>=<time> Specifies the Start Time of the BaudRate
END.<baud>=<time> Specifies the End Time of the BaudRate
- for maximal calling time place in:
or choose the OVERRIDE_TIMES


This ICON is placed in the NODE directory and is a node specific override to control the access given to new users who connect to this node. The contents should be the same format as the presets in the access folder. (Previously undocumented in /X4)


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS:NODE/ directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain NRAMS definitions for the Modem.


This ICON should be placed in the NODE/NRAMS directory and specifies the NRAM Prefs you want to have for your ACP.CTRL button "Set NRAMS"

You can it with every name you want ACP will look for the #?.DEF.INFO file in the NRAMS dir. NO SPECIAL NAME NEEDED. The NRAMS will be activated if you press the "Set NRAMS" button in ACP SERVER.

Tooltype Description
NRAM.<numb>=<sets> Specifies the NRAM Settings of your Modem. You can have unlimited NRAM settings, just change the <numb>.


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS:NODE/ directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain SERIAL definitions for AmiExpress.

The following list are ICONS which should be placed in this directory:


This ICON should be placed in the NODE/SERIAL directory and specifies the SERIAL Prefs of your Computer equipment. You can it with every name you want ACP will look for the #?.DEF.INFO file in the SERIAL directory. NO SPECIAL NAME NEEDED.

Tooltype Description
SERIAL.UNIT=<unit> Specifies the UNIT on your MULTISERIALCARD.
SERIAL.BAUD=<baud> Specifies the INIT BaudRate for your EXPRESS.
SERIAL.A2232_PATCH Turns the A2232 Multi user serial card Patch on.
SERIAL.NO_PURGELINE This command will cause express not to clear the serial port after a modem reset command is sent through the port. Doubt many would use this.
SERIAL.REPURGE This command will process the any data in the serial port after a modem reset, normally the port is just cleared, but on A2232 cards, it appears that the card will not accept a CLEAR port command so you need SERIAL.REPURGE to process the left over data.
SERIAL.LOGOFF_RESET This command will cause the modem to be reset before each call and after each call, this routine used to be default in the 1.x series of express. So if you are having problems at logoff you may wish to try this.
SERIAL.TRUE_RESET This command will force express to Reset the modem with the following modem strings:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS:NODE/ directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain MODEM definitions for AmiExpress.


This ICON should be placed in the NODE/MODEM directory and specifies the MODEM Prefs of your Express. You can it with every name you want ACP will look for the #?.DEF.INFO file in the MODEM directory. NO SPECIAL NAME NEEDED.

Tooltype Description
MODEM.INIT= tells /X how to initialize your modem.
MODEM.RESET= tells /X how to reset the modem for receiving another call.
MODEM.RING= tells /X how to notice an incoming call from the modem.
MODEM.ANSWER= tells /X how to respond an incoming call from a modem.
MODEM.OFFHOOK= tells /X how to take your modem off hook.

Protocols Directory

This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS: directory.

ABOUT: This directory will contain XPR definitions for AmiExpress.

IMPORTANT NOTE: - You must have a door called XPR, and have it located in the BBS:COMMANDS/SYSCMD dir for the Xpr's to work properly.


This ICON tooltypes specify the XFER Protocols you want to be used for your BBS System. This ICON should be placed in the BBS:Protocols/ directory.

Tooltype Description
TITLE.<numb>=<title> Specifies the Title for the XFER Lib to be displayed in the BBS
LIBRARY.<numb>=<library | INTERNAL> Specifies the Library you want to use for the <numb> Title in your BBS. Use "INTERNAL" for the normal AmiExpress Internal Protocol and "FTP" (new in 5.2.0) for /X FTP Transfers


This ICON tooltypes specify the options for for each XFERLibrary you use in your BBS system. e.g.: XPRZmodem.INFO = xprzmodem.library XPRYmodem.INFO = xprymodem.library This ICON should be placed in the BBS:Protocols/ directory.

Tooltype Description
OPTIONS= Allowed you to specify the Options for the XFERLibraries. e.g.: OPTIONS=TN,AY,OR,KY,SN,RN,DN,F0,B32
AE_BATCH All batch protocol icons must contain the tooltype AE_BATCH instead of Batch.
FTPHOST=<hostname> Specifies the FTP host address reported back to the FTP client during transfers (New in 5.2.0)
FTPTEMP=<dirname> Specifies the directory used for the shortcuts used by the FTP server during transfers - defaults to RAM: (New in 5.2.0)
HTTPHOST=<hostname> Specifies the HTTP host address displayed to the user to initiate http transfers (New in 5.3.0)
HTTPTEMP=<dirname> Specifies the directory used for the shortcuts used by the HTTP server during transfers - defaults to RAM: (New in 5.3.0)


Note: HYDRA has not yet been implemented in /X5

This ICON tooltype specifies the options for the new hydra protocol. To have this option work in express you must:

  1. Have the aehydra file in the Doors: directory. (The aehydra library is built into this file, so no library is needed in the Libs: dir.
  2. You must have the correct settings in the in the Hydra.Info icon. e.g. OPTIONS=AEHYDRA TXWINDOW=0 RXWINDOW=0 STACK=4096



Hydra only works with the V32 modems. So your users might have to force there modems to make a V32 connection. (USR)To do this they must use the &N8 in there modem settings to force the V32.

This ICON should be placed in the BBS:Protocols/ directory.

Tooltype Description
AE_BATCH All batch protocol icons must contain the tooltype AE_BATCH instead of Batch.
OPTIONS=<opt> Allowed you to specify the Options for the XFERLibraries. e.g.:


This ICON should be placed in the BBS: Directory Here you can put in information for different ScreenTypes like different languages.

Tooltype Description
TYPE.<numb>=<EXT> This specifies the Extension for the ScreenTypes like "TXT","GER" & "ENG". you can make your own.
TITLE.<numb>=<name> This specifies the name of the ScreenTypes you want to have like "AMIGA ANSI","GERMAN" & "ENGLISH". You can specify your own Title.


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS: directory.

The following list are ICONS which should be placed in this directory:


This ICON only represents a Directory. This Directory is required to be within the BBS:STORAGE directory.

The following list are ICONS which should be placed in this directory:


This ICON should be placed in the BBS:STORAGE/ICONS directory and represents the ICONFIED ICON for the ACP SERVER if you close the window.


This directory exists in the root of the bbs: area and contains configuration tooltypes relating to the zoom messages function.


This contains configuration settings used in the zoom qwk messaging.

Tooltype Description
BBS.NUMBER=<number> Specifies the bbs number written to the qwk messages file
BBS.ADDRESS=<address> Specifies the bbs address line written to the qwk messages file
BBS.ID=<bbsid> Specifies the bbs idline written to the qwk messages file


Controls the zip and lha packing options for the qwk zoom functionality.

Tooltype Description
ZIP=<zip command> Specifies the zip command string that will be used to pack the qwk message files if the zip option is selected. The default if this is not present will be 'c:ZIP -0'
LHA=<lha command> Specifies the lha command string that will be used to pack the qwk message files if the lha packing option is selected. The default if this is not present will be 'c:LHA -z a'


Tooltype Description
ZIP=<zip command> Specifies the zip command string that will be used to pack the ascii message files if the zip option is selected. The default if this is not present will be 'c:ZIP -0'
LHA=<lha command> Specifies the lha command string that will be used to pack the ascii message files if the lha packing option is selected. The default if this is not present will be 'c:LHA -z a'


This is actually a text file that can be placed in the root bbs: directory and if present will only allow users listed in that file to edit accounts. Any users that have access to the account editor that are not in this list will have read only access to the accounts. If this file is not present then all users who have access to the account editor will have full read/write access. (Undocumented /X4 feature)