The following instructions show how to deploy the Windows Kubernetes Binaries and deploy them to an Azure Storage Account.
- Azure Storage Account and Azure Storage Container to store Windows binaries
- Access to winnat.sys stored in a storage container. (WinNAT) is used to provide required NAT networking functionality for Windows containers that will be included in a future Windows image update.
- Docker installed and running. MacOS users using Docker for Mac must have at least 3GB of memory allocated to Docker or building will likely fail.
Microsoft maintains a fork of the Kubernetes project at which includes patches not yet included in upstream Kubernetes; these are needed for Windows containers to function. does the following:
- Checks out the fork of Azure/kubernetes (includes Windows fixes not yet in upstream Kubernetes, needed for Windows containers to function)
- Builds kubelet.exe and kube-proxy.exe from source in a Docker container
- Downloads kubectl.exe for desired release
- Downloads NSSM which is used to start kubelet and kube-proxy on Windows
- Downloads Windows NAT
- Creates an .zip archive of these Windows components
- Uploads archive to Azure Blob Storage
More information about building Kubernetes binaries from source here:
A storage container is used to download winnat.sys during the build phase and to upload the resulting archive artifact.
$ export AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=MyStorageAccountName;AccountKey=..." \
Usage: make build-windows-k8s K8S_VERSION=1.7.4 PATCH_VERSION=1
This will build Kubernetes binaries for Windows agents based on Kubernetes release version 1.7.4 and place the zip artifact in Azure Blob Storage.