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[{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"I am a postdoctoral researcher with the iCub Tech facility at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), currently working on the mechatronic design and development of compact and powerful humanoid joint modules for the ergoCub project aiming for human-robot collaborations for risk prevention in warehouse and medical scenarios.\nShort Bio I am an Indian, born and raised in Mumbai. I received Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from Sardar Patel College of Engineering affiliated to Mumbai University in 2015. My active involvement with the collegiate robotics club during my undergrad, aspired me to pursue higher education in robotics.\nI then moved to Europe for the Erasmus joint masters programme European Masters on Advanced Robotics (EMARO+) and graduated with double Master degrees from Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy and École Centrale de Nantes, France in 2017. For my graduate thesis, I Collaborated with an industrial R\u0026amp;D team on CAD simulation and optimization of a redundant robotic workcell for automated fiber placement process to increase the productivity.\nI then moved back to Italy for my doctorate program with iCub Tech at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi (DIBRIS) at Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy. My doctoral research focused on design of wrist and forearm mechanisms, emphasizing on parallel kinematics and tendon-driven mechanisms, for enhancing manipulation dexterity of humanoid robots. I successfully defended my thesis and obtained a PhD in bioengineering and robotics with focus on advanced and humanoid robots in 2021.\nMy leisure time interests are, to learn and practice swing dancing and playing ukulele!\nWhat’s New Paper titled ‘Towards design and development of new joint modules for humanoid ergoCub 2.0’ is published for the IEEE HUMANOIDS 2023 conference. Paper titled ‘Fabrication of Parallel Compliant Mechanisms via Additive Manufacturing’ is published for the ASME SMASIS 2023 conference. ","date":1702512e3,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"term","lang":"en","lastmod":1702512e3,"objectID":"2525497d367e79493fd32b198b28f040","permalink":"","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"","section":"authors","summary":"I am a postdoctoral researcher with the iCub Tech facility at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), currently working on the mechatronic design and development of compact and powerful humanoid joint modules for the ergoCub project aiming for human-robot collaborations for risk prevention in warehouse and medical scenarios.","tags":null,"title":"Divya Shah, Ph.D.","type":"authors"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Marcello Savoldi","Alessandro Scalzo","Andrea Mura","Jacopo Losi","Valentina Gaggero","Luca Fiorio","Marco Maggiali"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. ","date":1702512e3,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1702512e3,"objectID":"b21c1e78d34b564208cb4145e2007e13","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/ieee-humanoids-2023/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/ieee-humanoids-2023/","section":"publication","summary":"The cases of musculoskeletal diseases in workplaces like industrial warehouses and healthcare units is rapidly increasing. The ergoCub project aims to introduce a new humanoid robot platform for ergonomic human-robot collaborations in such workplaces in order to mitigate the risks on the health of the workers. This article presents the mechanical design and development of a new compact and powerful joint module for the forthcoming version of ergoCub 2.0. The proposed joint achieves continuous torque of 40.5 N m, repeatable peak torque of 77.5 N m, thus increasing the torque density by 163% and the power density by 61% as compared to the current joints. Additionally, the digital twin of the joint is presented and the simulations for sensorless torque estimation are demonstrated.","tags":["mechatronics","computer-aided design","humanoids"],"title":"Towards design and development of new joint modules for humanoid ergoCub 2.0*","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Giovanni Berselli","Alberto Parmiggiani"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. ","date":1694476800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1694476800,"objectID":"fdac5ab53ab7c85f249cfd4bda6257a3","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/asme-smasis-2023/","publishdate":"2023-12-12T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/asme-smasis-2023/","section":"publication","summary":"The manufacturing and assembly of small parallel mechanisms are often complex because of the required tolerances and high part count. The present work focuses on the use of additively manufactured compliant mechanisms to overcome some of these difficulties. As a reference, this work considers a recent work on a two degrees of freedom parallel orientational mechanism. Several aspects related to the design and manufacturing of this type of small-scale system are addressed by considering two implementations of the mechanism, one developed following a “traditional” approach with linkages and pin joints, and the other developed following a “flexible” approach using additively manufactured flexures. The two versions of the mechanism are finally compared to provide qualitative and quantitative indications of their motion precision and capacity to withstand loads.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","compliant mechanisms","additive manufacturing"],"title":"Fabrication of Parallel Compliant Mechanisms via Additive Manufacturing","type":"publication"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Design and development of humanoid joint modules The ergoCub project, funded by INAIL, involves design and development of new humanoid robotic platforms and wearables technologies to assist labourers in warehouse and hospital scenarios.\nMy contributions involve mechanical design, testing and development of complex integrated mechanical and electrical components to form compact and powerful joint modules for the forthcoming version ergoCub 2.0 humanoid robot.\nSupervisors Marco Maggiali; Facility Coordinator, iCubTech Facility, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia ","date":1625097600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1625097600,"objectID":"7b6cddb8c80c12d6c46c7169bff9b399","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/project/ergocub/","publishdate":"2022-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/ergocub/","section":"project","summary":"Design and development of humanoid joint modules for human-robot interactions in warehouse.","tags":["humanoids","joint-modules"],"title":"Ergocub","type":"project"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Robot Design for Dexterous Manipulation This research project is a part of the Ph.D. with Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robtoica e Ingegneria dei Sistemi (DIBRIS) at the Università degli Studi di Genova and in affiliation with the iCub Tech at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova, Italy. The Ph.D. thesis is aimed towards design of a new wrist for the iCub humanoid with enhanced manipulation dexterity. The main focus here is the study and implementation of parallel orientational mechanisms.\nObjectives To study and investigate the state-of-the-art in design for wrist dexterity. To adapt and analyze some of the most promising architectures from the literature. To propose a novel kinematic design for the wrist with enhanced dexterity. To test and develop the proposed mechanism. Supervisors Alberto Parmiggiani; Technologist \u0026amp; Facility Coordinator, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Giorgio Metta; Scientific Director, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Also check out the project of visiting-researcher, which was a part of the doctoral program. ","date":1623974400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1623974400,"objectID":"d0ffbf44f98b396964377e575b9843a1","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/project/design-for-dexterity/","publishdate":"2021-06-18T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/design-for-dexterity/","section":"project","summary":"Robot design for dexterous manipulaiton.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","humanoids","computer-aided design","rapid prototyping","optimization techniques"],"title":"Design for Dexterity","type":"project"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D."],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. ","date":1623974400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1623974400,"objectID":"ddb200f2f04c7a65327880000b7fce5e","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/thesis-phd-unige-2021/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/thesis-phd-unige-2021/","section":"publication","summary":"The evolution in humanoid robots, aiming for extensive human-robot co-existence and collaboration, calls for an enhancement in the humanoid manipulation dexterity. Dexterity, in simpler term, is the ability to perform a difficult task quickly and skillfully. When it comes to manipulation dexterity, the emphasis is often on design of anthropomorphic hands. However, this doctoral dissertation endeavors in enhancing the wrist and forearm dexterity from a mechanism design perspective. Light weight design, backdrivability and high payload-to-weight ratio form essential characteristics of a dexterous robotic arm. These objectives can be achieved by reducing inertial loads on the arm by relocating the distal actuators to the proximal links and transmitting power through parallel linkages or tendons. This thesis explores state-of-the-art parallel architectures for wrist implementations. It presents a detailed comparison analyses for promising candidate mechanisms considering their workspace parameters and mechanism isotropy. Based on this study, a two degrees of freedom parallel orientational mechanism is proposed for wrist flexion/extension and radial/ulnar deviation. This mechanism has hemispherical workspace, high range of motion, near to full isotropic behavior and a compact design; the ideal characteristics for a humanoid wrist. Alternatively, for tendon-based transmissions, one of the critical issues is to have appropriate tendon routing so as to avoid any kinematic couplings. To this effect, a novel constant length tendon routing mechanism through an axial joint is also proposed for forearm pronation/supination. This mechanism produces a decoupled full circle rotation while allowing simultaneous routing for four distal joint tendons. The concept idea, computer-aided design, prototyping and preliminary tests are demonstrated for both the wrist and forearm mechanisms that aim towards enhancing humanoid dexterity.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","computer-aided design","humanoids","tendon-driven mechanisms","dexterous manipulation"],"title":"Design of Wrist and Forearm Mechanisms for Enhanced Humanoid Dexterity","type":"publication"},{"authors":[],"categories":null,"content":"IEEE ICRA Workshop on Parallel robots or not parallel robots? New frontiers of parallel robotics 2021 This workshop aimed at bringing together researchers working in several distinct communities (e.g. soft/continuum robotics, compliant mechanisms, aerial robotics, cable-driven robotics, tensegrity structures, dexterous manipulation and physical interactions), but who have a similar object of investigation in common, i.e. a closed-chain robotic device, so that they could share their experiences, tools, issues; and at fostering researchers to investigate the new issues arising from the development of new types of robots.\nPresented a part of the doctoral research, on A Study on Flexible Parallel Robots via Additive Manufacturing, at this workshop.\nClick on the Slides button above to view the slides presented at this talk. For extended and published work, refer to the conference publication: ASME SMASIS 2023. ","date":1622797200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1622797200,"objectID":"613256ff0f336caf74471c92e0de70c4","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/talk/ws-ieee-icra-2021/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/talk/ws-ieee-icra-2021/","section":"talk","summary":"Workshop presentation on A Study on Flexible Parallel Robots via Additive Manufacturing.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","additive manufacturing"],"title":"Workshop - IEEE ICRA PKM 2021","type":"talk"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D."],"categories":[],"content":"import libr print(\u0026#39;hello\u0026#39;) Overview The Wowchemy website builder for Hugo, along with its starter templates, is designed for professional creators, educators, and teams/organizations - although it can be used to create any kind of site The template can be modified and customised to suit your needs. 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Create content in Markdown, Jupyter, or RStudio Plugin System - Fully customizable color and font themes Display Code and Math - Code highlighting and LaTeX math supported Integrations - Google Analytics, Disqus commenting, Maps, Contact Forms, and more! Beautiful Site - Simple and refreshing one page design Industry-Leading SEO - Help get your website found on search engines and social media Media Galleries - Display your images and videos with captions in a customizable gallery Mobile Friendly - Look amazing on every screen with a mobile friendly version of your site Multi-language - 34+ language packs including English, 中文, and Português Multi-user - Each author gets their own profile page Privacy Pack - Assists with GDPR Stand Out - Bring your site to life with animation, parallax backgrounds, and scroll effects One-Click Deployment - No servers. No databases. Only files. Themes Wowchemy and its templates come with automatic day (light) and night (dark) mode built-in. Alternatively, visitors can choose their preferred mode - click the moon icon in the top right of the Demo to see it in action! Day/night mode can also be disabled by the site admin in params.toml.\nChoose a stunning theme and font for your site. 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Click on the Slides button above to view the slides presented at this talk. ","date":1595768400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1595768400,"objectID":"c71273b3691bae26b1010ab29282bf21","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/talk/conf-ieee-asme-aim-2020/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/talk/conf-ieee-asme-aim-2020/","section":"talk","summary":"Conference presentation on Constant Length Tendon Routing Mechanism through Axial Joint.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms"],"title":"Conference - IEEE/ASME AIM 2020","type":"talk"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Alberto Parmiggiani","Yong-Jae Kim"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. Check out the talk presented here: IEEE-ASME-AIM-2020. ","date":159408e4,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":159408e4,"objectID":"4a507415d619ce696571dc946a09f445","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/ieee-asme-aim-2020/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/ieee-asme-aim-2020/","section":"publication","summary":"Tendon-driven mechanisms are gaining popularity in developing light weight, backdrivable robots for widespread use in safe human-robot collaborations. For such robots, appropriate tendon routing is essential to avoid any kinematic couplings. This article talks about the concept design and development of a novel tendon routing mechanism for 4 tendons simultaneously through a 1 degree of freedom rotational axial joint (pronation-supination motion of the forearm). The mechanism employs the idea of a moving pulley to achieve constant length for the tendons between the fixed and moving parts, thus resulting in fully decoupled motions. A prototype model and it’s validation are also presented.","tags":["tendon-driven mechanisms","computer-aided design","humanoids","bio-inspired manipulators","rapid prototyping"],"title":"Constant Length Tendon Routing Mechanism through Axial Joint","type":"publication"},{"authors":[],"categories":null,"content":"International Winter School on Mechanism Design and Motion Planning for Robotics 2020 ROBOzen was oriented to PhD students, young researchers and specialists working in the design of mechanisms and motion planning techniques for robotic and related mechatronic applications. International and Italian experts gave lectures on topics including: (i) Compliant and flexible mechanisms for robotics, (ii) Parallel and Cable-driven mechanisms for robotics, (iii) Trajectory planning for robotics, (iv) Collaborative robots, (v) Mobile robots.\nFurthermore, all the student participants were asked to present their related research problems through posters and further share and discuss the solutions toward the same.\nPresented a poster on the dotoral reasearch work on Robot Design for Dexterous Manipulation.\nClick on the Poster button above to view the poster presented at this talk. ","date":1580115600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1580115600,"objectID":"2bb4d9ce97602f6580c94690e0eb7c18","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/talk/ws-robozen-2020/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/talk/ws-robozen-2020/","section":"talk","summary":"Poster presentation on robot design for dexterous manipulation.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms"],"title":"Winter School - ROBOZEN 2020","type":"talk"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Design of Constant Length Tendon Routing Mechanism through Axial Joint This research project was a part of the period-abroad during the PhD, from July to October 2019. It was achieved in collaboration with the Interactive Robotics and Innovative Mechanism (IRIM) Lab at Korea University of Technology and Education (KOREATECH) in Cheonan, South Korea. The project involved concept design and prototyping of a constant length tendon routing mechanism through axial joint, or the pronation-supination (forearm) joint per se, for multiple tendons achieving decoupled motions.\nSupervisors Yong-Jae Kim; Associate Professor, IRIM Lab, KOREATECH ","date":1571529600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1571529600,"objectID":"f0f79153edb76a53952e35100a69f583","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/project/visiting-researcher/","publishdate":"2019-10-20T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/visiting-researcher/","section":"project","summary":"Design of Constant Length Tendon Routing Mechanism through Axial Joint.","tags":["humanoids","computer-aided design","rapid prototyping","tendon-driven mechanisms","bio-inspired manipulators"],"title":"Visiting Researcher","type":"project"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Wowchemy is designed to give technical content creators a seamless experience. You can focus on the content and Wowchemy handles the rest.\nHighlight your code snippets, take notes on math classes, and draw diagrams from textual representation.\nOn this page, you’ll find some examples of the types of technical content that can be rendered with Wowchemy.\nExamples Code Wowchemy supports a Markdown extension for highlighting code syntax. You can customize the styles under the syntax_highlighter option in your config/_default/params.yaml file.\n```python import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv(\u0026#34;data.csv\u0026#34;) data.head() ``` renders as\nimport pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv(\u0026#34;data.csv\u0026#34;) data.head() Mindmaps Wowchemy supports a Markdown extension for mindmaps.\nSimply insert a Markdown markmap code block and optionally set the height of the mindmap as shown in the example below.\nA simple mindmap defined as a Markdown list:\n```markmap {height=\u0026#34;200px\u0026#34;} - Hugo Modules - wowchemy - wowchemy-plugins-netlify - wowchemy-plugins-netlify-cms - wowchemy-plugins-reveal ``` renders as\n- Hugo Modules - wowchemy - wowchemy-plugins-netlify - wowchemy-plugins-netlify-cms - wowchemy-plugins-reveal A more advanced mindmap with formatting, code blocks, and math:\n```markmap - Mindmaps - Links - [Wowchemy Docs](https://wowchemy.com/docs/) - [Discord Community](https://discord.gg/z8wNYzb) - [GitHub](https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes) - Features - Markdown formatting - **inline** ~~text~~ *styles* - multiline text - `inline code` - ```js console.log(\u0026#39;hello\u0026#39;); console.log(\u0026#39;code block\u0026#39;); ``` - Math: $x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}$ ``` renders as\n- Mindmaps - Links - [Wowchemy Docs](https://wowchemy.com/docs/) - [Discord Community](https://discord.gg/z8wNYzb) - [GitHub](https://github.com/wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes) - Features - Markdown formatting - **inline** ~~text~~ *styles* - multiline text - `inline code` - ```js console.log(\u0026#39;hello\u0026#39;); console.log(\u0026#39;code block\u0026#39;); ``` - Math: $x = {-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac} \\over 2a}$ Charts Wowchemy supports the popular Plotly format for interactive charts.\nSave your Plotly JSON in your page folder, for example line-chart.json, and then add the {{\u0026lt; chart data=\u0026#34;line-chart\u0026#34; \u0026gt;}} shortcode where you would like the chart to appear.\nDemo:\nYou might also find the Plotly JSON Editor useful.\nMath Wowchemy supports a Markdown extension for $\\LaTeX$ math. You can enable this feature by toggling the math option in your config/_default/params.yaml file.\nTo render inline or block math, wrap your LaTeX math with {{\u0026lt; math \u0026gt;}}$...${{\u0026lt; /math \u0026gt;}} or {{\u0026lt; math \u0026gt;}}$$...$${{\u0026lt; /math \u0026gt;}}, respectively. (We wrap the LaTeX math in the Wowchemy math shortcode to prevent Hugo rendering our math as Markdown. The math shortcode is new in v5.5-dev.)\nExample math block:\n{{\u0026lt; math \u0026gt;}} $$ \\gamma_{n} = \\frac{ \\left | \\left (\\mathbf x_{n} - \\mathbf x_{n-1} \\right )^T \\left [\\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n}) - \\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n-1}) \\right ] \\right |}{\\left \\|\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n}) - \\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n-1}) \\right \\|^2} $$ {{\u0026lt; /math \u0026gt;}} renders as\n$$\\gamma_{n} = \\frac{ \\left | \\left (\\mathbf x_{n} - \\mathbf x_{n-1} \\right )^T \\left [\\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n}) - \\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n-1}) \\right ] \\right |}{\\left \\|\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n}) - \\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n-1}) \\right \\|^2}$$ Example inline math {{\u0026lt; math \u0026gt;}}$\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n})${{\u0026lt; /math \u0026gt;}} renders as $\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n})$.\nExample multi-line math using the math linebreak (\\\\):\n{{\u0026lt; math \u0026gt;}} $$f(k;p_{0}^{*}) = \\begin{cases}p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=1, \\\\ 1-p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=0.\\end{cases}$$ {{\u0026lt; /math \u0026gt;}} renders as\n$$ f(k;p_{0}^{*}) = \\begin{cases}p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=1, \\\\ 1-p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=0.\\end{cases} $$ Diagrams Wowchemy supports a Markdown extension for diagrams. You can enable this feature by toggling the diagram option in your config/_default/params.toml file or by adding diagram: true to your page front matter.\nAn example flowchart:\n```mermaid graph TD A[Hard] --\u0026gt;|Text| B(Round) B --\u0026gt; C{Decision} C --\u0026gt;|One| D[Result 1] C --\u0026gt;|Two| E[Result 2] ``` renders as\ngraph TD A[Hard] --\u0026gt;|Text| B(Round) B --\u0026gt; C{Decision} C --\u0026gt;|One| D[Result 1] C --\u0026gt;|Two| E[Result 2] An example sequence diagram:\n```mermaid sequenceDiagram Alice-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Alice: Great! John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Bob: How about you? Bob--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Jolly good! ``` renders as\nsequenceDiagram Alice-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Alice: Great! John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Bob: How about you? Bob--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Jolly good! An example Gantt diagram:\n```mermaid gantt section Section Completed :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active :active, des2, 2014-01-07, 3d Parallel 1 : des3, after des1, 1d Parallel 2 : des4, after des1, 1d Parallel 3 : des5, after des3, 1d Parallel 4 : des6, after des4, 1d ``` renders …","date":1562889600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1562889600,"objectID":"07e02bccc368a192a0c76c44918396c3","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/post/writing-technical-content/","publishdate":"2019-07-12T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/post/writing-technical-content/","section":"post","summary":"Wowchemy is designed to give technical content creators a seamless experience. You can focus on the content and Wowchemy handles the rest.\nHighlight your code snippets, take notes on math classes, and draw diagrams from textual representation.","tags":null,"title":"Writing technical content in Markdown","type":"post"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Yuanqing Wu","Alessandro Scalzo","Giorgio Metta","Alberto Parmiggiani"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. ","date":1549843200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1549843200,"objectID":"906f4af5ebb19d0411c46b8e3b0fe39c","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/mdpi-robotics-2019/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/mdpi-robotics-2019/","section":"publication","summary":"This article provides a detailed comparative analysis of five orientational, two degrees of freedom (DOF), mechanisms whose envisioned application is the wrist of the iCub humanoid robot. Firstly, the current iCub mk.2 wrist implementation is presented and the desired design objectives are proposed. Prominent architectures from literature such as the spherical five-bar linkage and spherical six-bar linkage, the OmniWrist-III and the Quaternion joint mechanisms are modelled and analyzed for the said application. Finally a detailed comparison of their workspace features is presented. The Quaternion joint mechanism emerges as a promising candidate from this study.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","computer-aided design","humanoids"],"title":"A Comparison of Robot Wrist Implementations for the iCub Humanoid","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D."],"categories":[],"content":"from IPython.core.display import Image Image(\u0026#39;https://www.python.org/static/community_logos/python-logo-master-v3-TM-flattened.png\u0026#39;) print(\u0026#34;Welcome to Academic!\u0026#34;) Welcome to Academic! Install Python and JupyterLab Install Anaconda which includes Python 3 and JupyterLab.\nAlternatively, install JupyterLab with pip3 install jupyterlab.\nCreate or upload a Jupyter notebook Run the following commands in your Terminal, substituting \u0026lt;MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER\u0026gt; and \u0026lt;SHORT-POST-TITLE\u0026gt; with the file path to your Academic website folder and a short title for your blog post (use hyphens instead of spaces), respectively:\nmkdir -p \u0026lt;MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER\u0026gt;/content/post/\u0026lt;SHORT-POST-TITLE\u0026gt;/ cd \u0026lt;MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER\u0026gt;/content/post/\u0026lt;SHORT-POST-TITLE\u0026gt;/ jupyter lab index.ipynb The jupyter command above will launch the JupyterLab editor, allowing us to add Academic metadata and write the content.\nEdit your post metadata The first cell of your Jupter notebook will contain your post metadata (front matter).\nIn Jupter, choose Markdown as the type of the first cell and wrap your Academic metadata in three dashes, indicating that it is YAML front matter:\n--- title: My post\u0026#39;s title date: 2019-09-01 # Put any other Academic metadata here... --- Edit the metadata of your post, using the documentation as a guide to the available options.\nTo set a featured image, place an image named featured into your post’s folder.\nFor other tips, such as using math, see the guide on writing content with Academic.\nConvert notebook to Markdown jupyter nbconvert index.ipynb --to markdown --NbConvertApp.output_files_dir=. Example This post was created with Jupyter. The orginal files can be found at https://github.com/gcushen/hugo-academic/tree/master/exampleSite/content/post/jupyter\n","date":1549324800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1567641600,"objectID":"6e929dc84ed3ef80467b02e64cd2ed64","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/post/jupyter/","publishdate":"2019-02-05T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/post/jupyter/","section":"post","summary":"Learn how to blog in Academic using Jupyter notebooks","tags":[],"title":"Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic","type":"post"},{"authors":[],"categories":[],"content":"Create slides in Markdown with Wowchemy Wowchemy | Documentation\nFeatures Efficiently write slides in Markdown 3-in-1: Create, Present, and Publish your slides Supports speaker notes Mobile friendly slides Controls Next: Right Arrow or Space Previous: Left Arrow Start: Home Finish: End Overview: Esc Speaker notes: S Fullscreen: F Zoom: Alt + Click PDF Export Code Highlighting Inline code: variable\nCode block:\nporridge = \u0026#34;blueberry\u0026#34; if porridge == \u0026#34;blueberry\u0026#34;: print(\u0026#34;Eating...\u0026#34;) Math In-line math: $x + y = z$\nBlock math:\n$$ f\\left( x \\right) = ;\\frac{{2\\left( {x + 4} \\right)\\left( {x - 4} \\right)}}{{\\left( {x + 4} \\right)\\left( {x + 1} \\right)}} $$\nFragments Make content appear incrementally\n{{% fragment %}} One {{% /fragment %}} {{% fragment %}} **Two** {{% /fragment %}} {{% fragment %}} Three {{% /fragment %}} Press Space to play!\nOne Two Three A fragment can accept two optional parameters:\nclass: use a custom style (requires definition in custom CSS) weight: sets the order in which a fragment appears Speaker Notes Add speaker notes to your presentation\n{{% speaker_note %}} - Only the speaker can read these notes - Press `S` key to view {{% /speaker_note %}} Press the S key to view the speaker notes!\nOnly the speaker can read these notes Press S key to view Themes black: Black background, white text, blue links (default) white: White background, black text, blue links league: Gray background, white text, blue links beige: Beige background, dark text, brown links sky: Blue background, thin dark text, blue links night: Black background, thick white text, orange links serif: Cappuccino background, gray text, brown links simple: White background, black text, blue links solarized: Cream-colored background, dark green text, blue links Custom Slide Customize the slide style and background\n{{\u0026lt; slide background-image=\u0026#34;/media/boards.jpg\u0026#34; \u0026gt;}} {{\u0026lt; slide background-color=\u0026#34;#0000FF\u0026#34; \u0026gt;}} {{\u0026lt; slide class=\u0026#34;my-style\u0026#34; \u0026gt;}} Custom CSS Example Let’s make headers navy colored.\nCreate assets/css/reveal_custom.css with:\n.reveal section h1, .reveal section h2, .reveal section h3 { color: navy; } Questions? Ask\nDocumentation\n","date":1549324800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1549324800,"objectID":"0e6de1a61aa83269ff13324f3167c1a9","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/slides/example/","publishdate":"2019-02-05T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/slides/example/","section":"slides","summary":"An introduction to using Wowchemy's Slides feature.","tags":[],"title":"Slides","type":"slides"},{"authors":[],"categories":null,"content":"2nd Summer School on Parallel Kinematic Manipulators 2018 The goal of this summer school was to share the knowledge on parallel kinematics manipulators (PKM) during a whole week, targeting realistic prototypes to face real problems met in the industry. Various lectures and simulation labs were conducted covering the topics of design, kinematics, dynamics, control strategies, visual servoing for the PKMs with a special focus on cable-driven parallel robots. All the student participants were asked to present their related research problems through posters and further share and discuss the solutions toward the same.\nPresented a poster on the dotoral reasearch work on Robot Design for Dexterous Manipulation.\nClick on the Poster button above to view the poster presented at this talk. ","date":1537174800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1537174800,"objectID":"6e95c2bb96121f706a36d82d2820bd43","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/talk/ws-pkm-2018/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/talk/ws-pkm-2018/","section":"talk","summary":"Poster presentation on robot design for dexterous manipulation.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms"],"title":"Summer School - PKM 2018","type":"talk"},{"authors":[],"categories":null,"content":"IFToMM International Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics (MEDER) 2018 Presented the reasearch work on Comparison of Workspace Analysis for Different Spherical Parallel Mechanisms published in this conference.\nCheck out the publication here: IFTOMM-MEDER-2018. Click on the Slides button above to view the slides presented at this talk. ","date":1536670800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1536670800,"objectID":"bc589c0924b5e589b2059e843750dfde","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/talk/conf-iftomm-meder-2018/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/talk/conf-iftomm-meder-2018/","section":"talk","summary":"Conference presentation on Comparison of Workspace Analysis for Different Spherical Parallel Mechanisms.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms"],"title":"Conference - IFToMM MEDER 2018","type":"talk"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Giorgio Metta","Alberto Parmiggiani"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. Check out the talk presented here: IFTOMM-MEDER-2018 ","date":1536624e3,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1536624e3,"objectID":"f0b5645d741023607dc16966d703d7ee","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/iftomm-meder-2018/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/iftomm-meder-2018/","section":"publication","summary":"In order to reduce the share of the motive power required to drive the robot's links, with the aim of increasing its payload-to- weight ratio, this article studies the best way to relocate the actuators (inertial load) but not complicate the joint kinematics. For this, several Parallel Kinematic Mechanisms (PKMs) were considered, namely a 4-UU mechanism, a spherical 5-bar mechanism and a spherical 6-bar mechanism, with gimbal-like rotations. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) modelling and simulations exploring the workspaces for each of these mechanisms was performed. The complete workspace and isotropy analyses comparing these mechanisms to a gimbal system are presented. The general observations suggest that these mechanisms posses a non-uniform workspace with a \"warping\" behaviour. However, the spherical six bar mechanism proves to be the best solution so far with isotropy nearly \u003e= 0.9 throughout its workspace.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","computer-aided design","humanoids"],"title":"Comparison of Workspace Analysis for Different Spherical Parallel Mechanisms","type":"publication"},{"authors":[],"categories":null,"content":"ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE) 2018 Presented the reasearch work on Workspace Analysis and the effect of Geometric Parameters on the Parallel Mechanisms of the N-UU Class published in this conference.\nCheck out the publication here: ASME-IDETC-2018. Click on the Slides button above to view the slides presented at this talk. ","date":1535288400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1535288400,"objectID":"72b3ba2c75b7e14fea4832248ae30e44","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/talk/conf-asme-idetc-2018/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/talk/conf-asme-idetc-2018/","section":"talk","summary":"Conference presentation on Workspace Analysis and the effect of Geometric Parameters on the Parallel Mechanisms of the N-UU Class.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms"],"title":"Conference - ASME IDETC/CIE 2018","type":"talk"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Giorgio Metta","Alberto Parmiggiani"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. Check out the talk presented here: ASME-IDETC-2018. ","date":1535155200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1535155200,"objectID":"2a395e37dd53291a5aafc741a9ffb34f","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/asme-idetc-2018/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/asme-idetc-2018/","section":"publication","summary":"N-UU class mechanisms, exemplified by the Omni-Wrist III, are compact parallel kinematic mechanisms (PKM) with large singularity free workspaces. These characteristics make them ideal for applications in robot wrists. This article presents the detailed kinematic and workspace analysis for four N-UU class mechanisms. More in detail, the equations defining the mechanism’s moving platform kinematics are derived as a function of the motion of the input links; these are then used to explore the mechanism’s workspace. These results are furthermore validated by comparing them to the results obtained from CAD-based simulations. The analyses suggests that the workspace of the mechanism is non-uniform, with a “warping” behaviour that occurs in an asymmetric fashion in a specific region of the workspace. Furthermore we show how the rotation of the input links, which mainly actuates the yaw and pitch angles of the mechanism, also causes unwanted coupled rotations along the roll axis.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","computer-aided design","humanoids"],"title":"Workspace Analysis and the Effect of Geometric Parameters on Parallel Mechanisms of the N-UU Class","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Ernesto Denicia","Tiago Pimentel","Barbara Bruno","Fulvio Mastrogiovanni"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. ","date":1514764800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1514764800,"objectID":"c1d0c81faf00f841ce6e037017534bdf","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/elsevier-ras-2017/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/elsevier-ras-2017/","section":"publication","summary":"Bimanual gestures are of the utmost importance for the study of motor coordination in humans and in everyday activities. A reliable detection of bimanual gestures in unconstrained environments is fundamental for their clinical study and to assess common activities of daily living. This paper investigates techniques for a reliable, unconstrained detection and classification of bimanual gestures. The work assumes the availability of inertial data originating from the two hands arms, builds upon a previously developed technique for gesture modeling based on Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM) and Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR), and compares different modeling and classification techniques, which are based on a number of assumptions inspired by literature about how bimanual gestures are represented and modeled in the brain. Experiments show results related to 5 everyday bimanual activities, which have been selected on the basis of three main parameters: (not) constraining the two hands by a physical tool, (not) requiring a specific sequence of single-hand gestures, being recursive (or not). In the best performing combination of modeling approach and classification technique, we achieve overall accuracy, precision, recall and F1-score above 80%.","tags":["software architecture"],"title":"Detection of bimanual gestures everywhere: why it matters, what we need and what is missing","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D.","Jiuchun Gao","Anatol Pashkevich","Stéphane Caro","Benoît Courtemanche"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. ","date":1507075200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1507075200,"objectID":"0d502e5c45867b7aa35e05bd4a8d8aa3","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/aip-icome-2017/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/aip-icome-2017/","section":"publication","summary":"This paper proposes a comprehensive methodology for the computer-aided design and optimization of a robotic workcell for the automated fiber placement. The robotic cell, comprising of a 6-axis industrial manipulator and an actuated positioner, is kinematically redundant with respect to the considered task. An efficient optimization technique for managing these kinematic redundancies is proposed. The robot/positioner motion planning and robotic cell layout design in a CAD environment are presented. To confirm validity of the developed methodology, experimental results are presented that deal with automation of thermoplastic fiber placement process.","tags":["computer-aided design","kinematic redundancy","trajectory planning","optimization techniques"],"title":"Computer-Aided Design and Optimization of a Redundant Robotic System for Automated Fiber Placement Process","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Divya Shah, Ph.D."],"categories":null,"content":" Click the PDF button above to download the thesis pdf. Click the Cite button above to copy the citation text. ","date":1503964800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1503964800,"objectID":"76f2dc059f1eeb5a8d8fd6fa3247a1cc","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/publication/thesis-master-emaro-2017/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/thesis-master-emaro-2017/","section":"publication","summary":"Composite materials offer attractive properties compared to the traditional structural materials, such as high strength-to-weight ratio, exibility in shaping and corrosion resistance. They are therefore being extensively used in various industrial sectors, especially aerospace and automotive industries. The traditional methods of fabrication by manual tape laying are labour intensive, time consuming and less efficient. To overcome these drawbacks and to keep up with the growing competitiveness, the enterprises look towards Automated Tape Winding for manufacturing composite components. Automated Tape Winding is a fabrication process in which the workpiece liner is mounted on a rotating mandrel and heated fibre tows are consolidated over it with a compaction roller mounted, on an industrial manipulator. The robotic cell, comprising of a 6-axis robot and an actuated positioner, is kinematically redundant with respect to the considered task of tape winding. To exploit this redundancy to its full potential and to compensate for high raw material costs of composites, it is essential to optimize the tape winding process. This master thesis work, completed within the framework of EMARO+, proposes a comprehensive methodology for optimizing the robot and the positioner trajectories with improved kinematic redundancy management. This work was realized in collaboration with the industrial partner CETIM's technological platform named, SPIDE-TP Platform, with the ultimate aim of the increasing the overall productivity of an Automated Tape Winding process. In this work, the industrial platform was modelled in a CAD environment. The robot and positioner motions were optimized by following a graph-based search using dynamic programming and complemented with intensive collision detection on the CAD model. The simulation results promise to reduce the processing time by one-third.","tags":["parallel kinematic mechanisms","computer-aided design","humanoids"],"title":"Increased Productivity of an Automated Tape Winding Process: SPIDE-TP Platform","type":"publication"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Increased Productivity of an Automated Tape Winding System - SPIDE TP Platform This was the master thesis project during the graduate study with Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N) at École Centrale de Nantes, France. The project was also in collaboration with Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques (CETIM) and Institut Mines-Telecom Atlantique (IMT-A).\nThe industry had an automated tape winding system with a 6-DOF industrial robot and a 2-DOF positioner for the workpiece. The system was kinematically redundant. The thesis involved CAD design, simulation and collision detection for the workcell and implementing optimal trajectories by solving the kinematic redundancy, aiming towards increasing the overall productivity of the system. The detailed thesis documentation can be downloaded from the following links:\nSupervisors: Stéphane Caro; Researcher, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Anatol Pashkevich; Asso. Prof., Institut Mines-Telecom Atlantique Benoît Courtemanche; Engineer, Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques (CETIM) Click the Poster button above to view the poster related to this project. Click the Slides button above to view the slides presented for the defence of this master thesis. ","date":1503964800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1503964800,"objectID":"546aae0a895efdd484665086480362a4","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/project/optimization-for-productivity/","publishdate":"2017-08-29T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/optimization-for-productivity/","section":"project","summary":"Increased Productivity of an Automated Tape Winding System - SPIDE TP Platform","tags":["computer-aided design","trajectory planning","kinematic redundancy","optimization techniques"],"title":"Optimization for Productivity","type":"project"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Design, Fabrication and Control of an Articulated Robotic Arm This was the bachelor thesis project during the under-graduate study at Sardar Patel College of Engineering, an autonomous institute affiliated to the University of Mumbai, India. The thesis involved a detailed study of mechanical design, fabrication, kinematic control and performance analysis for a 6 degrees of freedom articulated robotic arm and development of a prototype to demonstrate basic manipulation of objects.\nSupervisors Rajesh Buktar; Professor, Sardar Patel College of Engineering Click the PDF button above to view the bachelor thesis. ","date":1430611200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1430611200,"objectID":"ac6915a2670f84bbc0f7946752473c20","permalink":"https://divyashah.github.io/project/undergrad-project/","publishdate":"2015-05-03T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/undergrad-project/","section":"project","summary":"Design, Fabrication and Control of an Articulated Robotic Arm.","tags":["computer-aided design","rapid prototyping"],"title":"Undergrad Project","type":"project"}]