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willem edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 21 revisions


Install SDL2


SDL2 SDL2_Image SDL2_TTF SDL2_Mixer


sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf sdl2_mixer

Using DLLs

Build Fjord

(Make sure you have .NET 6.0 installed)

Launch your terminal emulator of choice in an empty folder and run

git clone &&
cd Fjord && 
git submodule init && 
git submodule update &&
dotnet restore

Now drag in the dlls from the SDL installs into bin/Debug/net6.0 if you are on Windows. If you are on Ubuntu then the dependencies are already in path.

Now run

dotnet build

Download Fjord

If you don't want to build Fjord then you can always get the same dll from the releases tab on the github.

Setup project

Launch your terminal emulator of choice in an empty folder and run

dotnet new console &&
dotnet run

It should print "Hello World!" if not you have done something incorrectly.

Now copy the bin/Debug/net6.0/ folder contents from the Fjord build into the bin/Debug/net6.0/ folder and copy the resources folder from the Fjord repository and copy it into your new project. (Including the SDL2 dlls) Now add

    <Reference Include="Fjord">

to your .csproj and now it's for the game logic. (Located under "Basic Game Logic")

Using Nuget

Launch your terminal emulator of choice in an empty folder and run

dotnet new console &&
dotnet run

Install the Fjord Nuget package using the Nuget Package Manager in Visual Studio Code or by adding a Nuget package to your solution in Visual Studio. Also drag in the SDL2 dlls from the Install SDL2 chapter into bin/Debug/net6.0/ if you are on Windows.

Now it's the game logic. (Located under "Basic Game Logic")

Basic game logic

The most basic game logic is:

using Fjord;
using Fjord.Modules.Game;

namespace Template_Game {
    // Scene class this is where your game is 

    public class main : scene
        public override void on_load()
            // This is where you load all your scenes 
            // The if statement is so that it doesn't trigger multiple times

            if(!scene_handler.get_scene("game-template")) {

                // Add all scenes
                scene_handler.add_scene("game-template", new game());

                // Load the first scene this can later be called in any file as for example a win condition to switch scene.

        // Update method
        // This is where all your gamelogic is

        public override void update()


        // Render method
        // This is where all your rendering is

        public override void render()


    // Main Class

    class Program 
        public static void Main(string[] args) 
            // Function that starts game
            // The parameter should be your start scene

so copy this into your program.cs file and now you should be good to go.

If you run the project now it should open with a dark gray color and now your set!

Understanding Resources

The second part is the resources

The resource folder is specified with game.set_resource_folder(string folder);. Resources are kept in your specified resource folder.

Assetpacks have a structure of:

  • [asset_pack]/assets/images/ for images
  • [asset_pack]/assets/fonts/ for fonts
  • [asset_pack]/data/lang/ for language files
  • [asset_pack]/data/tilemaps/ for tilemaps

Assetpacks are loaded using the game.set_asset_pack(string asset_pack); function.

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