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DHIS2 Version 41 Upgrade Notes

Welcome to the upgrade notes for DHIS2 version 41.

It is important to be familiar with the contents of these notes before attempting an upgrade.

⚠️ Ensure you have also read the upgrade notes from the PREVIOUS RELEASE if upgrading from an earlier version

To help you navigate the document, here's a detailed table of contents.

Table of Contents



Version 41 of DHIS2 now requires Java 17 runtime environment.

API Changes


  • Legacy Sharing properties are removed: from 2.36 a new sharing property has been introduced in order to replace the legacy sharing properties userAccesses, userGroupAccesses, publicAccess, externalAccess. In order to keep the web api backward compatibility we have been supported both new and legacy properties our web api and all related features. However, in order to implement new features and keep the code base clean we need to remove the legacy format in 2.41. So from this version, you will not get those properties returned from our web api :

    userAccesses, userGroupAccesses, publicAccess, externalAccess

    Instead, those properties can be accessed in new sharing properties as documented here.

  • Breaking change in Dashboard App: in 2.40 and older versions, Users can view Dashboard content even without METADATA_READ permission to all metadata objects linked to DashboardItems. That is possible because of a loophole in our web api which allows any User to see details of any metadata object if the uid is known. This loophole has been causing issues for a long time so it has been removed in 2.41. As a result, many Users will not be able to view Dashboards because they don't have enough METADATA_READ permission of the Dashboard content. In order to fix it, the System Administrator or the Dashboard owner can make use of the feature Cascade sharing for Dashboard to grant required permissions to affected Users.


Unlogged tables

Analytics unlogged tables are now enabled (on) by default. If enabled, this might boost the analytics table export process significantly. But this comes with a cost: "unlogged" tables cannot be replicated. It means that clustering won't be possible. Also, analytics tables will be automatically truncated if PostgreSQL is suddenly reset (abrupt reset/crash). If you cannot afford the costs mentioned above, you should disable it (set to off). It should be set in dhis.conf, ie: analytics.table.unlogged = off

Resource tables (may break some existing scripts out there)

An underscore (_) historically prefixes the analytics resource tables. But in this release, this has changed. Now, the resource tables will be prefixed by "analytics_rs_". ie.:

_categorystructure -> analytics_rs_categorystructure

In the example above, before this release, the respective resource table used to be named _categorystructure. Starting from this release, it will be named analytics_rs_categorystructure.

Because of this change some custom scripts, relying on those tables, might break. So, be aware of that.

Tracked Entity Attribute Update Script Enhancement

In this release, a Flyway script has been introduced to enhance the DHIS system. The script is designed to update the valueType of all Tracked Entity Attributes (TEAs) whose values are incompatible with the declared attribute type.

Specifically, the script will update the type of these attributes to "TEXT." For instance, if a TEA is declared as a NUMBER, but its value is a text string, the script will modify the attribute type to TEXT.

This enhancement ensures data integrity and alignment between attribute types and their actual values which is especially needed in Analytics.

Verifying which attributes will be affected:

The following query can be executed before upgrading to verify which TEAs will be affected.

The query will also show the update statement

CREATE or replace FUNCTION can_be_casted(s text, type text) RETURNS bool AS
    execute 'SELECT $1::' || type || ';' USING s;
    return true;
        RETURN false;

select uid,
    'update trackedentityattribute set valuetype=''TEXT'' where uid = ''' || uid || ''';' as suggested_fix_statement
from (select tea.uid,
        when tea.valuetype in ('NUMBER', 'UNIT_INTERVAL', 'PERCENTAGE') then can_be_casted(teav.value, 'double precision')
        when tea.valuetype like '%INTEGER%' then can_be_casted(teav.value, 'integer')
        when tea.valuetype in ('DATE', 'DATETIME', 'AGE') then can_be_casted(teav.value, 'timestamp')
    end as safe_to_cast
    from trackedentityattribute tea
    join trackedentityattributevalue teav on tea.trackedentityattributeid = teav.trackedentityattributeid) as t1
where safe_to_cast = false
group by uid, valuetype, description;

DROP function if exists can_be_casted(s text, type text);

Note It's unnecessary to manually run the update since the system will do it automatically on the next system startup.

Note You can also use this migration to identify the TEAs you need to correct if you do not want the type to be automatically changed.

Important The first time the new version boots up, the script will be automatically executed (the first startup after upgrading might be slightly slower because of this script running).


Breaking Changes

The following query parameters have been removed as the same behavior can be achieved using the filter parameter

  • /tracker/trackedEntities?query
  • /tracker/trackedEntities?attribute

The following query parameters have been removed as they were misleading and did not provide any useful information

  • /tracker/trackedEntities?includeAllAttributes

The following query parameters have been removed as they have never been implemented and thus had no effect on the response

  • /tracker/trackedEntities?attachment
  • /tracker/events?attachment

Following parameters were removed as including or excluding fields from the JSON response can be achieved by using the fields query parameter

  • /tracker/trackedEntities?skipMeta
  • /tracker/events?skipMeta
  • /tracker/events?skipEventId

The index field of an entity in the report of a tracker import was removed.

When importing tracker entities using POST /tracker endpoint, the response follow the format described here.

The index field has been removed from the objectsReport as the objects are now ordered in the same way as in the request.

The orgUnitName field has been removed from GET /tracker/enrollments and GET /tracker/events endpoints, so it is not anymore possible to order on this field.

The trackedEntityType field has been removed from GET /tracker/enrollments endpoint.

The followup field has been renamed to followUp in the response for GET /tracker/events CSV endpoint.

ACL tracker export breaking changes

Unless explicitly specified otherwise, the subsequent breaking changes are applicable exclusively to versions 2.41 and beyond.

  1. Validity of /events and /tracker/events requests

    • TECH-1630: A request to /events and /tracker/events is now considered valid if the supplied organization unit is within the user's search scope, regardless of the program access level. This aligns with the current behavior of /tracker/trackedEntities and /tracker/enrollments. In previous versions, specifying a protected or closed program or omitting the program in the request, coupled with an organization unit outside the user's capture scope, would result in an exception. This change is effective from version 2.38 onwards.
    • TECH-1663: Additionally, in /events and /tracker/events, a request using the ACCESSIBLE mode without specifying a program will now return all events in the user's search scope (in OPEN or AUDITED programs) and all events in the user's capture scope (in PROTECTED or CLOSED programs). Formerly, it would only return events from the user's capture scope. This change is also effective from version 2.38 onwards.
  2. API Request with Organisation Unit Modes

    • TECH-1585: An API request utilizing one of the organization unit modes (ALL, ACCESSIBLE, or CAPTURE) will now result in a 400|Bad Request if an additional organization unit is specified in the request. In previous versions, such a request would tolerate the presence of an organization unit, even if it wouldn't be used when fetching results from the database. However, the request would return an exception if the provided organization unit wasn't within the user's scope.
  3. Default Organisation Unit Modes

    • TECH-1588: When neither the organization unit nor the organization unit mode is specified in the request, the default mode will be ACCESSIBLE. In contrast, older versions of /trackedEntities and /enrollments would return an exception when neither was specified. The SELECTED mode will continue being the default when an organization unit is specified.
  4. Organization Unit Mode ALL Authorization

    • TECH-1589: In /enrollments and /tracker/enrollments, the organization unit mode ALL is now restricted to users with either ALL or F_TRACKED_ENTITY_INSTANCE_SEARCH_IN_ALL_ORGUNITS authorities, consistent with the other two endpoints. Previously, any user could use the ALL mode, even if it might not return any results based on the user scope. This change is effective from version 2.38 onwards.

    • TECH-1634 TECH-1668: In all three endpoints, superusers and users with authorization "Search Tracked Entity Instance in All Org Units" will receive system-wide data, regardless of their user scope. Unauthorized users will now receive a 400|Bad Request. Up until now, even superusers would only receive data within the boundaries of their user scope.

  5. Tracker Exporter Endpoint Responses

    • TECH-1630: A request to /events and /tracker/events with the organization unit mode CHILDREN will now produce a response comprising elements from the requested organization unit and its immediate children. This adjustment aligns the behavior with that of /tracker/trackedEntities and /tracker/enrollments. Previously, it did not include events from the supplied organization unit, only its children were present in the response. This change is effective from version 2.38 onwards.

    • TECH-1656 A request to /tracker/trackedEntities will now result in a 403|Forbidden if the user lacks access to the requested program or tracked entity type. In the past, this scenario would trigger an 409|Conflict.

    • TECH-1658 The endpoints /tracker/trackedEntities and /tracker/enrollments now throw a 400|Bad Request in the event of inconsistent parameters involving the program field or any combination thereof. Previously, this scenario would result in an 409|Conflict.

    • TECH-1589: When accessing the /tracker/enrollments endpoint, a 403|Forbidden status will be triggered if the user lacks authorization for the specified program, tracked entity type, or either the tracked entity's or program's tracked entity type. Previously a 409|Conflict was triggered instead.

Deprecated APIs


In the tracker endpoints

  • /tracker/trackedEntities
  • /tracker/enrollments
  • /tracker/events
  • /tracker/relationships
  • /programNotificationInstances
  • /programNotificationTemplates/filter
  • /potentialDuplicates

the pagination-related fields

  "page": 3,
  "pageSize": 2,
  "total": 373570,
  "pageCount": 186785,
  "instances": [

have been deprecated in favor of a pager object. Both the flat pagination fields shown above and the nested pager are returned as of 2.41 if pagination is enabled. The flat fields will be removed in a future release.

  "pager": {
    "page": 3,    
    "pageSize": 2,
    "total": 373570,
    "pageCount": 186785,
  "page": 3,
  "pageSize": 2,
  "total": 373570,
  "pageCount": 186785,

The actual data previously returned in instances is returned in a key named after the plural of the returned entity itself. For example /tracker/trackedEntities returns tracked entities in key trackedEntities while /potentialDuplicates returns potential duplicates in key potentialDuplicates.

Query parameter paging replaces skipPaging. Note that paging is the inverse of skipPaging. This means if you want to disable pagination use paging=false instead of skipPaging=true. Pagination remains on by default.

This aligns pagination in Tracker with other DHIS2 endpoints.

Semicolon as separator for identifiers (UID)

Fields or query parameter accepting multiple values like UIDs are now consistently separated by comma , instead of semicolon ;. This is to ensure UIDs are consistently separated by comma across all DHIS2 endpoints.

The following fields are affected

  • event.attributeCategoryOptions (as well as an event returned as part of a relationship `from/to)

The following query parameters accepting one or more semicolon separated UIDs are deprecated in favor of a parameter accepting comma separated UIDs. Names are now also consistently using plural to indicate more than one UID is allowed.

Endpoint Deprecated Parameter New Parameter
/tracker/trackedEntities assignedUser assignedUsers
/tracker/trackedEntities orgUnit orgUnits
/tracker/trackedEntities trackedEntity trackedEntities
/tracker/enrollments orgUnit orgUnits
/tracker/enrollments enrollment enrollments
/tracker/events assignedUser assignedUsers
/tracker/events attributeCos attributeCategoryOptions
/tracker/events event events

Please refer to the new parameters when working with the DHIS2 API on these specific endpoints.


Tracker names have changed over time. In order to provide a consistent API we have deprecated the following query parameters and paths in favor of new ones consistently using trackedEntity, enrollment and event.

The table below summarizes the API changes in terminology from old tracker names to new ones:

Endpoint Deprecated Parameter/Path New Parameter/Path
/tracker/relationships tei trackedEntity
/tracker/events attributeCc attributeCategoryCombo
/tracker/ownership/transfer trackedEntityInstance trackedEntity
/tracker/ownership/override trackedEntityInstance trackedEntity
/messages/ programInstance enrollment
/messages/ programStageInstance event
/messages/scheduled/sent programInstance enrollment
/messages/scheduled/sent programStageInstance event
/audits/trackedEntityDataValue psi events
/audits/trackedEntityAttributeValue tei trackedEntities
/audits/trackedEntityInstance tei trackedEntities
/programNotificationInstances programInstance enrollment
/programNotificationInstances programStageInstance event
/tracker/trackedEntities ouMode orgUnitMode
/tracker/enrollments ouMode orgUnitMode
/tracker/events ouMode orgUnitMode
Deprecated Endpoints
Deprecated Endpoint New Endpoint
/maintenance/softDeletedTrackedEntityInstanceRemoval /maintenance/softDeletedTrackedEntityRemoval
/maintenance/softDeletedProgramInstanceRemoval /maintenance/softDeletedEnrollmentRemoval
/maintenance/softDeletedProgramStageInstanceRemoval /maintenance/softDeletedEventRemoval
/audits/trackedEntityInstance /audits/trackedEntity
Deprecated Keys in API Response Bodies
Deprecated Key New Key Affected API Response
trackedEntityInstance trackedEntity /api/dataSummary in objectCounts
programInstance enrollment /api/dataSummary in objectCounts
programStageInstance event /api/dataSummary in objectCounts
trackedEntityInstance trackedEntity /api/system/objectCounts
programInstance enrollment /api/system/objectCounts
programStageInstance event /api/system/objectCounts

Users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new terminology to ensure consistency in API usage moving forward.

FollowUp spelling fix

Field followup is deprecated and the camel case version followUp is used instead in the following API response bodies:

  • /tracker/events
  • /tracker/relationships in the event object


  1. The property DataDimensionType is now mandatory for CategoryOptionGroup and CategoryOptionGroupSet. Existing records with null value would need to be manually updated with either DISAGGREGATION or ATTRIBUTE.
  2. The mergeMode parameter is removed from In Metadata Import Export app and also from the endpoint api/metadata. This means when updating objects, all existing property values will be overwritten even if the new values are null. Please use JSON Patch API in case you want do partial update to an object.


We have removed prefix dataelement from category and categoryoption tables as this gives us more readability.

Old Table Name New Table Name
dataelementcategoryoption categoryoption
dataelementcategory category


Breaking Changes: renamed tables and columns

We have renamed some tables and columns following tracker's new naming in the API.

Given the new database naming conventions, if you run custom SQL scripts or have created SQL views, you might need to adapt to the breaking changes described in the current section.

Therefore, we align the database's names with the changes applied to trackedEntityInstance, programInstance, and programStageInstance.

Furthermore, we also align the trackedentitycomment and its related database tables to the API naming of note.

Renamed Tables

Old Table Name New Table Name
trackedentityinstance trackedentity
programinstance enrollment
programstageinstance event
programstageinstancefilter eventfilter
trackedentityinstanceaudit trackedentityaudit
trackedentityinstancefilter trackedentityfilter
trackedentitycomment note
programstageinstancecomments event_notes
programinstancecomments enrollment_notes

Renamed Columns

The following programstageinstance related columns have been renamed

Table (new names) Column Old Name Column New Name
event programstageinstanceid eventid
eventfilter programstageinstancefilterid eventfilterid
relationshipitem programstageinstanceid eventid
trackedentitydatavalueaudit programstageinstanceid eventid
programmessage programstageinstanceid eventid
programnotificationinstance programstageinstanceid eventid
eventcomments programstageinstanceid eventid
trackedentitydatavalueaudit programstageinstanceid eventid

The following programinstance related columns have been renamed

Table (new names) Column Old Name Column New Name
enrollment programinstanceid enrollmentid
enrollmentcomments programinstanceid enrollmentid
relationshipitem programinstanceid enrollmentid
programnotificationinstance programinstanceid enrollmentid
programmessage programinstanceid enrollmentid
event programinstanceid enrollmentid

The following trackedentityinstance related columns have been renamed

Table (new names) Column Old Name Column New Name
trackedentity trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
trackedentityaudit trackedentityinstance trackedentity
trackedentityaudit trackedentityinstanceauditid trackedentityauditid
trackedentityfilter trackedentityinstancefilterid trackedentityfilterid
enrollment trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
trackedentityattributevalueaudit trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
programmessage trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
relationshipitem trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
trackedentityprogramowner trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
programtempownershipaudit trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
programtempowner trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid
programownershiphistory trackedentityinstanceid trackedentityid

The following trackedentitycomment related columns have been renamed

Table (new names) Column Old Name Column New Name
note trackedentitycommentid noteid
note commenttext notetext
event_comments trackedentitycommentid noteid
enrollment_comments trackedentitycommentid noteid

The following enrollment date columns have been renamed

Table (new names) Column Old Name Column New Name
enrollment enddate completeddate
enrollment incidentdate occurreddate

The following event date columns have been renamed

Table (new names) Column Old Name Column New Name
event duedate scheduleddate
event executiondate occurreddate

Postgres Reference

From Postgres docs for alter table

The RENAME forms change the name of a table (or an index, sequence, view, materialized view, or foreign table), the name of an individual column in a table, or the name of a constraint of the table. When renaming a constraint that has an underlying index, the index is renamed as well. There is no effect on the stored data.

Renaming a table or a table's column does not affect the data. For example, re-building a primary key index, which can be expensive for large tables, should not happen. Therefore, no downtime is expected following the migrations.

You can check that the index creation hasn't changed after the migration via the transaction commit.

select pg_xact_commit_timestamp(xmin)
from pg_class
where relname = 'programstageinstance_pkey';

Note that if you want to run the query, Postgres needs to start with -c track_commit_timestamp=on

Deprecations and Removals

Google & Bing API keys removed

The Google & Bing Map API keys were removed from the code. To setup and use a Bing Maps API key check this guide.