The theme is streams this month, but first...
- Paul Heber (2022), Web Components as Progressive Enhancement →
- Zach Leatherman (2022), Add Responsive-friendly Enhancements To
We still need to fix something in the web architecture claim that "the view is a function of the model", because the view is too easily confused with "the UI" vs. its representation. It is more correct to say that the view depends on a representation which is a function of the model. The following deal with view-as-UI, but raj
offers something close to the SAM pattern: side-effects (that is, mutations to the view and possibly other actions) as first-class citizens.
- Chris Andrejewski (2018),
: the Elm architecture in JavaScript → What is raj?
- Found
while reading...
- Bruno Couriol (2020), Functional UI (Framework-Free at Last) →
There are many ways to create stream APIs. Some of these have been listed previously.
- Chris Arnott (2017), A quick guide to javascript streams →
- Includes link to bacon.js
- Gregor Elke (2014), Streams in JavaScript: a versatile Tool →
- @winterbe (2015), How Streams Work →
- Documentation for stream.js, an early userland streaming library, "inspired by the Java 8 Streams API".
Stream implementations from the community tend to be general purpose or platform-agnostic - "a sequence of values handled lazily" or "A Stream is a reactive data structure, similar to cells in spreadsheet applications.
- Caolan McMahon (2014), highland →
- One of the first, if not the first, user land streaming utility belt libraries.
- Highland begins with pause, resume, and write concepts, and offers a wealth of operation methods of processing, grouping, etc.
- Simon Friis Vindum (2015), flyd →
- flyd is a library for combining observable streams.
- flyd streams are functions, and can be used as event handlers.
- Mithril (2018), mithril/stream →
- Stream generators package in the Mithril UI framework.
- API is smaller than highland or flyd, but, like flyd, treats streams as functions.
- RXJS v7 (2022), Testing RxJS Code with Marble Diagrams →
- Big utility belt library for events, treating observables as collections (hence, streams).
- The marble testing guide is just darned interesting.
- Fred Daoud (2018), the Meiosis pattern →
- Meiosis is a pattern, not a library, dependent on streaming input events.
- Documentation updated, April 2022.
- The
package is strongly influenced by Mithril and flyd →
Platform streams are built specifically to handle network data transfer. They distinguish between stream types as readable, writable, duplex, and transform.
- (date), Node.js Streams →
- Node.js streams are built on Node's event loop (the EventEmitter).
- Mozilla Developer Network (date), Streams API →
- Streams in the Browser are here (ReadableStream, WritableStream) and their APIs are vastly different from Node.js and the various user land stream libraries.
- Rasmus Porsager (2018), flems →
Flems is a static web app - no strings attached - browser code playground. It's great for documentation, examples, presentations, issues and what not.
- unpkg URL example:[email protected]/dist/flems.html
- hat tip to Fred Daoud (@foxdonut) who uses it on his Meiosis tutorial documentation.
- unpkg URL example:
- cloudfare (2022), cloudfare-docs github issue 3609: migrate to Hugo → cloudflare/cloudflare-docs#3609
- Surprisingly great advice on using Hugo shortcodes, etc.