- Marko Denic (2021), CSS Generators → https://markodenic.com/css-generators/
- online tools for creating CSS
- Hubert Dreyfus (2007), Why Heideggerian AI Failed and how Fixing it would Require making it more Heideggerian → https://files.meetup.com/119715/WhyHeideggerianAIFailed.pdf
- Dreyfus's views on artificial intelligence → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Dreyfus%27s_views_on_artificial_intelligence
- Wikipedia biographical entry → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Dreyfus
- Carin Meier aka @gigasquid (2012), How My Thermostat Has Beliefs and Goals → http://gigasquidsoftware.com/blog/2012/09/20/7-john-mccarthy-papers-in-7-weeks-1/
- Part 1 of 7 John McCarthy Papers in 7 Weeks.
- John McCarthy archives → http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/
- PlantUML
Open-source tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw beautiful UML diagrams.
- Thomas Bracher @sadraskol (2021), Leverage the power of the first order. Logic : introduction to TLA+ → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6VveDQDDqU
- Hour-long video demonstration using TLA+ predicate logic to specify a Seating Reservation System.
- Ernesto Garbarino (2018), Architects: Kill Your Arrows → https://garba.org/posts/2018/arrows/
Using just boxes, we can communicate a significant amount of information depending on how the boxes are arranged and labelled.
- Ernesto Garbarino (2021), Has UML died without anyone noticing? https://garba.org/posts/2021/uml/
We have simply given up on business analysis and formal specifications.
- @yogthos (2021), Advantages Of Data Oriented Programming → https://yogthos.net/posts/2020-04-08-advantages-of-data-oriented-programming.html
- on the emerging paradigm
- Andrei Cabrera (2021), Introducing Quell: A Better Caching Solution for GraphQL → https://javascript.plainenglish.io/introducing-quell-caching-solution-for-graphql-4579bdb4e231
- Much as I oppose all things Facebook, this feels useful.
- Seán Barry (2021), Using the Switch(true) Pattern in JavaScript → https://seanbarry.dev/posts/switch-true-pattern
- Alexis King (2019), Parse, don't validate → https://lexi-lambda.github.io/blog/2019/11/05/parse-don-t-validate/
- Nicolas Dulac, Thomas Viguier, Nancy Leveson, Margaret-Anne Storey (2002), On the Use of Visualization in Formal Requirements Specification → http://sunnyday.mit.edu/papers/RE02_visualization.pdf
- Marc K. Zimmerman, Kristina Lundqvist, Nancy Leveson (2002), Investigating the Readability of State-Based Formal Requirements Specification Languages → http://sunnyday.mit.edu/papers/icse-marc-final2.pdf
- Kathryn Anne Weiss, Elwin C. Ong, and Nancy G. Leveson (2002), Reusable Specification Components for Model-Driven Development∗ → http://sunnyday.mit.edu/papers/incose.pdf
- JS Visualizer 9000 by Andrew Dillon.
- Runs all steps in your JavaScript, but has some opinions and limitations.