You can Install the Azure CLI on any platform, Windows or Linux (including Windows Subsystem for Linux)
Command | Action |
az --version |
Check the CLI version |
az --help |
Display help information |
az login |
Login to a specific Azure user account (will open a web page in a browser) |
az account list |
List all subscriptions you have access |
az account set --subscription "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx" |
Set the current context to a specific subscription |
az account show |
Display the current context |
Command | Action |
az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-xxx --name aks-xxx [--admin] |
Get Kubernetes credentials for a specific cluster |
az aks browse --resource-group rg-xxx --name aks-xxx |
Open Kubernetes dashboard (will open a browser) |
az webapp config container set --name mywebappresourcename --resource-group myresourcegroup --docker-custom-image-name --docker-registry-server-url --docker-registry-server-user myacruser --docker-registry-server-password myacrpassword