- Simon Birrer <[email protected]> sibirrer
- Anowar Shajib ajshajib
- Daniel Gilman dangilman
Contact the lenstronomy developers via email if you have questions.
- Jelle Aalbers JelleAalbers
- Joel Akeret jakeret
- Adam Amara aamara
- Vikram Bhamre vikramb1
- Xuheng Ding dartoon
- Sydney Erickson smericks
- Andreas Filipp andreasfilipp
- Pierre Fleury pierrefleury
- Kevin Fusshoeller
- Aymeric Galan aymgal
- Matthew R. Gomer mattgomer
- Natalie B. Hogg nataliehogg
- Tyler Hughes
- Daniel Johnson DanJohnson98
- Felix A. Kuhn
- Felix Mayor
- Martin Millon martin-millon
- Robert Morgan rmorgan10
- Anna Nierenberg amn3142
- Brian Nord bnord
- Giulia Pagano
- Ji Won Park jiwoncpark
- Jackson O'Donnell jhod0
- Thomas Schmidt Thomas-01
- Dominique Sluse
- Luca Teodori lucateo
- Nicolas Tessore ntessore
- Madison Ueland mueland
- Lyne Van de Vyvere LyneVdV
- Sebastian Wagner-Carena swagnercarena
- Cyril Welschen
- Ewoud Wempe ewoudwempe
- Lilan Yang ylilan
- Zhiyuan Ma Jerry-Ma
The initial source code of lenstronomy was developed by Simon Birrer (sibirrer) in 2014-2018 and made public in 2018. From 2018-2022 the development of lenstronomy was hosted on Simon Birrer's repository with increased contributions from many people. The lenstronomy development moved to the project repository in 2022.
The lenstronomy logo was designed by Zoe Alexander zoe-blyss.