As root
apt install -y nodejs npm
npm install -g @ionic/cli
From project folder.
npm install
ionic serve
Build into ./dist/ and upload to S3 bucket with static web hosting enabled and index.html for home and error page.
ionic build
aws s3 sync --acl public-read --delete dist/ s3://public230319/
Close and open again from Home.
31/3/24 this didnt work to pick up new. 17/9 add build time on settings page to help verify.
This breaks dependencies.
npm install npm-check-updates
npx npm-check-updates -u
TODO: review code changes, compare a new project template
- done 17/9, package.json still to compare
npm install @ionic/vue@8 @ionic/vue-router@8
npm upgrade
API error - blocked loading mixed active content.
Access denied.
17/9 Has been working. Probably bucket settings and ACL public-read.
apt install -y imagemagick
mkdir assets
curl -o assets/logo.jpg ""
mogrify -format png assets/*.jpg
rm assets/logo.jpg
- generates icons in ./icons
- creates manifest in ./public/manifest.webmanifest
- NOTE: path is wrong ../icons
- can update manifest generated by: ionic --pwaManifestPath dist/manifest.webmanifest
npm install --save-dev @capacitor/assets
npx @capacitor/assets generate --iconBackgroundColor '#eeeeee' --iconBackgroundColorDark '#222222' --splashBackgroundColor '#eeeeee' --splashBackgroundColorDark '#111111' --pwaManifestPath dist/manifest.webmanifest
Merge Vite generated dist/manifest.webmanifest into file generated by capacitor-assets.
Move icons/ to public/icons/
Add manifest: false to vite.config.ts
31/3 after improvements above the icon doesn't display anymore on home screen.
S3 versioning was not enabled and manifest was manually edited in dist/ folder so not tracked in Git.
No changes to manifest appear to take affect.
Workaround: Add link to different file in index.html