Kubernetes offers a DNS cluster add-on that provides DNS A and SRV records for Kubernetes services. The heavy lifting is done by SkyDNS, an etcd backed DNS server that supports dynamic updates from the Kubernetes API.
Allow add-ons to query the API server
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-local-api \
--allow tcp:8080 \
gcloud compute ssh node0
Download the SkyDNS replication controller configuration:
wget https://kuar.io/skydns-rc.yaml
Edit the SkyDNS rc config:
vim skydns-rc.yaml
- -kube_master_url=http://node0.c.PROJECT_NAME.internal:8080
Create the SkyDNS replication controller:
/opt/bin/kubectl create -f skydns-rc.yaml
Next create the SkyDNS service:
/opt/bin/kubectl create -f https://kuar.io/skydns-svc.yaml
/opt/bin/kubectl get rc --all-namespaces
Test DNS lookups
wget https://kuar.io/busybox.yaml
cat busybox.yaml
/opt/bin/kubectl create -f busybox.yaml
/opt/bin/kubectl get pods busybox
/opt/bin/kubectl exec busybox -- nslookup kubernetes