Puppet Module to launch and manage Microsoft Microsoft Azure Services like Virtual Machines, Virtual Network and SQL Database services.
This module requires Puppet 2.7.2 or later.
Virtual Machine Management
- Images
- list images
- Virtual Machines
- create linux based VMs and ssh with cert and key option enabled for ssh and WINRM (both http & https)enabled for windows based VMs
- list, shut down, delete, find virtual machine deployments. While shutting down your VMs the provisioning state would be deallocated and this VM will not be included in the billing cycle.
- Create VM for a specific virtual network
Virtual Network Management
- List VNet
- Create VNet
- via parameters
- via xml file
SQL Database Server Management
- list, create, list sqldb servers & password reset for a sqldb server
- list, set, delete firewall rules for a sqldb server
Storage Account Management
- create, delete, update and list storage accounts.
Cloud Service Management
- create, delete, upload_certificate and list cloud services
Service Bus Management
- create_queue, create_topic, list_topics, list_queues, delete_topic and delete_queue
- azure (0.6.4)
- net-ssh (>= 2.1.4)
- net-scp (>= 1.0.4)
- winrm (>= 1.1.3)
- highline
- tilt
You may launch a new instance and install puppet agent with this module installed using the following single command:
$puppet azure_vm create --management-certificate pem-or-pfx-file-path --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id \
--image b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-13_04-amd64-server-20130501-en-us-30GB --location 'west us'
--vm-name vmname --vm-user username --password ComplexPassword --puppet-master-ip
Once launched, you should be able to SSH to the new system using the username and password.
Other avaliable actions are
bootstrap Install puppet node on Microsoft Azure VM
create Create Microsoft Azure VM
delete Delete Microsoft Azure node instances
images List Microsoft Azure images
locations List Microsoft Azure locations
servers List Microsoft Azure node instances
shutdown Shutdown Microsoft Azure node instances
start Starts Microsoft Azure node instances
update_endpoint update existing endpoint of a virtual machine
delete_endpoint Delete endpoint of virtual machine.
add_disk Adds a data disk to a virtual machine.
add_role Create multiple roles under the same cloud service
To list all options for any action
$puppet help azure_vm ACTION-NAME
Creating virtual network
$puppet azure_vnet set --management-certificate pem-or-pfx-file-path --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id
--virtual-network-name vnetname --location 'West US' --address-space ','
--dns-servers 'dns-1:,dns-2:' --subnets 'subnet-1:,subnet-2:'
Other avaliable actions are
list List virtual networks.
set Set Network configures the virtual network
set_xml_schema set_xml_schema Network configures the virtual network using xml schema
Creating SQL database server
$puppet azure_sqldb create --management-certificate pem-or-pfx-file-path --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id \
--management-endpoint=https://management.database.windows.net:8443/ --login loginname --password ComplexPassword --location 'West Us'
Other avaliable actions are
create Create SQL database server.
create_firewall Create SQL database firewall rule on a server.
delete Delete Microsoft Azure sql database server
delete_firewall Delete Microsoft Azure sql database firewall rule on a server.
list List SQL database servers.
list_firewall List firewall of SQL database servers.
reset_password Reset password of sql database server.
Creating cloud service
$ puppet azure_cloudservice create --label aglabel --azure-subscription-id your-subscription-id
--location 'West Us' --affinity-group-name agname --description 'Some Description' \
--management-certificate path-to-azure-certificate --cloud-service-name cloudservice1
Other avaliable actions are
delete Delete cloud service.
delete_deployment deletes the specified deployment of hosted service.
list List cloud services.
upload_certificate adds a certificate to a hosted service.
create Create cloud service.
Creating storage account
$ puppet azure_storage create --azure-subscription-id=your-subscription-id
--management-certificate path-to-azure-certificate --storage-account-name storageaccount
--location 'west us' --extended-properties 'key-1:value-1,key-2:value-2'
Other avaliable actions are
create Create storage service.
delete Delete storage account.
list List storage accounts.
update Update storage service.
Creating queue using service bus
$ puppet azure_servicebus create_queue --sb-namespace busname
--queue-name queuename --sb-access-key dnD/E49P4SJG8UVEpABOeZRc=
Other avaliable actions are
create_queue Creates queue with service bus object.
create_topic Create topic with service bus object.
delete_queue Delete a queue using service bus object.
delete_topic Delete a topic using service bus object.
list_queues List queues.
list_topics List topics.
Currently the sdk supports *.pem or *.pfx (passwordless pfx) for service management operations. Following are the steps discussed on various cert operations.
To create pfx, simply download the publishsettings file for your subscription, copy the contents of Management Certificate from the publishsettings and save it in a file and name the file as your cert.pfx. This pfx will be a passwordless pfx which can be supplied as a cert parameter for Service Management Commands
Using the following openssl commands to extract the pem file and pass the pem file as management cert parameter.
To get only private key from pfx use Openssl.exe pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -nocerts -out cert.pem
To remove passphrase from the above private key use Openssl.exe rsa -in cert.pem -out certprivnopassword.pem
To extract both public & private keys from pfx use Openssl.exe pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -out certprivpub.pem
To extract only public key from pem use Openssl x509 -inform pem -in certprivpub.pem -pubkey -out certpub.pem -outform pem
Finally copy the public key & private key to a file *.pem and pass that pem file to management cert parameter.
To extract pem from custom certificate, export the pfx, follow the above steps to convert to pem and pass that pem file to management cert parameter.
Please report any problems you have with the Microsoft Azure Cloud Provisioner module in issue tracker at