This file summarizes notable changes for each release, but does not describe internal changes unless they are particularly exciting. For complete details please see the corresponding milestones and their associated issues.
- Add fromStringOpt #85
- http4s 0.20.0-M6
- cats-effect 1.2.0
- specs2 4.4.1
- cats-testkit 1.6.0
- sbt-ghpages 0.6.3
- sbt-tpolecat 0.1.5
- sbt-updates 0.4.0
Minor Updates for upstream http4s. Mostly just library maintenance and upstream dep bumps.
- circe 0.11.1
- http4s 0.20.0-M5
- specs2 4.3.6
- sbt-release
A new feature, and quite a few upgrades. Only non-stable module is http4s since it does not have a stable yet. Many thanks to Gabriele Petronella for the Query Param Decoder Implementation
- Adds Query Param Decoder for Http4s #69
- Scala 2.12.8/2.11.12
- Http4s 0.20.0-M4
- Circe 0.10.1
- Doobie 0.6.0
- Cats-Effect 1.1.0
- Specs2 4.3.5 (test-only)
- Kind Projector
- Tut
- ScalaJS
Restoration of the doobie project with the new release.
- circe 0.10.0
- doobie 0.6.0-M3
- http4s 0.19.0-M3
Release of all core code on cats-effect 1.0, http4s 0.19.0-M2, circe 0.10.0-M2. As doobie does not have a release at this time, this release does not include a doobie module.
- Refactor fromString to a Throwable rather the the more specific exception.
- cats-effect 1.0.0
- circe 0.10.0-M2
- http4s 0.19.0-M2
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes for a possible escape to the total function if error was not one of the expected checked exceptions.
- Initial Encoding
- Circe Module
- Doobie Module
- Http4s Module