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Tangram applies SHACL graphs to graphs to evaluate conformance with ESIP guidelines.

Tangram emerged from a combination of the original Tangram by Doug Fils and so-tools by Dave Vieglais with support of ESIP through a summer project activity. Tangram relies heavily on RDFLib and PySHACL for logic, and the ESIP guidelines for validation rules which are implemented primarily as SHACL shape graphs.

Tangram is provided as a commandline application and a Flask web service that can be run locally, behind a web server such as Apache, as a Docker application, to Google Cloud Run, or as an AWS Lambda service.

The core operational workflow of Tangram takes as input a data graph and a shape graph and outputs a SHACL validation report in plain text or RDF.

Tangram: Simple service example

The Tangram services is a web services wrapper around the pySHACL ( package. It allows you to send in JSON-LD data graphs to test against a Turtle (ttl) encoded shape graph.

Invoke the tool with something like:

With httpie client:

httpclient -f POST https://localhost:8080/verify  \
  dg@./datagraphs/dataset-minimal-BAD.json-ld \
  sg@./shapegraphs/googleRecommended.ttl \

Or with good old curl (with format set to huam):

curl -F 'dg=@./datagraphs/dataset-minimal-BAD.json-ld'  \
     -F 'sg=@./shapegraphs/googleRecommended.ttl' \
     -F 'fmt=human'  \


Local development install and run

This process is for local development, testing, and use. It is not suitable for a production deployment.

python -m venv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -e "git+git://"
pip install -e "git+git://"
pip install -r requirements-web.txt
#Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser

Docker build and run

Docker offers a simple path for deploying Tangram as a production service.

The following provides a local test deployment that is removed when the docker image is shutdown:

make docker
docker run --rm --publish 8080:8080 --name tangram "fils/p418tangram:$(cat VERSION)"
#Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser

AWS Lambda

Deployment to AWS Lambda is managed by Zappa which works by packaging the virtual environment and deploying to Lambda in an environment described in zappa_settings.json. The included copy of zappa_settings will need to be adjusted to work with the AWS account being used to manage the deployment. In particular, adjust the role_arn value to the role created for the deployment.

  1. Setup virtual environment

A deployment to AWS Lambda needs to include all dependencies outsde the standard python libraries. Zappa creates the deployment by examining the python environment and bundling up extra libraries. The simplest way to do this is with a virtual environment.

python -m venv lambda_env
. lambda_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-web.txt
pip install -r aws_lambda/requirements.txt
  1. Prepare AWS IAM role for running the task
# cd to the folder that contains
# Set this to the account ID

aws iam create-role \
    --role-name ZappaLambdaExecution \
    --assume-role-policy-document file://aws_lambda/policy.json

aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name ZappaLambdaExecution \
    --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"

#Update the role policy with the account number
sed "s/__ACOUNT_ID__/${ACCOUNT_ID}/g" aws_lambda/role_policy_template.json > "lambda_role_policy.json"

aws iam put-role-policy \
    --role-name ZappaLambdaExecution \
    --policy-name AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole \
    --policy-document "file://lambda_role_policy.json" 

#Create zappa_settings.json with the account id in the current folder
sed "s/__ACCOUNT_ID__/${ACCOUNT_ID}/g" aws_lambda/zappa_settings_template.json > zappa_settings.json
  1. Deploy the Lambda

The following all assume cwd is the folder containing

$ zappa deploy dev
Deploying API Gateway..
Deployment complete!:

To update the deployment after changes:

$ zappa update dev

To remove the Lambda operation

$ zappa undeploy dev

Pushing resources to S3

aws s3 cp --recursive resources s3://sosov-${ACCOUNT_ID}/resources