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+Mark Meysenburg, mark.meysenburg@donae.edu
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+Image Processing workshop citation
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+This lesson shows how to use Python and OpenCV to do basic image processing.
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+layout: page
+title: Discussion
+permalink: /discuss/
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+layout: page
+title: "Instructor Notes"
+permalink: /guide/
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+title: "Image Basics"
+teaching: 30
+exercises: 0
+- "What are the questions?"
+- "What are the objectives?"
+- "What are the key points?"
+The images we see on hard copy, view with our electronic devices, or process
+with our programs are represented and stored in the computer as numeric
+abstractions, approximations of what we see with our eyes in the real world.
+Before we begin to learn how to process images with Python programs, we need
+to spend some time understanding how these abstractions work.
+## Pixels
+First it is important to realize that images are stored as rectangular arrays
+of hundreds, thousands, or millions of discrete "picture elements," otherwise
+known as pixels. Each pixel can be thought of as a single point of colored
+For example, consider this image of a maize seedling, with a square area
+designated by a red box:
+Now, if we zoomed in close enough to see the pixels in the red box, we would
+see something like this:
+Note that each circle in the enlarged image area -- each pixel -- is all one
+color, but that each pixel can have a different color from its neighbors.
+Viewed from a distance, these pixels seem to blend together to form the image
+we see.
+## Coordinate system
+When we process images, we can access, examine, and / or change the color of
+any pixel we wish. To do this, we need some convention on how to access pixels
+individually; a way to give each one a name or an address of sort.
+The most common manner to do this, and the one we will use in our programs,
+is to assign a modified Cartesian coordinate system to the image. The
+coordinate system we usually see in mathematics has a horizontal x-axis and
+a vertical y-axis, like this:
+The modified coordinate system used for our images will have only positive
+coordinates, the origin will be in the upper left corner instead of the
+center, and y coordinate values will get larger as they go down instead of
+up, like this:
+This is called a *left-hand coordinate system*. If you hold your left hand
+in front of your face and point your thumb at the floor, your extended index
+finger will correspond to the x-axis while your thumb represents the y-axis.
+Until you have worked with images for a while, the most common mistake that
+you will make with coordinates is to forget that y coordinates get larger
+as they go down instead of up as in a normal Cartesian coordinate system.
+## Color model
+Digital images use some color model to create a broad range of colors from
+a small set of primary colors. Although there are several different color
+models that are used for images, the most commonly occurring one is the
+RGB model.
+The RGB model is an *additive* color model, which means that the primary
+colors are mixed together to form other colors. In the RGB model, the
+primary colors are red, green, and blue -- thus the name of the model.
+Each primary color is often called a *channel*.
+Most frequently, the amount of the primary color added is represented as
+an integer in the closed range [0, 255]. Therefore, there are 256 discrete
+amounts of each primary color that can be added to produce another color.
+The value 256 corresponds to the number of bits used to hold the color
+channel value, eight (since 28=256). Since we have three channels,
+this is called 24-bit color depth.
+Any particular color in the RGB model can be expressed by a triplet of
+integers in [0, 255], representing the red, green, and blue channels,
+respectively. A larger number in a channel means that more of that primary
+color is present.
+This image shows some color names, their 24-bit RGB triplet values, and the
+color itself.
+We will not provide an extensive table, as there are 224 =
+16,777,216 possible colors with our additive, 24-bit RGB color model.
+Although 24-bit color depth is common, there are other options. We might have
+8-bit color (3 bits for red and green, but only 2 for blue, providing 8 × 8 ×
+4 = 256 colors) or 16-bit color (4 bits for red, green, and blue, plus 4 more
+for transparency, providing 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096 colors), for example. There
+are color depths with more than eight bits per channel, but as the human eye
+can only discern approximately 10 million different colors, these are not
+often used.
+If you are using an older or inexpensive laptop screen or LCD monitor to view
+images, it may only support 18-bit color, capable of displaying 64 × 64 × 64
+= 262,144 colors. 24-bit color images will be converted in some manner to
+18-bit, and thus the color quality you see will not match what is actually in
+the image.
+We can combine our coordinate system with the 24-bit RGB color model to gain a
+conceptual understanding of the images we will be working with. An image is a
+rectangular array of pixels, each with its own coordinate. Each pixel in the
+image is a point of colored light, where the color is specified by a 24-bit RGB
+triplet. Such an image is an example of *raster graphics*.
+## Image formats
+Although the images we will manipulate in our programs are conceptualized as
+rectangular arrays of RGB triplets, they are not necessarily created, stored,
+or transmitted in that format. There are several image formats we might
+encounter, and we should know the basics of at least of few of them. Some
+formats we might encounter, and their file extensions, are shown in this table:
+| Format | Extension |
+| :-------------------------------------- | :------------ |
+| Device-Independent Bitmap (BMP) | .bmp |
+| Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) | .jpg or .jpeg |
+| Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) | .tiff |
+## BMP
+The file format that comes closest to our conceptualization of images is the
+Device-Independent Bitmap, or BMP, file format. BMP files store raster graphics
+images as long sequences of binary-encoded numbers that specify the color of
+each pixel in the image. Since computer files are one-dimensional structures,
+the pixel colors are stored one row at a time. That is, the first row of pixels
+(those with y-coordinate 0) are stored first, followed by the second row (those
+with y-coordinate 1), and so on. Depending on how it was created, a BMP image
+might have 8-bit, 16-bit, or 24-bit color depth.
+24-bit BMP images have a relatively simple file format, can be viewed and
+loaded across a wide variety of operating systems, and have high quality.
+However, BMP images are not *compressed*, resulting in very large file sizes
+for any useful image resolutions.
+The idea of image compression is important to us for two reasons: first,
+compressed images have smaller file sizes, and are therefore easier to store
+and transmit; and second, compressed images may not have as much detail as
+their uncompressed counterparts, and so out programs may not be able to detect
+some important aspect if we are working with compressed images. Since
+compression is important to us, we should take a brief detour and discuss
+the concept.
+## Image compression
+Imagine that we have a fairly large, but very boring image: a 5,000 × 5,000
+image composed of nothing but white pixels. If we used an uncompressed image
+format such as BMP, how much storage would be required for the file? Well,
+there are
+5,000 × 5,000 = 25,000,000
+pixels, and 24 bits for each pixel, leading to
+25,000,000 × 26 = 600,000,000
+bits, or 75,000,000 bytes (71.5MB). That is quite a lot of space for a very
+uninteresting image! (See the following table for the definitions of
+kilobytes, megabytes, etc. The smallest unit of data we can work with is a
+byte, or eight bits.)
+| Unit | Abbreviation | Size |
+| :------- | ------------ | :--------- |
+| Kilobyte | KB | 1024 bytes |
+| Megabyte | MB | 1024 KB |
+| Gigabyte | GB | 1024 MB |
+Since image files can be very large, various compression schemes exist for
+saving (approximately) the same information while using less space.
+These compression techniques can be categorized as *lossless* or *lossy*.
+## Lossless compression
+In lossless image compression, we apply some algorithm to the image, resulting
+in a file that is significantly smaller than the uncompressed BMP file
+equivalent would be. Then, when we wish to load and view or process the image,
+our program reads the compressed file, and reverses the compression process,
+resulting in an image that is *identical* to the original. Nothing is lost in
+the process -- hence the term "lossless."
+The general idea of lossless compression is to somehow detect long patterns
+of bytes in a file that are repeated over and over, and then assign a smaller
+bit pattern to represent the longer sample. Then, the compressed file is made
+up of the smaller patterns, rather than the larger ones, thus reducing the
+number of bytes required to save the file. The compressed file also contains
+a table of the substituted patterns and the originals, so when the file is
+decompressed it can be made identical to the original before compression.
+To provide you with a concrete example, consider the 71.5 MB white BMP image
+discussed above. When put through the zip compression utility on Microsoft
+Windows, the resulting .zip file is only 72 KB in size! That is, the .zip
+version of the image is three orders of magnitude smaller than the original,
+and it can be decompressed into a file that is byte-for-byte the same as the
+original. Since the original is so repetitious -- simply the same color
+triplet repeated 25,000,000 times -- the compression algorithm can
+dramatically reduce the size of the file.
+If you work with .zip or .gz archives, you are dealing with lossless
+## Lossy compression
+Lossy compression takes the original image and discards some of the detail
+in it, resulting in a smaller file format. The goal is to only throw away
+detail that someone viewing the image would not notice. Many lossy
+compression schemes have adjustable levels of compression, so that the image
+creator can choose the amount of detail that is lost. The more detail that
+is sacrificed, the smaller the image files will be -- but of course, the
+detail and richness of the image will be lower as well.
+This is probably fine for images that are shown on Web pages or printed off
+on 4 × 6 photo paper, but may or may not be fine for scientific work. You
+will have to decide whether the loss of image quality and detail are important
+to your work, versus the space savings afforded by a lossy compression format.
+It is important to understand that once an image is saved in a lossy
+compression format, the lost detail is just that -- lost. I.e., unlike
+lossless formats, given an image saved in a lossy format, there is no way
+to reconstruct the original image in a byte-by-byte manner.
+## JPEG
+JPEG images are perhaps the most commonly encountered digital images today.
+JPEG uses lossy compression, and the degree of compression can be tuned to
+your likings. It supports 24-bit color depth, and since the format is so
+widely used, JPEG images can be viewed and manipulated easily on all
+computing platforms.
+Referring back to our large image of white pixels, while BMP required 71.5 MB
+to store the image, the same image stored in JPEG format required only 384 KB
+of storage, a two-orders-of-magnitude improvement.
+Here is an example showing how JPEG compression might impact image quality.
+Consider this image of several maize seedlings (scaled down here from 11,339
+× 11,336 pixels in order to fit the display).
+Now, let us zoom in and look at a small section of the original, first in the
+uncompressed format:
+Here is the same area of the image, but in JPEG format. We used a fairly
+aggressive compression parameter to make the JPEG, in order to illustrate
+the problems you might encounter with the format.
+The JPEG image is of clearly inferior quality. It has less color variation
+and noticeable pixelation. Quality differences become even more marked when
+one examines the color histograms for each image. A histogram shows how
+often each color value appears in an image. First, here is the histogram for
+the uncompressed image:
+Now, look at the histogram for the compressed image sample:
+(We we learn how to make histograms such as these later on in the workshop.)
+The differences in the color histograms are even more apparent than in the
+images themselves; clearly the JPEG is quite different from the
+uncompressed version.
+If the quality settings for your JPEG images are high (and the compression
+rate therefore relatively low), the images may be of sufficient quality for
+your work. It all depends on how much quality you need, and what restrictions
+you have on image storage space.
+## TIFF
+TIFF images are popular with publishers, graphics designers, and photographers.
+TIFF images can be uncompressed, or compressed using either lossless or lossy
+compression schemes, depending on the settings used, and so TIFF images seem
+to have the benefits of both the BMP and JPEG formats. The main disadvantage
+of TIFF images (other than the size of images in the uncompressed version of
+the format) is that they are not universally readable by image viewing and
+manipulation software.
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/index.md
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+layout: lesson
+root: .
+This lesson shows how to use Python and OpenCV to do basic image processing.
+> ## Prerequisites
+> This lesson assumes you have working knowledge of Python and Bash command-line commands.
+{: .prereq}
diff --git a/reference.md b/reference.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/reference.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+layout: reference
+permalink: /reference/
+## Glossary
+FIXME: The glossary would go here, formatted as:
+key word 1
+: explanation 1
+key word 2
+: explanation 2
+{: .source}
+(`{:auto_ids}` is needed at the start
+so that Jekyll will automatically generate a unique ID for each item
+to allow other pages to hyperlink to specific glossary entries.)
+This renders as:
+key word 1
+: explanation 1
+key word 2
+: explanation 2
diff --git a/setup.md b/setup.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..02abec495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+layout: page
+title: Setup
+permalink: /setup/
+## Setup instructions for the Image Processing workshop
+We are using a virtual Linux machine for this workshop, since the computer
+vision libraries we use can be difficult to install and configure. This
+allows you to run our "standard" computer, regardless of your specific
+Windows, Mac, or Linux computer. Here are the details regarding our machine
+and its pre-installed software suite.
+### Operating system
+64-bit Ubuntu 16.04.
+### Login information
+The machine is set to automatically log in to a user account. If needed,
+the username is **diva** and the associated password is **DoaneDiva16**.
+### Software suite
+The machine is pre-configured with the following software:
+- gcc (C / C++ compiler)
+- Geany (lightweight integraded development environment (IDE))
+- git
+- gnuplot (for plotting and graphing)
+- ImageJ
+- Java JDK 8 and NetBeans IDE (for Java development)
+- Python 3.6.0 (Anaconda 4.3.1)
+-- OpenCV
+-- numpy
+-- scipy
+-- matplotlib
+-- mahotas
+-- scikit-learn
+- R and RStudio
+## Installation
+1. Download and install the free Oracle VirtualBox software, via this
+[link](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads "VirtualBox download")
+2. Download the DIVAS virtual machine image via this
+[link](http://www.google.com "FIXME"). This a 6 GB file, so the download
+will likely take a while.
+3. Start your VirtualBox application.
+4. Import the image file you downloaded, via the File / Import Appliance
+menu item. Adjust the memory for the virtual machine to be no more than
+one-half of the total memory your computer has.
+## Running the virtual machine for the first time
+1. If it is not already running, start your VirtualBox application.
+2. Highlight the DIVAS virtual machine in the left-hand pane.
+3. To start the virtual machine the first time, click on the Start button
+(the green arrow). After it starts, the machine will automatically log you
+in and take you to an orange desktop.
+4. Install the Guest Additions, which will allow the virtual machine to
+work more seamlessly with your computer.
+ * From the VirtualBox VM Devices menu, choose the Insert Guest
+Additions CD Image... item. You will be asked if you want to run the
+additions; click Run.
+ * When prompted, enter the **diva** user password, **DoaneDiva16**,
+and wait until the process is complete (when the terminal says "Press Return
+to close this window...").
+ * Hit enter, then eject the CD image by right clicking on the disk
+icon on the left side launcher bar and choosing "Eject," and then restart
+the virtual machine, by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner
+and choosing the "Shut Down" item.
+5. Set your name and email address for git
+ * Open a Terminal window
+ * Execute the mygit script, like this (use your own information,
+and make sure to include the quotes):
+mygit "Jane Smith" "jane.smith@mail.com"
+{: .bash}