diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 22136d13b8..b264895d60 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -1210,6 +1210,16 @@
+ com.google.apis
+ google-api-services-storage
+ v1-rev20220604-1.32.1
+ com.google.cloud
+ google-cloud-storage
+ 2.8.0
diff --git a/src/e2e-test/features/bigquery/source/BigQueryToGCS.feature b/src/e2e-test/features/bigquery/source/BigQueryToGCS.feature
index e65f6511d4..5de9a43363 100644
--- a/src/e2e-test/features/bigquery/source/BigQueryToGCS.feature
+++ b/src/e2e-test/features/bigquery/source/BigQueryToGCS.feature
@@ -116,3 +116,43 @@ Feature: BigQuery source - Verification of BigQuery to GCS successful data trans
Then Open and capture logs
Then Verify the pipeline status is "Succeeded"
Then Verify data is transferred to target GCS bucket
+Scenario:Validate successful records transfer from BigQuery to GCS with bucket having delete multi part upload policy enabled
+ Given Open Datafusion Project to configure pipeline
+ When Expand Plugin group in the LHS plugins list: "Source"
+ When Select plugin: "BigQuery" from the plugins list as: "Source"
+ When Expand Plugin group in the LHS plugins list: "Sink"
+ When Select plugin: "GCS" from the plugins list as: "Sink"
+ Then Navigate to the properties page of plugin: "BigQuery"
+ And Enter input plugin property: "referenceName" with value: "Reference"
+ And Replace input plugin property: "project" with value: "projectId"
+ And Enter input plugin property: "datasetProject" with value: "datasetprojectId"
+ And Replace input plugin property: "dataset" with value: "dataset"
+ Then Override Service account details if set in environment variables
+ And Enter input plugin property: "table" with value: "bqSourceTable"
+ Then Click on the Get Schema button
+ Then Validate output schema with expectedSchema "bqSourceSchemaDatatype"
+ Then Validate "BigQuery" plugin properties
+ Then Close the BigQuery properties
+ Then Navigate to the properties page of plugin: "GCS"
+ Then Enter input plugin property: "referenceName" with value: "sourceRef"
+ Then Replace input plugin property: "project" with value: "projectId"
+ Then Enter GCS sink property path
+ Then Select dropdown plugin property: "select-format" with option value: "json"
+ Then Validate "GCS" plugin properties
+ Then Close the Plugin Properties page
+ Then Connect source as "BigQuery" and sink as "GCS" to establish connection
+ Then Save the pipeline
+ Then Preview and run the pipeline
+ Then Wait till pipeline preview is in running state
+ Then Open and capture pipeline preview logs
+ Then Verify the preview run status of pipeline in the logs is "succeeded"
+ Then Close the pipeline logs
+ Then Close the preview
+ Then Deploy the pipeline
+ Then Run the Pipeline in Runtime
+ Then Wait till pipeline is in running state
+ Then Open and capture logs
+ Then Verify the pipeline status is "Succeeded"
+ Then Validate the values of records transferred to GCS bucket is equal to the values from source BigQuery table
diff --git a/src/e2e-test/java/io/cdap/plugin/common/stepsdesign/TestSetupHooks.java b/src/e2e-test/java/io/cdap/plugin/common/stepsdesign/TestSetupHooks.java
index 8c5b1e385f..7e18831e0c 100644
--- a/src/e2e-test/java/io/cdap/plugin/common/stepsdesign/TestSetupHooks.java
+++ b/src/e2e-test/java/io/cdap/plugin/common/stepsdesign/TestSetupHooks.java
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ public static void createTargetGCSBucketWithCSVFile() throws IOException, URISyn
BeforeActions.scenario.write("GCS target bucket name - " + gcsTargetBucketName);
- @After(order = 1, value = "@GCS_SINK_TEST or @GCS_SINK_EXISTING_BUCKET_TEST")
public static void deleteTargetBucketWithFile() {
@@ -1030,4 +1030,14 @@ public static void createSinkBQExistingDatatypeTable() throws IOException, Inter
PluginPropertyUtils.addPluginProp(" bqTargetTable", bqTargetTable);
BeforeActions.scenario.write("BQ Target Table " + bqTargetTable + " updated successfully");
+ private static String createGCSBucketLifeCycle() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
+ String bucketName = StorageClient.createBucketwithLifeCycle("00000000-e2e-" + UUID.randomUUID(), 30).getName();
+ PluginPropertyUtils.addPluginProp("gcsTargetBucketName", bucketName);
+ return bucketName;
+ }
+ @Before(order = 1, value = "@GCS_SINK_MULTI_PART_UPLOAD")
+ public static void createBucketWithLifeCycle() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
+ gcsTargetBucketName = createGCSBucketLifeCycle();
+ BeforeActions.scenario.write("GCS target bucket name - " + gcsTargetBucketName); }