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PyGotham 2018 talk links and notes
"Software Freedom and Ethical Technology" by Karen M. Sandler
"Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe! Preserving Anonymity by Subverting Stylometry" by Robin Camille Davis
"MFA the Right Way: One Time Passwords with PyOTP" by Collin Stedman
"I've Been Awaiting for an URL Like You" by Brian Muller
"Tracking the International Space Station in Django with Redis-queue and RQ Scheduler" by Sam Agnew
"A deep dive into Python stack frames" by Nikhil Marathe
"Pushing the Bounds with Descriptors" by Owein Reese
"Gradient Descent, Demystified" by Michael (Stu) Stewart
"Predicting the future with statistical and machine learning models" by Rebeca Sarai
"1 + 1 = 1 or Record Deduplication with Python" by Flávio Juvenal
"Creative Music Applications in Python" by Dror Ayalon
"Using Python, Travis CI, and GitHub to Effectively Teach Programming" by Gregory M. Kapfhammer
"The Automatic Computer and You: A Meditation Upon the History and Future of Software Development" by Glyph
"Seventeen Million Lines of Code: Launching a Startup in an Investment Bank" by Garrett Walker
"Beating Mastermind: Winning Games, Translating Math to Code, and Learning from Donald Knuth" by Adam Forsyth
"From Coroutines to Concurrency" by Vishal Prasad
"Dataclasses are here! Now what?" by Scott Irwin
"What if Jane Austen had been an Engineer?" by Lacey Williams Henschel
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