These are the release notes of the ICON model. Below the main changes as compared to the previous ICON release.
- Improve adaptive CFL reduction at model start
- Update and extend diagnostics in supervise_total_integrals_nh
- Fix OpenACC loops in vertical advection
NWP Physics:
- Improvements to adaptive parameter tuning
- Implemented option for Cloud droplet number from MODIS climatology
- RUC (Rapid Update Cycle) diagnostics, fixes and testcases
- DeMott ice nucleation parametrization
- New output variables: diagnostic tot_pr_max; surface radiative fluxes without islope_rad corrections
- changed random normal values generation in Stochastically Perturbed Physics Tendencies (SPPT)
- Gust diagnosis option for large-eddy permitting configurations
- Option for moisture diffusion (water vapor and cloud water)
- 2-moment-microphysics: new hail/graupel shedding and limitation of graupel production
- Tuning parameters for TERRA-URB (Soil parameterization) and wind gusts
- fix atmospheric water budget issues
- Optimize emvorado compile time, bugfix and new namelist parameters
- Aerosol optical depth (AOD) output from Kinne and enabling fr_glac
- Computation of instantaneous grid scale precipitation rate at every physics time step
- Include parametrization of wave breaking into the ICON-waves physics
- GPU Port of the
switch for the two-moment microphysics scheme - Fix for atmo-wave roughness length coupling
- Wave-dependent sea surface roughness in icon-nwp
- Fix initialisation of aerosol fields in case of Kinne/CAMS Aerosol
Modifications by the CLM Community:
- CDNC scaling for climate projections
- Removed the alteration of Modis Cdnc
- Add namelist parameter (rat_lam,rsmin_fac) to enhance tuning capabilities
- Added correction for albedo dependent on soil moisture for soil types 3 to 6
Various bug fixes:
- Several bug fixes for OpenACC and Cray compiler
- Make limited-area model (LAM) and nested grids work on CPU
- Add fixes to graupel microphysics (synchronize with granule)
- Surface net longwave radiation flux
- init call with OpenMP in aes-ocean coupling
- nextGEMS prefinal
- Forgot loop indices in OpenMP PRIVATE statement for one loop in TMX turbulence package
- Removed inconsistency for turbulent diffusion coefficients between TTE and Smagorinsky schemes for VDIFF and TMX turbulence packages
- Replace two ACC KERNELS constructs with explicit loops to improve performance in TMX turbulence package
- Make sensible heat flux in surface energy balance consistent with atmosphere when using TMX turbulence package
- Remove ACC TILE constructs from single (not nested) loops in TMX turbulence package
- Performance fixes for OpenACC and fixes for OpenMP in TMX turbulence package
- Fixed some potentially non-contiguous OpenACC transfers in coupling code plus removed some OpenACC KERNELS constructs in VDIFF
New features and other modifications:
- Replace
for coupling O3 and aerosols via python processes - Add namelist parameter for lower tropospheric stability correction
- Add output diagnostic for relative humidity
- Expose
variables via YAC - Add diagnostic for 2m specific humidity in TMX turbulence package
- Add tuning options in TMX turbulence package (kinetic energy dissipation and stability correction) and change cloud droplet number concentration from 200 to 50
- Consistently apply the physical tendencies at constant mass and volume in the cloud microphysics (mig), the radiant energy transfer (rad) and the turbulent mixing (vdf/tmx)
- Updates for energetics with TMX turbulence package - consistently use internal energy and account for the energetic contributions of temperature-varying phase change energy
- Various fixes and updates for TMX turbulence package (diffusion of internal energy, diffusion of u/v velocities)
- Added a cloud inhomogeneity factor for snow and clean-up of factors for cloud liquid water
- Remove unused code in the RTE-RRTMGP interface
- Change setup for Sapphire base/nextGEMS prefinal
- Changed initialization of chemtracers for init_gas=0 in ART (now sets tracers to 0)
- INAS ice nucleation scheme preparation, dusty cirrus, meteogram output
- Repair ICON-ART standard cases
- New plume rise model implementation as option...
- Clean-up of constants and adding emissions into wet air
- Remove usage of RRTM in ART
- Avoid double execution of the phenology update...
- Fix exponent sign bug in Hande et al 2016 CCN activation
- Fix for double allocation of some variables
- Bugfix for wrong pressure unit in PSC scheme in ART
- Water content computation of sea salt aerosol
- Refactored and GPU-ported OEM (Online Emission Module) code
- New feature: Add diagnostic for ocean bottom pressure
- New Feature: Add ocean potential temperature in Kelvin as optional output
- New feature: Add diagnostic age tracer and age tracer squared
- Bugfix: Enable sea-ice drag on ocean as default
- Bugfix: Reintroduce missing coupling fields in ocean restart files
- Refactoring: Improve initialization of 2D variables
- Call interface_aes_ocean only if coupled_to_ocean
- Adapted ICON-Land to the interface change of init and copy functions of mo_fortran_tools
- Bugfix: Fixed restartability of offline model
- New feature: Ported offline model to GPU
- Bugfix: Fixed an indexing bug in phenology
- Remove hard-coded number of soil layers in JSBACH and get it from input data instead
- New feature: Implementation of QUINCY biogeochemistry model
- Update of inline documentation and code cleaning
- Added various pre-processing scripts for ICON-Land/JSBACH
- New feature: Implemented ponds in JSBACH
- Replaced copyrighted code for solver of tridiagonal linear equation system
- New feature: Updates for ICON-Land offline simulations (filter for surface drag computation, refactor of driver)
- New feature: Ported (internal) Hydrologic Discharge (HD) model to GPU
- Bugfix: Fixed wrong vector assignment inside loop
- Use new versions of JSBACH input data for NextGEMS atmosphere-only experiments
- New feature: Improvements for JSBACH soil hydrology (soil organic matter, soil freezing and thawing, soil moisture, new solver for vertical water transport) plus cleanup of code and variable names
- Updates to the bookkeeping of how processes in ICON-Land run on different tiles
- New feature: Implementation of forest age classes
- Refactoring and fixes for the LCC (land cover change) framework including the processes for disturbances (wind/fire), fuel/carbon and anthropogenic land cover change
- OpenACC updates and fixes: use of ASYNCs and other changes to follow ICON OpenACC programming guidelines; remove some ACC WAITs for optimization
- Updates to ecRad: gas model split & spectral weights; fixes from ecrad master
- CAMS forecasted aerosol as an option for ecRad radiation
- Update ComIn to version 0.1.1
- Update libfortran-support to version 1.2.0
- Update YAXT to version 0.10.2
- Update to CDI version 2.4.0
- Update to RTE+RRTMGP version 1.7
Several bug and technical fixes, below the most relevant ones:
- 1mom-microphysics granule: Build and Testing Infrastructure
- Extensions of the action feature, which is used in ICON to reinitialize variables at regular intervals
- Configure: try to find python3 before python
- Fixes bug in mo_communication_yaxt
- Fix for array bound violation in src/atm_phy_nwp/mo_nwp_phy_init.f90
- Improve configure for use with external comin
- Fix the time and date exposure when ComIn is enabled
- Fix abort_mpi: exit with a non-zero exit code on error
- Switch to NetCDF Fortran 90 interface
And some modifications to coupling:
- Moved coupler initialisation
- Refactoring of coupling
- Hd (Hydrological Discharge) updates
- Coupled TERRA - HD through YAC
- Online diagnose of global sum runoffs before and after the YAC coupling
- Correct calculation of Qtop and re-enable LSM patching in NWP-Ocean coupling
- GPU performance fixes and workarounds for NVIDIA and AMD GPUs
- Removing majority of i_am_accel_node instances (deprecated debugging feature)
- Adding nblocks_e namelist option + updated logic for nproma, nblocks_c
- Cuda graph : activation through logicals + testing infrastructure
- Added WAITS for bit reproducibility on GPU
A workaround for the NVIDIA compiler has been implemented to be able to compile yac.
Necessary backports from the main ICON repository for buildbot testing are also included.
It took a lot of work, sweat and tears: ICON's first Open Source (BSD 3 Clause) release is out!
Nevertheless, a lot of changes have been applied to icon-2024.01 since the last released version icon-2.6.6. The given list might not contain all changes (eg.bug fixes, ...), but is a good overview.
- Consolidate probtest
- Read/write access for experiment directory on NEC
- MCH: Add mch_kenda-ch1_small experiment
- Reorganization of nwp buildbot data
- Refactor START_MODEL_function
- Migrate data pool on Balfrin
- Add qubicc tests to levante_gpu/cpu_nvhpc builders
- Add bubble update test
- Add mixed precision builders on balfrin with performance test
- Introduces the concept of one tolerance hash per experiment and builder
- Add build-only tests on LUMI
- New
test case with land (JSBACH) - Move the configuration of the bundled libraries to the build stage
- GPU port of tracer transport and HAMOCC functions
- Introduction of new experiment list merge2rc (== icon-dev + dwd)
- Introduction of new experiment lists: art, oce for specific component tests
- Several improvements and fixes for buildbot
- Add latest GPU build wrapper for levante
- Add the ocean-gpu Buildbot list for variants of ocean_omip experiments with NVHPC on Levante
- Redesign of bias corretion of reference precipitation.
- Modified time dependence of EPS perturbations for LHN tuning parameters
- Revision of adaptive parameter tuning for seaice scheme
- Anthropogenic aerosol for 2D-aerosol scheme
- Coupling with hydrological model HD
- First set of tuning changes / new tuning options for ICON-D05
- adapt HZEROCL diagnostic for MCH
- new diagnostic output fields
- Horizontal transport of ocean surface wave energy (part I)
- Bugfix in vertical interpolation in cams climatology
- WAVES: Coupling yac3 ICON-NWP <-> ICON-waves
- Modified z_pbl output for NWP
- CAMS climatological aerosol as an option for ecRad radiation
- Modification to rh based vis diagnostic and clean up of vis diagnostic.
- sfc_seaice: heat transfer from the sea-ice slab is modified
- EMVORADO: New option for dynamic wet growth T-limits in radar forward operator
- Additional namelist options for improved SSO/gravity-wave tuning
- JSBACH/VDIFF: add interface between NWP physics package and vdiff
- Remove optional mass fixer from (incremental) feedback routine
- Remove optional divergence averaging
- Remove the turbulence scheme EDMF from ICON
- Rewrite gamma functions to avoid license issues
- Remove RTTOV coefficients from /data directory due to license isssues
- Move two radar interface modules from ICON source code to submodule emvorado
- update emvorado headers and gamma functions
- Integrate separate deep-atmosphere dycore into standard dycore
- Two-moment scheme changes for RUC and CLC
- Implementation of warm-rain spectral bin microphysics (SBM)
- Generic hydrometors for ecrad
- latitude-dependent decorrelation length scale for cloud overlap
- set of changes needed to allow numerically stable integrations at mesh sizes below about 100 m
- waves: implement full suite of parameterizations
- waves standalone: Read-in of forcing data
- new namelist parameter
- ECRAD: updated version by ECMWF
- ECRAD: activate ecckd gas optics
- TERRA-URB: anthropogenic heat flux added
- Latent heat nudging: fixed several incorrect loop boundaries (nproma -> i_endidx)
- Enable reduced radiation grid for ART+ecrad
- wave model: additional model components added
- ext_data state, read in, output
- wave energy initialization
- time loop
- Removed
macros - Remove optional mass fixer from (incremental) feedback routine
- Remove optional divergence averaging
- Remove the turbulence scheme EDMF from ICON
- Remove RTTOV coefficients from /data directory due to license isssues
- Move two radar interface modules from ICON source code to submodule emvorado
- Update emvorado headers and gamma functions
- EMVORADO: Fix serious problem with the new dt_obs(1:3) notation in automatic reading from radar meta data from obs file
- ICON-seamless prototype 2
- Revised NWP ocean interface
- Updates to the two-moment microphysics scheme
- New option for horizontal Smagorinsky diffusion on vertical wind speed
- TERRA-URB: prevent evaporation from bare soil
- Option to modify diagnostic cloud scheme to enhance cloud cover in stratocumulus regions
- Add option for slope-dependent radiation with shading but no sky-view factor effects
- waves: add complete set of wave physics
- MVSTREAM: Horizontal mean for local grids (LAM)
- New namelist switch for ozone tuning
- New namelist parameter for specifying the CFL-W threshold for adaptive time step reduction
- New configure option for disabling/enabling the NWP physics package
- iterative IAU: revised implementation by looping over perform_nh_stepping
- Cleanup advection schemes used for density and potential temperature
- Remove optional open upper boundary condition l_open_ubc=.TRUE. and remnants of the hexagonal code
- DACE: Changes to allow DACE to be used on daint on GPU
- securing that cloud water is not being diffused above the level 'kstart_moist'
- Bug fix for nest initialization during runtime: add filtered wind speed increment
- GPU port of the visibility diagnostic
- GPU port of the explicit two-moment microphysics scheme
- Fix uninitialized data reads in kenda-ch1_small
- port of Hailcast
- initial ART port and port of the pollen-related processes to GPU
- add missing ASYNC(1) clause to PARALLEL regions
- Fix out-of-bound memory access in vertical advection for GPU
- CUDA Graphs for Terra and turbtran and GPU optimizations
- OpenACC port of totint
- Optimized OpenACC port of two-moment microphysics scheme and LHN
- Make ICON buildable on LUMI
- Add GPU testing for levante to the default test suites
- OpenACC port of
- vertical output interpolation
- 3D turbulence scheme
- diagnostics
- sstice_mode=6 (update with user-defined interval)
- fix for iterative IAU test on GPU
- Workaround for cray mpi bug using async/IO
- Rewrite and corrections of one-moment microphysics (graupel)
- ICON-Land update for land offline simulations
- Separate orbit and solar calculations from radiation in
to enable any combination of--en/disable-jsbach
- Fix potential array bounds error in ocean
- Revision of the interface structure for the AES physics
- clean up the Hadley test runscript
- remove graupel (mig) namelist parameter that are no longer in use
- collect changes for nextGEMS cycle 3 except hiopy and compresm
- Refactoring of coupling via YAC
- refactor TKE (ocean)
- port the ocean time loop to GPU
- OpenACC port of the ocean tracer transport
- OpenACC port of LVECTOR code used in ocean tracer transport
- enable concurrent hamocc to work with the ICON-O z-star levels
- Bugfixes and refactoring for MOC diagnostic
- Replaced CLAW directives and preprocessing with pure OpenACC
- JSBACH workarounds for Cray compiler on lumi GPU
- Prepare ICON-Land for
API change and new math library in ICON-C - mprove NEC vectorization in JSBACH for ICON-Seamless
- fix a bug in carbon conservation test
- harmonize scripts for ICON-Land ic and bc file generation
- XML config file is replaced by yaml
- all coupled experiments in buildbot are converted to yaml
- many non-buildbot tests are converted to yaml
- Ensemble and VPRM functionality of the Online Emission Module
- Extension of the pollen treatment with hazel (CORY)
- Tuning, additional diagnostics and introduction of SI units for dust
- Possibility of choosing between 32- and 64-bit float output applied to ART
- XML reading accepts comments in XML-file
- Moving of src/art_interface from the ICON-Code to interface in the ART-Code
- Diagnostics for emissions and washout and reintroducing accidentally lost emission call
- Coagulation and mode shifting to mixed modes
- Aerosol climatology naming
Later than expected: this is another ICON release
- OpenACC port for Nvidia GPUs and enabling HPE-Cray OpenACC use with AMD GPUs
- almost all of the ICON atmospheric components are ready for use on GPU equiped machines. This has been a big effort by Nvidia, HPE/Cray, MeteoSwiss, DWD, CSCS, CSC, and MPIM (the order is arbitrary).
- there is further progress coming up
- preparation of daint/dom transition for Nvidia compiler bumb to 22.5.
- added Docker files for EXCLAIM project in scripts/docker/exclaim
- more test cases
- still persisting problem with OpenMP (non-reproducability) in buildbot tests.
- bufixes and improvements in the data assimilation part and physics
- two-moment cloud microphysics has been replaced by a new version
- initial steps for wave model implementation
- added jsbach/vdiff from former ICON echam-physics
- enable/fix more problems with respect to run icon-seamless
- some code moves and consolidation
- OpenACC beautification application running to allow passing a required CI test
- more test cases
- bugfixes in the ocean
- added additional diagnostics
- improvements in JSBACH (HD mask, LCC, former dynveg)
- updating of build on levante and macos
- fixes for claw
- fixes for building ICON with some data assimilation components
- Nvidia 22.9 is needed for JSBACH
- ocean updated to zstar vertical coordinate
- bump rte-rrtmgp to new version
- fix many errors and enabled new features with respect to coupling external components
- new and updated config-wrappers
- improve buildbot testing
For details take a look at:
It is time for yet another ICON release.
After 10 month we managed to provide a new ICON release with new machine configurations, a new buildbot, significantly extended, improved GPU capabilities, first steps into ICON seamless and a cleaned up version of the MPIM AES physics (now available as aes physics and not echam anymore.
CSCS: Introduction of more and optimized OpenACC code parts and introducing work to allow later more modularization for improving and consolidating of the ICON code.
DKRZ: Bugfixes and more bugfixes, cdi-1.8.4 incorporates nom (joint effort of DKRZ and CIMD) cdi-pio, new versions of all tools maintained by DKRZ, a new buildbot (Ralf Müller) and strong support for getting ICON running on levante.
DWD: Introduction of many improvements in the parameterizations, in tuning and adding bugfixes. Setting up on the new ECMWF system and supporting the data assimilation system. First steps for ICON-seamless are done, especially the coupling to ICON ocean is technically available and most of the time varying external data for climate simulations have been added. However, the code variant has to be tuned and extensively tested and some parts are still missing. This activity is a joint effort of DWD and MPIM colleagues.
MCH: Is actively providing more, and more model components of the NWP physics for the use on GPUs. Furthermore they are supporting all activities related to GPUs and testing of large parts of the ICON code.
MPIM AES: To simplify and streamline further high resolution modelling only, the echam physics has been renamed as aes physics and some former components have been removed as are the SSO gravity drag parameterization, as well the gravity drag parameterization for the middle atmosphere, and most prominent the convection parameterization. As cloud paramterizations the DWD graupel and two-moment scheme are available. A few more, minor, changes have been applied. Newly added is the former large eddy model component the Smagorinsky 'vertical' diffusion scheme.
MPIM OES: Added a new C-grid seaice model (C. Mehlmann) and extensive improvements of OpenMP for hamocc.
MPIM LES: JSBACH got more model components and has been adapted for to all changes above its top-level. - KIT: The aerosoly microphysics and plume components have been added as well as a large number of bugfixes.
MPIM CIMD: just a lot of things in the area of coupling, configuring and building and model infrastrucuture, new machine setups for lumi (CSC), juwels/booster (JSC) and levante (DKRZ)
All developers: many of the work has been done in cross institutional working groups.
A special thanks is going to Sergey Kosukhin (MPIM-CIMD) for his work on the configuration and build system of ICON making life of developers much easier.
The work on the GPU code version, implemented based on OpenACC has been supported by NVIDIA. Thanks a lot, Dmitry Alexeev (and his colleagues).
For detailed information, please, have a look at
Another new release of icon is available.
It consists of
fix for the soil water budget and snow-tiles
integrate YAC2, corresponding changes in jsbach and the yaxt version are included
bundled libraries are no checked at DWD and DKRZ
fix current CDI-PIO setup for coupled setups
use plain netcdf intead of CDI for restart IO
fixes for the building system regarding new compilers, CLAW compatibility, changes in RTTOV and building against eccodes/grib_api
bugfix for hfbasin diagnostic
changes for the DWD NEC Aurora
adjustments for ruby-0 setup (clean up of lsm masks, coupling, add irad_aero=12, buildbot test, scripts)
New ICON-Land/JSBACH version: jsbach:master@39758f03 This merge contains many changes, bug fixes, and improvements/new features in ICON-Land/JSBACH. The most important new features are: Time handling in JSBACH now supports nested domains (with ECHAM physics), plus fix for the time albedo is calculated for radiation New formulation for computation of roughness length (ported from JSBACH3) Implementation of anthropogenic land cover change Diagnostic 1d global mean JSBACH output for monitoring Implementation of the standalone JSBACH model as an ICON model component
Implementation of the two-moment microphysics scheme by Seifert and Beheng (2006). The original NWP routines are used 'as is'. Use encapsulation.
Unify variable long names.
Add new testcases and/or bug fixes: RCEMIP_analytical, RCEtorus, Tconst, bubble.
Add buildbot tests (S. Rast).
Make iqneg output distinguishable. Fix typos.
Add templates for 2 moment in NWP and SP physics.
Add minmax diagnostics for microphysics inside SP.
make dom_start_time and dom_end_time relative to experiment start/end time (Hauke Schulz)
Simple fix of integer range in interface function for CDI-PIO
update to icon-oes-1.3.05
optional seaice initialization
optional calculation of windstress in uncoupled ocean runs
coupled ruby/dyamond: combine ocean and ice velocities in the coupling interface to the atmosphere
extended_N-cycle (c8d10814 to 421c584e)
update of mkexp scripts and mtime
add perp. month/day
For coupled configurations, the land and runoff are created using a fractional mask which is generated from a selected pair of ocean and atmosphere grids and mask. For clarity, these data are stored in a directories with names made up of both - atmosphere and ocean - grid IDs.
With the current physics coupling only one set of pressure variables is needed. Pressure variables in mo_echam_phy_memory are therefore replaced. Use add_ref instead of add_var for several more fields. Reintroduce an optimised reading of Kinne aerosols, only those month are read in which are need for the current job rather than reading always the full year.
introduce standard emissivity to all test cases
Fix for Cariolle scheme
Fix a problem with 10 m wind diagnostics in the coupled model
In icon-dev.checksuite: Change LC-CTYPE to LC-ALL. With this correction icon-dev.checksuite works again on MacOS Big Sur.
Bugfix for graupel initialization in Sapphire physics.
Bug fix for ocean surface coupling in VDIFF: Missing A_klev+1/2 term is added, which induce ocean surface momentum stress to the opposite direction. Missing alpha term in wind stress diagnostic is added. Timing of wind stress diagnostic calculation is fixed.
new test script exp.atm_ape_mlo_test for mixed layer ocean together with aquaplanet
adjust experiment test scripts, remove several outdated and unused templates
changes paths in templates from /pool/data/ICON/grids/private/rene/mpim to /pool/data/ICON/grids/public/mpim
remove unused and completely outdated icon-authors.txt file
update simple plume input file for amip reference experiment.
New reference data, tolerance ranges and AMIP reference experiment.
New option for adaptive pressure bias correction at lateral boundaries (limited-area mode only)
Revised upper boundary condition for vertically nested grids: reduces spurious reflection of vertically propagating sound and gravity waves at the uppermost nest interface level.
Improved process description for gravity wave emission in SSO scheme (NWP)
Update of Emvorado radar forward operator, including new options for dual polarization radars
Update of effective radius coupling with radiation (NWP)
OpenACC port for LHN code (NWP)
optional diagnostic of lightning potential index and lightning flash density (NWP) new output fields: lfd_con, lfd_con_max, lpi_con, lpi_con_max, mlpi_con, mlpi_con_max, koi
close output stream if open: fixes rare and random model crashes at simulation end on NEC
removed hydrostatic DyCore
removed interface to PSRAD radiation scheme (for NWP)
removed COSMO ifdefs
removed unused options for snow-cover fraction diagnosis (for NWP)
The new release of icon is available.
It consists of
- a large number of bugfixes, refactorings, and optimizations for the models infrastructure
- bugfixes and improvements in the build environment
- consolidation of all QUBICC based enhancements and bugfixes (for the sapphire physics)
- many add-ons for the sapphire physics port to GPUs based on OpenACC and many further steps on porting the NWP physics to GPUs
- ART has made its first step to an git submodule external (draft implementation not to be used yet- no warranty)
- fixes and improvements in the ocean code including hamocc
- improvements in the data assimilation NWP physics coupling
- tuning of data assimilation
- added rrtm-gp as radiation scheme for the sapphire physics on GPU
- much progress on cdi-pio use in many icon components
- refactoring of mpi communication library (with a focus on GPU to GPU communication)
For many more details visit:
June 7th, 2021