TODO to add:
use gmaps.js routes, and make waze style
preapproved quests, e.g. along canal, into 5 consective cool spots etc.
GameMaster admins for each region, content creators
##HOW to confirm a grupe? //show users , joining / leaving // when there are X users, // show confirm button // give 5 minutes to confirm
// when confirmed, set grupe to "locked", // column locked_in_at date time ? // remove from available grupes to browse at location
// delete grupe after 5 hours from "locked" date
Make grupes only have 1-2 quests for now grupe --> has_many quests , limit it to 2, and only grupe creator can make them gup ---> is_creator , true/false or grupe ---> user_id / creator_id (userid) or user ---> grupe_id , the grupe they've created, only allowed 1
- user devise omniauthable for omniauth integration for google/twitter
- confirmation email
edit devise views:
rails g devise:views rails g devise:controllers
rails g scaffold Firetree name:string body:string user_id:integer rails g scaffold Transaction street:string city:string zip:string state:string beds:string baths:string sq__ft:string sale_date:datetime price:integer latitude:float longitude:float --force
be rails g geocoder:config be rails geocode:all CLASS=Transaction SLEEP=0.25 BATCH=100
when seraching for data, user has start_location, can either use
1.'near' in elastisearch + Google Geocoder API
or, more frugally, with just postgreseql 2. hardcoded 'region' column on location to search
rails s -b
./ngrok http 3000
search for grupes with similar quests / quester attributes (likes pingpong/ likes mtg / likes meditation / etc.. search available quests
enter auto-gruper (chooses from premiere / high rated locations)