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OpenMP offloading: <br>data movement
CSC Summer School in High-Performance Computing 2024

OpenMP offloading: data movement {.section}

OpenMP data environment

  • GPU device has a separate memory space from the host CPU
    • unified memory is accessible from both sides
    • OpenMP supports both unified and separate memory
  • OpenMP includes constructs and clauses to allocate variables on the device and to define data transfers to/from the device
  • Data needs to be mapped to the device to be accessible inside the offloaded target region
    • host is not allowed to touch the mapped data during the target region
    • variables are implicitly mapped to a target region unless explicitly defined in a data clause
      • scalars as firstprivate, static arrays copied to/from device

Example: implicit mapping

int N=1000;
double a=3.14;
double x[N], y[N];
// some code to initialise x and y

#pragma omp target
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
    y[i] += a * x[i];
  • Implicit copy of a, x and y to the target device when the target region is opened and back when it is closed

Explicit mapping

#pragma omp target map(type:list) : -{.ghost}

  • Explicit mapping can be defined with the map clause of the target construct
    • list is a comma-separated list of variables
    • type is one of:
`to` : copy data to device on entry

from : copy data from device on exit

`tofrom` : copy data to device on entry and back on exit

alloc : allocate on the device (uninitialised)

Example: explicit mapping

int N=1000;
double a=3.14;
double x[N], y[N];
// some code to initialise x and y

#pragma omp target map(to:x) map(tofrom:y)
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
    y[i] += a * x[i];
  • Both x and y are copied the device, but only y is copied back to the host
  • Implicit copy of a to the device

Dynamically allocated arrays

  • With dynamically allocated arrays, one needs to specify the number of elements to be copied
int N=1000;
double *data = (double *) malloc(N * sizeof(double));

#pragma omp target map(tofrom:data[0:N])
// do something ..

NOTE! In Fortran, one must specify data(first index : inclusive last index) and in C data[first index : size].

Motivation for optimizing data movement

  • When dealing with an accelerator GPU device attached to a PCIe bus, optimizing data movement is often essential to achieve good performance
  • The four key steps in porting to high performance accelerated code
    1. Identify parallelism
    2. Express parallelism
    3. Express data movement
    4. Optimise loop performance
    5. Go to 1!

Data region

  • Define data mapping for a structured block that may contain multiple target regions
    • C/C++: #pragma omp target data map(type:list)
    • Fortran: !omp target data map(type:list)
    • only maps data, one still needs to define a target region to execute code on the device
  • Data transfers take place
    • from the host to the device upon entry to the region
    • from the device to the host upon exit from the region

Example: data mapping over multiple target regions

int N=1000; double a=3.14, b=2.1;
double x[N], y[N], z[N];
// some code to initialise x, y, and z

#pragma omp target data map(to:x)
    #pragma omp target map(tofrom:y)
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=0; i < N; i++)
        y[i] += a * x[i];

    #pragma omp target map(tofrom:z)
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=0; i < N; i++)
        z[i] += b * x[i];


  • Update a variable within a data region with the update directive
    • C/C++: #pragma omp target update type(list)
    • Fortran: !omp target update type(list)
    • a single line executable directive
  • Direction of data transfer is determined by the type, which can be either to (= copy to device) or from (= copy from device)

Why update?

  • Useful for producing snapshots of the device variables on the host or for updating variables on the device
    • pass variables to host for visualization
    • communication with other devices on other computing nodes
  • Often used in conjunction with
    • asynchronous execution of OpenMP constructs
    • unstructured data regions

Example: update within a data region

int N=1000; double a=3.14, b=2.1;
double x[N], y[N], z[N];
// some code to initialise x, y, and z

#pragma omp target data map(to:x)
    #pragma omp target map(tofrom:y)
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=0; i < N; i++)
        y[i] += a * x[i];
    // ... some host code that modifies x ...
    #pragma omp target update to(x)
    #pragma omp target map(tofrom:z)
    #pragma omp parallel for
    for (int i=0; i < N; i++)
        z[i] += b * x[i];


reduction(operation:list) : -{.ghost}

  • Applies the operation on the variables in list to reduce them to a single value
    • local private copies of the variables are created for each thread
    • initialisation depends on the operation
  • Variables need to be shared in the enclosing parallel region
    • at the end, all local copies are reduced and combined with the original shared variable
  • Directives that support reduction: parallel, teams, scope, sections, for, simd, loop, taskloop

Reduction operators in C/C++ and Fortran

Arithmetic Operator Initial value
+ 0
- 0
* 1
max least
min largest

Reduction operators in C/C++ only

| Logical Operator | Initial value | | ---------------- | ------------- | | `&&` | `1` | | `||` | `0` |
| Bitwise Operator | Initial value | | ---------------- | ------------- | | `&` | `~0` | | `|` | `0` | | `^` | `0` |

Reduction operators in Fortran only

| Logical Operator | Initial value | | ---------------- | ------------- | | `.and.` | `.true.` | | `.or.` | `.false.` | | `.eqv.` | `.true.` | | `.neqv.` | `.false.` |
| Bitwise Operator | Initial value | | ---------------- | ------------- | | `iand` | all bits on | | `ior` | `0` | | `ieor` | `0` |

Example: reduction

int N=1000;
double sum=0.0;
double x[N], y[N];
// some code to initialise x and y

#pragma omp target
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
    sum += y[i] * x[i];


  • GPU device has a separate memory space from the host CPU
    • unified memory accessible from both
  • Implicit copy of data to/from target region
    • explicit data mapping with map(type:list)
  • Structured data regions
    • target data map(type:list)
  • Update
  • Reduction