Minor update
Minor update
Fix typo
Fix typo
Minor update on commit message
Minor update on commit message
DO NOT INCLUDE IN PATCH SET: Refactor module path
DO NOT INCLUDE IN PATCH SET: Refactor module path
remove revertToSnapshotPersisted
remove revertToSnapshotPersisted
add MarkContractDeployed
add MarkContractDeployed
better context cancelled error handling
better context cancelled error handling
add code size override check for eip3860
add code size override check for eip3860
add a persisted version of RevertToSnapshot
add a persisted version of RevertToSnapshot
feat: OverrideCodeSizeCheck also skips eip-3860 init codesize check
feat: OverrideCodeSizeCheck also skips eip-3860 init codesize check
remove mention of stateDB change that is no longer needed
remove mention of stateDB change that is no longer needed
update readme (resetting of cache) and added instructions to link med…
update readme (resetting of cache) and added instructions to link med…
Write exposed function for cache eviction (fixes OOM bug)
Write exposed function for cache eviction (fixes OOM bug)