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The Fastest Embedded Database in the world



CrossDB Model


Learn CrossDB in 5 Minutes

🛶 Define Schema

typedef struct {
	uint32_t 			prefix;
	uint8_t 			mask;
	uint32_t			nexthop;
	uint8_t 			metric;
	char				intf[16];
	uint32_t			birth;
	uint32_t			flags;
} route_t;

#define	CROSS_STRUCT_NAME	route_t
cross_field_t 	route_schema[] = {
	CROSS_FIELD (prefix,	UINT,	IPv4, 0),
	CROSS_FIELD (mask, 		UINT,	DFT,  0),
	CROSS_FIELD (nexthop,	UINT,	IPv4, 0),
	CROSS_FIELD (metric, 	UINT,	DFT,  0),
	CROSS_FIELD (intf,		CHAR,	DFT,  0),
	CROSS_FIELD (birth, 	UINT,	TS,   0),
	CROSS_FIELD (flags, 	UINT,	HEX,  0),
	CROSS_END (route_t)

⚙️ Create DB

#define CHECK(ret,str)		if (ret < 0) {	printf (str": %s\n", cross_errMsg(ret)); return -1; }

cross_db_h 		hDb;
cross_tbl_h 	hRtTbl;
cross_ret 		ret;
route_t 		route;	
cross_rowid 	count;

// Create database
ret = cross_dbCreate (&hDb, "db_data/example", 0);
CHECK (ret, "Failed to create db: example");

// Create table: route (Primary Key: prefix,mask)
ret = cross_dbTblCreate (hDb, &hRtTbl, "route", route_schema, "prefix,mask", 0);
CHECK (ret, "Failed to create table: route table");

// Create index on nexthop: idx_nexthop
ret = cross_dbIdxCreate (hRtTbl, "idx_nexthop", "nexthop", 0);
CHECK (ret, "Failed to create index: idx_nexthop");

⚜️ Insert Rows

#define IP4ADDR(a,b,c,d)	((a)<<24|(b)<<16|(c)<<8|(d))

// Insert route>
route.prefix	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,0);
route.mask		= 24;	
route.nexthop	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,254);
route.metric	= 1;
route.flags		= 0;
strcpy (route.intf, "eth1");
route.birth		= time (NULL);
ret = cross_dbInsertRow (hRtTbl, &route, 0); 
CHECK (ret, "Failed to insert route");

🚀 Query Rows

#define IP4STR(ip)				ip>>24,(ip>>16)&0xff,(ip>>8)&0xff,ip&0xff

// Get single route by Primary Key
route.prefix	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,0);
route.mask		= 24;	
ret = cross_dbGetRowByPK (hRtTbl, &route, &route, 0); 
CHECK (ret, "Failed to get route by Primary Key");
printf ("Get single route: %d.%d.%d.%d/%d->%d.%d.%d.%d intf: %s metric: %d flags: 0x%x\n",
		IP4STR(route.prefix), route.mask, IP4STR(route.nexthop), route.intf, route.metric, route.flags);

// Get one row where nexthop=
route.nexthop	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,254);
ret = cross_dbGetOneRow (hRtTbl, "nexthop", &route, &route, 0);
CHECK (ret, "Failed to get one route where nexthop=");
printf ("Get one route where nexthop= "
		"%d.%d.%d.%d/%d->%d.%d.%d.%d intf: %s metric: %d flags: 0x%x\n",
		IP4STR(route.prefix), route.mask, IP4STR(route.nexthop), route.intf, route.metric, route.flags);

🔫 Update Rows

// Update single route by Primary Key: set flags 0->1 metric 1->3
route.prefix	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,0);
route.mask		= 24;	
route.metric	= 3;
route.flags		= 1;
ret = cross_dbUpdRowByPK (hRtTbl, &route, "flags,metric", &route, 0); 
CHECK (ret, "Failed to update route by Primary Key");

// Update routes where nexthop= set flags 0->3
route.nexthop	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,254);
route.flags		= 3;
count = cross_dbUpdateRows (hRtTbl, "nexthop", &route, "flags", &route, 0);
printf ("Update %d routes where nexthop=\n", count);

🎡 Cursor Query

// Use cursor to get routes where nexthop=
cross_cursor_h hCursor;
route.nexthop	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,254);
count = cross_dbQueryRows (hRtTbl, &hCursor, "nexthop", &route, 0);
printf ("Query %d routes where nexthop=\n", count);
while (CROSS_OK == cross_cursorGetNextRow (hCursor, &route, 0)) {
	printf ("  route: %d.%d.%d.%d/%d->%d.%d.%d.%d intf: %s metric: %d flags: 0x%x\n",
			IP4STR(route.prefix), route.mask, IP4STR(route.nexthop), route.intf, route.metric, route.flags);
cross_cursorClose (hCursor, 0);

✂️ Delete Rows

// Delete single route by Primary Key
route.prefix	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,0);
route.mask		= 24;	
ret = cross_dbDelRowByPK (hRtTbl, &route, 0); 
CHECK (ret, "Failed to delete route by Primary Key");

// Delete routes where nexthop=
route.nexthop	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,254);
count = cross_dbDeleteRows (hRtTbl, "nexthop", &route, 0);
printf ("Delete %d routes where nexthop=\n", count);

🌄 Transaction

ret = cross_dbTransBegin (hDb, 0);
CHECK (ret, "Failed to begin transaction");
// Update single route by Primary Key: set flags 0->5
route.prefix	= IP4ADDR(192,168,1,0);
route.mask		= 24;	
route.flags		= 5;
ret = cross_dbUpdRowByPK (hRtTbl, &route, "flags", &route, 0); 
CHECK (ret, "Failed to update route by Primary Key");
ret = cross_dbTransCommit (hDb, 0);
CHECK (ret, "Failed to commit transaction");

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