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222 lines (202 loc) · 14.4 KB

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222 lines (202 loc) · 14.4 KB

Change Log

[3.0.0] 2022-06-24

  • Rename components name prefix from Vsud to Soft.

[2.0.0] 2022-03-28

Bug fixing

Major style changes

  • Removed Icon component.

  • VsudAlert icon prop updated with empty default value.

  • VsudAvatar img prop updated with required: true attribute.

  • VsudAvatar alt, size, shadow, borderRadius props updated with empty default values.

  • VsudInput isValid prop removed and added success and error props instead.

  • VsudInput placeholder prop set with default value of Type here... .

  • VsudInput type prop set with default value of text.

  • VsudInput isRequired prop updated with default value of false.

  • VsudInput iconDir prop default value set to left.

  • VsudPagination color set to default value of success.

  • VsudPagination sizeset to default value of md.

  • VsudButton color prop updated from info to success color.

  • VsudCheckbox checked prop updated from string to boolean.

  • VsudProgress color prop updated from primary to success.

  • VsudProgress percentage prop is now required and updated from string to Number.

  • VsudRadio name, and id props are now set to required.

  • VsudRadio checked prop type changed from string to boolean and default value set to false.

  • VsudSnackbar title prop value is set to required.

  • VsudSnackbar icon prop type updated to accept String and Object with component and color keys.

  • VsudSocialBtn icon prop value is set to required now.

  • VsudSocialBtn iconOnly prop type changed from string to boolean and is set to required.

  • VsudSocialBtn socialBtn prop value is set to required now.

  • VsudSwitch name, and id prop values are required now.

  • VsudSwitch checked prop type changed from string to boolean.

  • VsudSwitch inputClass prop removed and can directly be accessed using class.

  • VsudTextArea id prop is set to required now.

  • VsudTextArea placeholder prop has now a default text.

  • Renamed Card component to MiniStatisticsCard.

  • MiniStatisticsCard title prop accepts String and Object with text and color keys.

  • MiniStatisticsCard value prop accepts Number, String, and Object with text, and color keys.

  • MiniStatisticsCard percentage prop accepts String and Object with value and color keys. The default color is set to text-success.

  • MiniStatisticsCard icon prop accepts String and Object with component and background keys. The default background color is set to bg-white.

  • MiniStatisticsCard classContent prop accepts a string to apply custom class around the content.

  • ComplexStatisticsCard prop names and types updated.

  • ComplexStatisticsCard icon prop accepts String and Object with component and background keys. The icon prop value is required.

  • ComplexStatisticsCard count prop accepts an Object with number and label keys.

  • ComplexStatisticsCard percentage prop accepts String and Object with label and color keys.

  • ComplexStatisticsCard backgroundColor prop accepts a String with default value set to dark.

  • DefaultInfoCard classIcon prop is renamed to icon.

  • DefaultInfoCard icon prop can accept a String or Object with component and background keys.

  • DefaultInfoCard title prop’s value is set to required.

  • DefaultInfoCard price prop is renamed to value with the acceptable types of String, and Number.

  • MasterCard props refactored to a single card prop Object with the following keys:

    • number accepts a String with the default value of 7852 4594 1122 4562.
    • holderText accepts a String with the default value of Card Holder.
    • holderName accepts a String with the default value of Jack Peterson.
    • expiryText accepts a String with the default value of Expirs.
    • expiryDate accepts a String with the default value of 11/22.
    • background accepts a String with the default value of dark.
  • SwitchCard props refactored to a single required prop named item with Object data type with the following keys:

    • state accepts a String.
    • label accepts a String.
    • description accepts a String.
    • isChecked accepts a Boolean.
    • classCustom accepts a String.
  • Renamed TempCard component to DefaultCounterCard.

  • DefaultCounterCard status prop renamed to required prop count and accepts String and Number values.

  • DefaultCounterCard title prop accepts a String and is a required value.

  • Added prefix prop to DefaultCounterCard.

  • Added color prop for count prop with default value of success to DefaultCounterCard.

  • Renamed ConsumptionRoomChart to ReportsDoughnutChart.

  • Added id, height, title, description and chart props to GradientLineChart. The chart has Object data type with the following keys:

    • labels has Array data type.
    • datasets has Array data type with the following keys:
      • label has String data type.
      • data has Array data type.
  • Renamed ConsumptionDayChart to ThinBarChart.

  • Added id, title, height and chart props to ThinBarchart. The chart has Object data type with the following keys:

    • labels has Array data type.
    • datasets has Object data type with the following keys:
      • label has String data type.
      • data has Array data type.
  • Renamed ActiveUsersChart component to ReportsBarChart.

  • Added Added id, color, title, description, chart, and items props to ReportsBarChart. The items prop has Array data type and the chart has Object data type with the following keys:

    • labels has Array data type.
    • datasets has Object data type with the following keys:
      • label has String data type.
      • data has Array data type.
  • Added id, day, year, initialView, initialDate, events, selectable, and editable props to Calendar component.

  • Renamed BirthdayMessageCard to MessageCard.

  • Added image, message, and action props to MessageCard. The image prop accepts String, and Object and the url and alt keys. The action prop is also an Object with the color, route, and label keys.

  • CategoriesCard renamed to CategoriesList and prop structure updated for dynamic content addition. Added items prop type of Array with icon prop type of Object with component and background keys, title, and description keys.

  • Deleted VisitorsCard and IncomeCard components and added new MiniGradientLineChart component instead.

  • Added id, height, title, description, and chart props. The chart has Object data type with the following keys:

    • labels has Array data type.
    • datasets has Arraydata type with the following keys:
      • label has String data type.
      • data has Array data type.
  • Deleted TransactionsCard and RevenueCard components and added new RankingList and RankingListCard component instead.

  • Added card object prop with title, subtitle, date keys to RankingListCard component.

  • Added boolean HorizontalBreak and array item props with title, date, amount, icon, color keys to RankingListCard component.

  • Renamed WealthCreationCard component to BackgroundBlogCard component.

  • Added color, image, title, description and action props. The action prop is an Object and has the route and label keys.

  • Renamed NewTabCard to PlaceHolderCard.

  • Added icon, and title prop type of object with variant and text keys to PlaceholderCard.

  • Renamed CardPlayer component to MiniPlayerCardcomponent.

  • Renamed CardCalendar component to CalendarCard component and added items prop type of array with time and description keys.

  • Renamed CardEmail to EmailCard component and Added route, text, tooltip props.

  • Renamed CardMessage component to MessageCard component.

  • Added title, and messages prop type of array with the route, tooltip, and images keys to MessageCard.

  • Renamed CardPlayer component to PlayerCard component.

  • Added color and song prop type of object with title and singer keys to Playercard.

  • Renamed CardToDo component to TodoCard component.

  • Added todos prop to TodoCard component.

  • Added pages array prop type with url, views, time, and rate keys to PagesCard component.

  • Renamed TrafficChart to DefaultLineChart component.

  • Added id, title, and chart props to the DefaultLineChart component. The chart prop is an object with the following keys: labels, and datasets. The datasets is an array with the following keys: label and data.

  • Renamed RefferalsChart component to DefaultDoughnutChart component.

  • Added id, height, and chart object props with the following keys: labels and datasets. The datasets is an array with the following keys: label and data.

  • Renamed RefferalsCard to DefaultDoughnutChart.

  • Added id, height, title, chart, and actions props to DefaultDoughnutChart. The chart prop is an object with the following keys: labels, and datasets. The actions prop is also an object with the following keys: route, label, color.

  • Added title, tooltip, and array items props to SocialCard.

  • Delete CalendarTable.

  • Deleted ProductivityChart component and added MiniLineChart with id, height, and object chart prop component.

  • Added array events prop to EventsCard component.

  • Renamed OverviewCard to DefaultStatisticsCard.

  • Added title, count, menu, percentage, and dropdown props to DefaultStatisticsCard. The percentage props is an object with the following keys: color, value, and label. The dropdown is an array props with the following keys: label, and route.

  • Added PieChart component with id, height, title, and object chart props.

  • Extracted SalesChartCard component to HorizontalBarChart component and added id, height, and object chart data type props with the following keys: labels, and datasets.

  • Add ComplexBackgroundCard component with the following props: image, description, and action.

  • Add TransparentInfoCard component with the following props: icon, description, and value.

  • Added OutlinedCounterCard component with the following props: duration, title, count, prefix, and suffix.

  • Deleted ProductsCard and UserCard component.

  • Added OrdersListCard component with the following props: title, headers and products.

  • Renamed ProjectOverviewCard component to DefaultProjectCard component and added the following props: image, label, title, description, action, and authors props.

  • Renamed ProjectsCard component to ComplexProjectCard component and added the following string props: image, title, description, dateTime and members, and dropdown array props.

  • Renamed MarketingCard component to TeamProfileCard component and added the following props: title, description, industry, rating, members, and dropdown.

  • Renamed StoryAvatar's img prop to image.

  • Renamed ProfileCard component to ProfileInfoCard and added the following props: title, description, info, social, and action.

  • Renamed and refactored MeetCard component to EventCard and added the following props: id, image, title, description, dateTime, action, and members.

  • Deleted TransactionCard component.

  • Added SalesTable component with the following props: title, and rows.

  • Renamed PaymentCard component to PaymentMethodsCard component.

  • Renamed JobCard component to AnnouncementCard component with the following props: by, badge, title, description, value, and action props.

  • Deleted ProjectsCard component and added ProgressDoughnutChart component instead with the following props: id, title, icon, count, and chart.

  • Deleted TasksCard component and added ProgressLineChart instead with the following props: id, height, icon, title, count, progress, and chart.

  • Added action prop with the following keys: route, label to TodoItem component.

  • Deleted TimelineCard component and added TimelineList and TimelineItem components.

  • Added title, description and darkMode props to TimelineList component.

  • Added color, icon, title, dateTime, description, badges, and darkMode props to TimelineItem component.

  • Refactored PricingCard component with the following props: badge, price, specifications, and action props.

  • Added Accordion component with the following props: title, and description.

  • Deleted CaloriesChart component.

  • Renamed IncomeChart component to LineChart component.

  • Added id, height, title, value and chart props to LineChartcomponent.

  • Added count, and badge object props to StepsCard component.

  • Deleted OrdersCard Component.

  • Deleted EventsCard component and added DefaultItem with the following props instead: icon, title, and description.

  • Added id, height, and chart props to BarChart component.

  • Added id, height, and chart props to BarChartHorizontal component.

  • Added id, height, and chart props to MixedChart component.

  • Added id, height, and chart props to BubbleChart component.

  • Added id, height, and chart props to DoughnutChart component.

  • Added id, height, and chart props to RadarChart component.

  • Added id, height, and chart props to PolarChart component.

  • Renamed FullBodyCard component to InfoCard component and updated it with the following props: title, badge, and description.

  • Added title, description, reviews and action props to ReviewCard component.

Deleted components


Added components


Deleted dependencies


Added dependencies


Updated dependencies


[1.0.0] 2022-01-24

Initial Release