Installed your environment on /home? No worries! Let's move it to /scratch!
Do you have a .condarc file?
cat ~/.condarc
Skip the next step if the answer is yes. O.w., create it
touch ~/.condarc
Set your user name into a variable (so we can use it later as $user_name)
Add your /scratch path to your .condarc (to set it as the default path for env installations)
conda config --prepend envs_dirs /scratch/$user_name/envs
Remove your /home path from your .condarc (This command will work only if this path appears in it, i.e., in case you previously actively added it; O.w., it will return an error. That's fine.)
conda config --remove envs_dirs /home/$user_name/envs
Make sure your .condarc changes were properly applied (should see /scratch path but not /home)
cat ~/.condarc
Repeat the following five steps for each of your (/home) environments
- Set your env_name into a variable (so we can use it later as $env_name)
- Activate your environment
conda activate $env_name
- Export the environment without prefix
conda env export --no-builds | grep -v "^prefix: " > $env_name.yml
- Deactivate and remove the old environment (to free up /home and your environment name)
conda deactivate
conda env remove -n $env_name
- Re-create your environment on /scratch from the yml in the new location
conda env create -n $env_name -f $env_name.yml
Verify the new environment's path
conda env list
Now you shold be able to activate your migrated environment(s) (hip hip hooray!)
conda activate $env_name