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File metadata and controls

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Cozy Contacts doctype


The io.cozy.contacts doctype is loosely based on the vCard RFC, in that some of the attributes have been renamed for clarity. The attributes with a ? are optional.

  • indexes : {object} Used to sort contacts in different ways
    • byFamilyNameGivenNameEmailCozyUrl: {string}
  • displayName : {string} Displayed name in cozy applications
  • fullname?: {string} Unstructured representation of the name (example: "Dr. Gregory House, M.D.")
  • name?: {object} Optional structured representation of the name, with the following possible attributes:
    • familyName?: {string} (example: "House")
    • givenName?: {string} (example: "Gregory")
    • additionalName?: {string} (example: "J.")
    • namePrefix?: {string} (example: "Dr.")
    • nameSuffix?: {string} (example: "III")
  • birthday?: {date} (example: "1959-05-15")
  • gender?: {string} male|female
  • note?: {string}
  • email?: {array} An array of email addresses objects with the following attributes:
    • address: {string} Email address
    • type?: {string} A user-provided localized type (example: "Personnal", "Profressional", "Other")
    • label?: {string} A keyword to identify the type, must be work|home
    • primary?: {boolean} Indicates a preferred-use address
  • address?: {array} An array of postal addresses objects with the following attributes:
    • id?: {string} id of the address
    • street?: {string} Street name
    • pobox?: {string} P.O Box number
    • city?: {string} City name
    • region?: {string} Region name
    • number?: {string} Lane number
    • code?: {string} Postal code
    • country?: {string} Country name
    • type?: {string} A user-provided localized type (example: "Personnal", "Profressional", "Other")
    • label?: {string} A keyword to identify the type, must be work|home
    • primary?: {boolean} Indicates a preferred-use address
    • extendedAddress?: {object}
      • locality?: {string} Locality name
      • building?: {string} Building number
      • stairs?: {string} Stairs number
      • floor?: {string} Apartment floor
      • apartment?: {string} Apartment number
      • entrycode?: {string} Entry code
    • formattedAddress?: {string} Unstructured version of the address
    • geo?: {object}
      • geo?: {array} Coordinates of the address, must be [long, lat]
      • cozyCategory?: {"home|work"} The category of the address type
  • phone?: {array} An array of phone number objects with the following attributes:
    • number: {string}
    • type?: {string} A user-provided localized type (example: "Personnal", "Profressional", "Other"), could be provided by Contacts app too as voice|fax|cell
    • label?: {string} A keyword to identify the type, must be work|home
    • primary?: {boolean} Indicates a preferred-use number
  • cozy?: {array} An array of cozy instances with the following attributes:
    • url: {string}
    • type?: {string} A user-provided localized type (example: "Personnal", "Profressional", "Other")
    • label?: {string} A keyword to identify the type, must be work|home
    • primary?: {boolean} Indicates a preferred-use instance
  • url?: {string} Deprecated. Cozy instance url. Use cozy? array of cozy instances instead.
  • company: {string} Company
  • jobTitle: {string} Job title
  • relationships: {object} links between documents
    • groups: {object} groups the contact belongs to
      • data: {array} list of groups
        • _id: {string} id of the io.cozy.contacts.groups document
        • _type: {string} doctype "io.cozy.contacts.groups"
    • accounts: {object}
      • data: {array} list of accounts
        • _id: {string} id of the io.cozy.contacts.accounts document
        • _type: {string} doctype "io.cozy.contacts.accounts"
  • trashed?: {boolean} is true if the contact is marked for removal and will be deleted soon (e.g. after remote deletion is confirmed)
  • me: {boolean} whether the contact matches the cozy owner (defaults to false)
  • nationalities?: {array} 2-letter iso3166 country codes (can be set in io.cozy.identities for legal reasons in Banks)
  • birthcity?: {string} City of birth of a contact (can be set in io.cozy.identities for legal reasons in Banks)
  • birthcountry?: {string} Country of birth of a contact (can be set in io.cozy.identities for legal reasons in Banks)
  • metadata: {object} previous metadata information.
    • cozy: {boolean} whether the contact has been created by cozy
    • google: {object} Google metadata
    • version: {integer} used for migrations. Current version is 1
  • cozyMetaData: {object}
    • ...cozyMetadata: Document metadata
    • sync: {object}
      • ded4265b38c54b0683408c76d9ebd: {object} id of the sourceContactsAccount
        • konnector: {string} example : "google"
        • lastSync: {date} (example: "2018-10-19T10:58:37.025688+02:00") Last time a sync task updated this contact
        • contactsAccountsId: {string} id of the io.cozy.contacts.accounts object
        • id: {string} id of the remote object
        • remoteRev: {string} latest rev of the remote object


Used to group contacts together. A group can obviously have multiple contacts, but contacts can also be part of multiple groups.

  • name: {string} is the group's public name

  • trashed?: {boolean} is true if the group is marked for removal and will be deleted soon

  • metadata: {object}

  • version: {integer} Used for migrations. Current version is 1

  • relationships: {object} links between documents

    • accounts: {object}
      • data: {array} list of accounts
        • _id: {string} id of the io.cozy.contacts.accounts document
        • _type: {string} doctype "io.cozy.contacts.accounts"
  • cozyMetaData: {object}

    • ...cozyMetadata: Document metadata

    • sync: {object}

      • ded4265b38c54b0683408c76d9ebd: {object} id of the io.cozy.contacts.accounts object

        • konnector: {string} example : "google"
        • lastSync: {date} (example: "2018-10-19T10:58:37.025688+02:00")
        • contactsAccountsId: {string} id of the io.cozy.contacts.accounts object
        • id: {string} id of the remote object
        • remoteRev: {string} latest rev of the remote object


Used to know which accounts (Google, Apple, etc) a contact is related to.

  • id: {id} id of the io.cozy.contacts.account object
  • name: {string} name of the account (example: "[email protected]")
  • type: {string} konnector type (example: "konnector-google")
  • canLinkContacts: {boolean} whether contacts can be linked or unlinked to this source
  • shouldSyncOrphan: {boolean} whether we should sync orphans with this account or not
  • sourceAccount: {string} id of the related io.cozy.accounts
  • lastSync: {date} last remote sync (example: "2018-10-19T10:58:37.025688+02:00")
  • lastLocalSync: {date} last local sync (example: "2018-10-19T10:58:37.025688+02:00")
  • syncToken: {string} used to only retrieve what have been edited since last sync (See request sync token)
  • version: {integer}