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projection (prediction) and vector sum (interpolation) geoms #4

corybrunson opened this issue Nov 13, 2018 · 20 comments

projection (prediction) and vector sum (interpolation) geoms #4

corybrunson opened this issue Nov 13, 2018 · 20 comments
enhancement New feature or request


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A geom layer geom_u_projection(from = i, to = j) should render a (by default dashed) line from the ordinates of the ith row of $U$ to the linear subspace containing those of the jth row of $V$, maybe with an optional cute right angle symbol. Both from and to could contain multiple indices. The projection should adopt the axes (primary or secondary) used by $U$.

@corybrunson corybrunson added the good first issue Good for newcomers label Jul 27, 2019
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jtr13 commented Aug 25, 2021

First of all, thank you for this fantastic package (as well as for ggalluvial!). A dropped perpendicular feature would be a great addition: combined with the calibrated axes the perpendiculars really help explain the meaning of a biplot. I've been creating them with calibrate package in base R and have taken a stab at using calibrate calculations in ggplot2 but of course it would be nice to have a smoother interface.

#> Loading required package: MASS
    df <- data.frame(x = c(5, 8, 9), y = c(4, 13, 6))
    pca <- prcomp(df)
    scores <- pca$x
    loadings <- pca$rotation
    axisrange <- max(df[,"x"]) - min(df[,"x"])
    ticklab <- round(seq(min(df[,"x"])-.5*axisrange,
                         by = axisrange/2))
    plot(scores, pch = 16, asp = 1, ylim = c(-5, 5))
    text(x = scores[,1]-.5, y = scores[,2], labels = 1:nrow(scores))
    c <- calibrate(g = loadings[,"PC1"],
                   y = df[,"x"] - mean(df[,"x"]),
                   tm = ticklab - mean(df[,"x"]),
                   Fr = scores,
                   tmlab = ticklab,
                   tl = .2,
                   lm = TRUE,
                   where = 1,
                   labpos = 4,
                   dp = TRUE)
#> ---------- Calibration Results for  x  ---------------------
#> Length of 1 unit of the original variable =  1  
#> Angle                                     =  76.3 degrees
#> Optimal calibration factor                =  1  
#> Used calibration factor                   =  1  
#> Goodness-of-fit                           =  1  
#> Goodness-of-scale                         =  1  
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
    arrows(0, 0, loadings[,1], loadings[,2], length = .1, col = "red",
           lwd = 1.5)

Created on 2021-08-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

#> Loading required package: MASS
    df <- data.frame(x = c(5, 8, 9), y = c(4, 13, 6))
    pca <- prcomp(df)
    scores <- pca$x
    loadings <- pca$rotation
    axisrange <- max(df[,"x"]) - min(df[,"x"])
    ticklab <- round(seq(min(df[,"x"])-.5*axisrange,
                         by = axisrange/2))
    c <- calibrate(g = loadings[,"PC1"],
                   y = df[,"x"] - mean(df[,"x"]),
                   tm = ticklab - mean(df[,"x"]),
                   Fr = scores,
                   tmlab = ticklab,
                   tl = .3,
                   graphics = FALSE)
#> ---------- Calibration Results for    ----------------------
#> Length of 1 unit of the original variable =  1  
#> Angle                                     =  76.3 degrees
#> Optimal calibration factor                =  1  
#> Used calibration factor                   =  1  
#> Goodness-of-fit                           =  1  
#> Goodness-of-scale                         =  1  
#> ------------------------------------------------------------
    dfpoints <- data.frame(scores)
    dfpoints$xsdrop <- c$Fpr[,1]
    dfpoints$ysdrop <- c$Fpr[,2]
    dfaxis <- data.frame(x = c$M[1, 1], y = c$M[1, 2],
                         xend = c$M[nrow(c$M),1], yend = c$M[nrow(c$M), 2])
    dfticks <- data.frame(c$M, c$Mn, ticklab)
    colnames(dfticks) <- c("x", "y", "xend", "yend", "label")
    dfarrows <- data.frame(xend = loadings[,1], yend = loadings[,2])
    ggplot(dfpoints, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
        geom_point() +
        geom_segment(data = dfticks, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend), col = "blue") +
        geom_text(data = dfticks, aes(x = xend, y = yend, label = label), nudge_x = .3) +
        geom_segment(data = dfaxis, aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend), col = "blue") +
        geom_segment(data = dfpoints, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, xend = xsdrop, yend = ysdrop),
                     lty = "dashed", col = "cornflowerblue") +
        geom_segment(data = dfarrows, aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = xend, yend = yend),
                     arrow = arrow(length = unit(.03, "npc")), color = "red", lwd = 1.5) + coord_equal()

Created on 2021-08-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

The closest I can get with ordr:

#> Loading required package: plyr
#> Loading required package: scales
#> Loading required package: grid
#> Attaching package: 'ordr'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:ggbiplot':
#>     ggbiplot
    df <- data.frame(x = c(5, 8, 9), y = c(4, 13, 6))
    pca_ordr <- ordinate(df, cols = 1:2, model = ~ prcomp(., scale. = TRUE))
    ggbiplot(pca_ordr) +
        xlim(c(-2, 2)) +
        ylim(c(-2, 2)) +
        geom_rows_point() +
        geom_rows_text(aes(label = 1:5), nudge_x = .2) +
        geom_cols_vector(color = "red", lwd = 1.5) + 
        geom_cols_axis() +
        geom_cols_axis_ticks(aes(center = .center, scale = .scale)) +
        geom_cols_axis_text(aes(center = .center, scale = .scale)) +
        geom_cols_axis_label(aes(label = .name))
#> Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: center, scale

#> Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: center, scale
#> Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: label

Created on 2021-08-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

I should also note that it would be helpful to be able to plot one axis at a time since the graph gets messy with multiple axes, though that might be challenge in the ggplot2 framework.

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@jtr13 thank you for these details!

I'm going to reassess what features should go into a first release, and you've got me thinking that the projection geom is one that should be put back on that list. (Meanwhile, the predict = TRUE option for ggbiplot() is perhaps too ambitious, and i'm planning to remove it for the first release.) I'll come back to work on it ASAP.

Ditto the ability to specify what row or column elements should be plotted by each layer, as you mention at the end. An experimental solution is the subset parameter, which is implemented in GeomIsolines$setup_data and recycled by a few other layers, not including GeomAxis. I'll add an issue to expand this to all plot layers.

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Correction and clarification: Thanks to Gower &al's books, i should have remembered that projection onto an axis is a prediction step that calls for a prediction biplot, whereas vector addition along the axes is an interpolation step that makes use of the (currently implemented) interpolation biplot. (Interpolation axis unit vectors are located analogously to case markers, whereas prediction axes must be rescaled in the linear setting and completely redrawn in the non-linear setting.) This issue should really be about rendering both sets of steps, each being appropriate for one type of biplot. Vector addition should come first, for the first CRAN release.

@corybrunson corybrunson changed the title projection geom projection and interpolation geoms Sep 3, 2021
@corybrunson corybrunson changed the title projection and interpolation geoms projection (prediction) and vector sum (interpolation) geoms Sep 3, 2021
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In the conventional use of PCA with rows of cases and columns of variables, the vector sum geom could look like geom_cols_addition(rows = new_data). The layer would inherit the column (standard) coordinates from ggbiplot(), and the rows (or perhaps new_data) parameter would accept rows of data with the same variables as the original table fed to, e.g., princomp(), or a list of variable values, e.g. list(mpg = 28, cyl = 4L, ...). If some values are missing or NA but the original PCA is centered, then the interpolated points would correspond to mean imputations.

It shouldn't be much extra work to include an option type = c("centroid", "sequence") to control whether the vectors along the axes are added in sequence or their centroid is scaled by their number.

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Experimental work is ongoing in the vecsum branch.

@corybrunson corybrunson added enhancement New feature or request good first issue Good for newcomers and removed good first issue Good for newcomers labels Jun 24, 2022
@corybrunson corybrunson removed the good first issue Good for newcomers label Jul 2, 2022
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corybrunson commented Jul 23, 2022

Update: Based on further reading, and on the counterintuitiveness and complexity of the experimental implementation, i think both of these annotations should work as follows:

  1. Make generics and S3 class methods to calculate layer data (like the output of Stat*$compute_*()) for predictive layers, interpolation vector sums, prediction projections, and other geometric elements derived from matrix algebra.
  2. Make a pronoun (.O()?) for the underlying ordination model, analogous to .G() in tidygraph, by which to access these methods from within a ggproto build.
  3. Make new statistical transformations StatRows* and StatCols* that use this pronoun to calculate layer data.

The reason for a change in approach is that the 'tbl_ord' class is designed for display (print, summary, annotation, plot), and ggbiplot() itself can only see the fortified tibble, whereas the underlying ordination classes, which are designed for modeling (interpolate, predict), are the proper setting for these tasks. For example, predictive MDS biplots use nonlinear axes while predictive LDA biplots use Voronoi cells, and the S3 methods can be tailored to these needs.

I think this deserves to wait until feedback is collected from a first CRAN release.

A compensatory benefit will be the new generics and methods themselves, which might be used in base R biplots or for other purposes. To my knowledge, there are no standalone implementations of them; they are only built inaccessibly into visualization tools like those of Gower &al.

corybrunson added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 3, 2024
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The calibrate branch contains a partial solution that requires integer specification of axes to offset and manual expansion of the plotting window if necessary. See the last example in ?biplot after installing from that branch.

I think doing this properly—specifically, determining the offset and the extent of each axis from the range of plotted elements from the other matrix factor rather than by trial and error—will come with the registration/pronoun solution or some other trick to access the model from the plot build.

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jtr13 commented Nov 26, 2024

I will check it out!

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@jtr13 i'm drafting what i hope will be a legit solution in the offset branch. Lots of work remains to be done, but the core transformations seem to work! The functionality is illustrated in the same example.

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As of 13cad83, the offset branch is feature-complete and mostly debugged. Documentation, examples, and tests remain to be written, but it's ready for stress-testing!

Reminder to self: This work toward delimited and offset calibrated axes was only a prelude to projection and vector sum graphical elements, so this issue will remain open until those are implemented.

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corybrunson commented Dec 21, 2024

This issue might be resolved alongside #64. Solutions to both are being drafted in offset and its spinoff branch offset-referent, using a ggplot_add() method to inherit the global aesthetic mapping as suggested in this comment.

A standalone (non-'tbl_ord') convenience parent StatReferent and one child StatProjection are drafted, which expect data passed to referent to have the same position columns (i.e. those mapped to x and y) as the inherited data. The tasks remaining are

  1. to default referent to the cols data in stat_rows_projection() shortcuts and vice-versa;
  2. to allow referent to accept a subset-like specification; and
  3. to adapt build-layers.r to properly construct the stat_*_projection() shortcuts.

Once these tasks are done, the infrastructure will be ready to support StatInterpolation (rather than GeomAddition as in the vecsum branch) and a rewrite of StatRule.

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corybrunson commented Dec 22, 2024

Tentatively resolved in the offset branch at 6af4a2d.

Note: Interpolation should not require the referent trick, so the vecsum branch might be merged with offset to finally close this issue.

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GeomAddition needs some reconciliation and probably a renaming, but the merge is underway in the offset-vecsum branch.

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@jtr13 i believe this issue is resolved with today's merge. As you have the bandwidth, i'd be glad to know if the following new layers and shortcuts suit your needs—or, if not, what remains to be done.

Thanks a lot for your continued input!

*Should perhaps be reverted to geom_addition() for consistency with stat_projection(), since "interpolation" is better paired with "prediction".

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jtr13 commented Dec 26, 2024

Sounds good! I can't wait to finish end-of-semester grading and other admin stuff so I can take a look at this!

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jtr13 commented Jan 18, 2025

The new additions are great! I've experimented with stat_projection() with very positive results:

pca_ordr <- ordinate(Cereal, cols = 3:10,
                     model = ~ prcomp(., scale. = TRUE))

ggbiplot(pca_ordr) +
  geom_rows_point(size = 1, color = "cornflowerblue") +
  geom_rows_text_repel(aes(label = Name), size = 2, color = "cornflowerblue") +
  geom_cols_vector(color = "red", vector_labels = FALSE) +
  geom_cols_axis(aes(label = name), label_size = 2.5, label_color = "red", num = 10) +
  stat_rows_projection(subset = 23, ref_subset = c(2, 4, 6), color = "blue", linetype = "dashed") +
  xlim(c(-5, 5)) +



  • Is geom_interpolation() meant for predicting with new data?

  • referent isn't explained in ?stat_projection() -- is there any reason this might be changed?

  • Curious why it's not geom_rows_projection() -- I know there's a larger discussion about stats vs geoms...

A few really minor comments:

  • It took me a while to figure out that the row annotations are stored as Name, it's also a little confusing to use name for columns and Name for rows

  • I like how geom_cols_vector() puts the vector labels on the positive side; it would be nice if geom_cols_axis() did the same.

The more I explore the package the more I realize how much there is that I haven't tried! It is an impressive project.

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Thank you! It's been so rewarding to work on for its own sake but it's another order of magnitude to see it used.


  • There are two answers here. Yes, geom_interpolation() is designed to accept any data frame with the same columns as the original. No, it strictly speaking doesn't "predict" anything but rather exactly locates (interpolates) the new case marker in the existing low-dimensional subspace, imputing centers for missing values. (This still catches me.) Rather, stat_projection() is used to predict the variable values of a case by projecting its marker to the variable axis. I think Gower originated this distinction between interpolation (via vector addition) and prediction (via vector projection); it gets detailed discussion in his books. (I'm debating whether to rename the interpolation geom geom_addition() for consistency.)
  • In the current version, ?stat_projection should have a section called "Referential stats" where referent is explained. Is that section missing in yours? I made several updates after originally pinging you, so you might have to re-install—sorry!
  • This was a source of angst for a while. There are two reasons: (1) The projection is computed using both row and column data so requires some additional tools built in to StatReferent. (2) Projections (onto axes) computed in higher-dimensional space and then projected (with everything else) onto the plotting space (see the last example here) use ord_aes() to recover the higher-dimensional coordinates, which cannot be done with the data as received by a geom. In contrast, the vector interpolations use the center and scale aesthetics, which might not require them to be built into a geom rather than a stat, though at the time i might have thought it did. I now also kind of like that one is a stat and the other a geom, reflecting that one is doing something more recognizably statistical (prediction) and the other something more geometric (vector sum).


  • I need to better document this somewhere: augment_ord() which is built into ordinate(), recovers row and column names of the data matrix (if present) and includes them as name annotations of the row and column coordinates. This looks confusing in your case because, i think, it fails to find row names so leaves them out, but then, because the Name column of the original data isn't used for the PCA, it is automatically used to annotate the row coordinates!
  • Oh, that's a great idea! All the clutter in some of these plots leads me to focus maniacally on placing labels in sparser parts of the plot, but that option would make the trends much easier to see than by inspecting the tick text of each axis. I'll raise an issue for that.

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corybrunson commented Jan 22, 2025

@jtr13 FYI the bag branch, which changes some of the axis and rule syntax (due to an overhaul of the code generation script, itself due to my adapting ggplot2::geom_boxplot() tricks to geom_bagplot()), will be merged soon.

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jtr13 commented Jan 25, 2025

Thanks so much for the detailed explanations!

I do have the "Referential stats" section -- sorry for the confusion on that.

And I missed that Name came from the original data--oops--but it's not automatic, I have aes(label = Name) in geom_rows_text_repel().

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Oh, right—i should have been more specific. It is automatically included as annotation in the object pca_ordr of class "tbl_ord"—do print(pca_ordr) and you should see it there—but none of the geometric ggprotos look for a default variable like "name" to pass to the label aesthetic.

(I actually tried $default_aes(label = name) as an experiment, but it doesn't work—perhaps not surprisingly, maybe it's a bad idea generally, though i bet in 99% of cases it's appropriate in this package. Might be a question for the extenders club.)

@corybrunson corybrunson added this to the v1 milestone Jan 27, 2025
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