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CorrectExam back-end

The back-end of the app CorrectExam.


Deliver and Grade Your Assessments Anywhere

This application helps you seamlessly administer and grade all of your in-class assessments (long exam or short). Save time grading and get a clear picture of how your students are doing. Provide a clear feedback to your students.


Main feature are:

  • automatically align your scan
  • automatically recognize your student name and firstname on sheet
  • identify zones for question to support horizontal or vertical correction
  • create generic comment per question with associated bonus or malus to efficiently correct each question
  • use your tablet and your pen to annotate student sheet
  • provide clear feedback to your students

Technical stack

This application was generated using JHipster 6.10.5 and JHipster Quarkus 1.1.1 (manually upgraded to quarkus 2.9.2.Final), you can find documentation and help at

### Build and deploy

Documentation to deploy your own instance is available here



The back-end requires Minio to store the PDF files. An easy way to install and launch Minio on your computer is to use an official Docker image:

podman run -p 9000:9000 -d -p 9090:9090 -e "MINIO_ROOT_USER=admin" -e "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD=minioadmin" -v /media/data/miniofiles:/data:Z server /data --console-address ":9090"

The back-end also requires a database. On Linux you can install MariaDB. On Fedora, you can run:

sudo dnf install mariadb-server
sudo systemctl enable mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb
sudo mysql_secure_installation

sudo mysql -u root
CREATE DATABASE gradeScopeIstic;

The first run of the back-end must initial and populate the DB with fake data. To do so, run:

./mvnw quarkus:dev -Dquarkus.liquibase.migrate-at-start=true

It creates two users user:user and admin:admin. After that you can launch the back-end classically ./mvnw

Run in development mode

To start your application in the dev profile, run:


For further instructions on how to develop with JHipster, have a look at Using JHipster in development.

Building for production

Packaging as thin jar

To build the final jar and optimize the correctExam application for production, run:

./mvnw -Pprod clean package

To ensure everything worked, run:

java -jar target/quarkus-app/*.jar

Refer to Using JHipster in production for more details.

Packaging as native executable

Targeting your Operation System In order to build a native image locally, your need to have GraalVM installed and GRAALVM_HOME defined. You can use the native profile as follow to build native executable.

./mvnw package -Pnative

Keep in mind that the generated native executable is dependent on your Operating System.

Targeting a container environment If you plan to run your application in a container, run:

./mvnw package -Dnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true

It will use a Docker container with GraalVM installed and produce an 64 bit Linux executable.


To launch your application's tests, run:

./mvnw verify

For more information, refer to the Running tests page.

Using Docker to simplify development (optional)

You can use Docker to improve your JHipster development experience. A number of docker-compose configuration are available in the src/main/docker folder to launch required third party services.

For example, to start a mysql database in a docker container, run:

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml up -d

To stop it and remove the container, run:

docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mysql.yml down