bump patronum & @ethereumjs/common versions
bump patronum & @ethereumjs/common versions
Force push
add deploy sepolia heroku script
add deploy sepolia heroku script
change cli args to support sepolia
change cli args to support sepolia
fix ts errors with the latest patronum
fix ts errors with the latest patronum
replace goerli with sepolia + regen boostrap data
replace goerli with sepolia + regen boostrap data
fix: beacon api sync update limits
fix: beacon api sync update limits
chore: bump patronum to v0.2.0
chore: bump patronum to v0.2.0
fix: remove blst to support apple-sillicon
fix: remove blst to support apple-sillicon
fix: update types to capella
fix: update types to capella
fix: new attested header type
fix: new attested header type
chore: bump lodestar and chainsafe packages
chore: bump lodestar and chainsafe packages
fix: remove the ^ from the lodestar and chainsafe packages
fix: remove the ^ from the lodestar and chainsafe packages