There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.
- Nothing changed yet.
- Fix error 403 on YouTube's oEmbed endpoint (Ref. #95). [idgserpro]
- Allows Embedder content to be linkcable in TinyMCE. [idgserpro]
- Add
as pakage dependency. [idgserpro]
- Code clean up;
enforce usage of Products.PortalTransforms >=2.1.10 as
must be listed as a valid tag. [hvelarde] - Remove hard dependency on collective.dexteritytextindexer. [hvelarde]
- Update
index for Embedder objects. [hvelarde]
- Fix i18n and update Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish translations. [rafahela, hvelarde]
index for Embedder content type now includes object id and keywords. [hvelarde]- Remove dependency on collective.dexteritytextindexer. [hvelarde]
- Add Related Items behavior to Embedder content type by default (closes #80). [hvelarde]
- Add Embedder to TinyMCE's list of linkable content types (closes #79). [hvelarde]
- Remove hard dependency on Products.TinyMCE. [hvelarde]
- Drop support for Plone 4.2. [hvelarde]
- Use semantic markup on the Embedder view (for simplicity, we are using WebPage type). [hvelarde]
- Remove references to Grok's
dictionary used on the view template (fixes #72). [rodfersou]
- Update list of package dependencies. [hvelarde]
- Fix width validator. [hvelarde]
- Remove dependency on plone.directives.form and latest traces of Grok. [hvelarde]
- Remove dependency on five.grok (closes #63). [rodfersou]
- Package is compatible with Plone 4.2 again. [hvelarde]
- Avoid TypeError while running upgrade step (fixes #58). [hvelarde]
- Implement Subresource Integrity (closes #55). [cleberjsantos]
- Sanitize <iframe> tags to avoid including invalid HTML attributes; an upgrade step is included to clean up existing objects (closes #44). [rodfersou, hvelarde]
- Update Video.js to v5.8 and load it from CDN (closes #50). [rodfersou]
- Remove hard dependency on as Archetypes is no longer the default framework in Plone 5. Under Plone < 5.0 you should now explicitly add it to the eggs part of your buildout configuration to avoid issues while upgrading. [hvelarde]
- Fixes issue in TinyMCE plugin when clicked in Insert button (closes #16). [idgserpro]
- Fix error in TinyMCE plugin if the property icon_visibility is disabled (closes #42). [rodfersou]
- Fix the stripping of embed code when it has more than one tag, like in Facebook videos (closes #39). [rodfersou]
- Use "application/javascript" media type instead of the obsolete "text/javascript". [hvelarde]
- Remove Chrome Frame from
HTTP header as it's deprecated. [hvelarde] - Allow use of percent sign (%) on width properties (closes #6). [rodfersou, hvelarde]
- Added italian translation [keul]
- Add Embedder tile for collective.cover (closes #32). [rodfersou]
- Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish translations were updated. [rodfersou, hvelarde]
- Add portal message instead of log info on HTTP request errors (closes #14). [rodfersou]
- Add validation in URL field to avoid hiding errors when using the Load button (closes #20). [rodfersou]
- Remove dependency on collective.oembed (closes #3). [hvelarde]
- Drop support for Plone 4.1 and 4.2; remove dependency on unittest2. [hvelarde]
- Fix a couple AJAX quoting/unquoting problems on the TinyMCE plugin. [jsbueno]
- Add helper methods image_thumb and tag in order to be listed in folder_summary_view [ericof]
- Fix an UnicodeDecodeError with our plugin for TinyMCE [ericof]
- Fix a conflict with plone.formwidget.namedfile NamedImage widget implementation. [jpgimenez]
- Update package dependecies for Plone 4.3 compatibility. [hvelarde]
- Fix functional tests. [hvelarde]
- Rename package: was sc.content.embedder and now is sc.embedder. [hvelarde]
- Support for VideoJS as fallback if static file and no supported provider. [jpgimenez]
- Fixed the rendering of the embedded code to not break the main view. [jpgimenez]
- Allow selecting, embedding and rendering sc.embedder content into TinyMCE widgets as if it were images. [jpgimenez]
- VideoJS embedder code implemented as an iframe, to simplify the integration with TinyMCE. [jpgimenez]
- Fixed KeyError: 'width' when saving embeded HTML with percentages. [davilima6]
- Functional tests were updated to run with robotframework-selenium2library. [hvelarde]
- i18n was fixed and Spanish translation was updated. [hvelarde]
- Brazilian Portuguese translation was fixed. [agnogueira]
- Initial release.