Welcome to version three (3) of the project My CV. This is the starter version and it's aimed for people that are starting their first (1st) website or are at the very beginning of their career as a web developer.
This is your first PROfessional website where you'll master how to:
- use Visual Studio Code as your editor
- use simple icons by creating custom fonts
- read a design and create pixel perfect interface
- read instructions, understand and follow requirements
- create a SPA (single page application)
- build multiple sections like: about me, let's connect and skills
- implement a responsive layout
- meet the user with a light or dark theme
- create lists, buttons, containers and more
While building this website you want to use only HTML and CSS. No other libraries are required or suggested.
- STEP 1 - cread a folder (directory) inside the
folder, with the name of your github id, all in lowercase (NO CAPITAL LETTERS!)
You want to go to the My CV v3 - starter project on GitHub and click the big Fork button to create a copy of it on your profile.
The Fork button can be found at the top right corner of the page. Once the fork process has created a copy of the project to your profile, use the big Clone green button to make a copy to your computer and proceed just like with any other project clone from GitHub.
Check out the designs created with Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/BKG4eO58SPw5aq61DXulK3/CV
I hope you'll enjoy this project and have fun while you're at it. Stay tuned for more projects to come and the tutorial for this one by following https://codetap.academy and consider subscribing as well. The next projects from this series will be:
My CV v3 - Junior
where we'll have fun usingpug-starter
My CV v3 - Mid
where we'll have fun usingReact
My CV v3 - Senior
where we'll have fun usingReact
Note: Any suggestions so far? If yes, let us know on https://codetap.academy by joining the chat. :) :)