All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.14.2 (2020-01-17)
- discord user id not present after refresh (12cbb8f), closes #319
- drop down menu doesn't go away (c4bfb78), closes #320
0.14.1 (2019-12-17)
- add disc buttons and refactor top menu style using grid (edea7b0)
- add profile to the user drop down menu (ef818a8)
- button update and button group (7d2b9a3)
- clean-up code and add not-allowed to disabled (c55e4c6)
- move some of the top menu buttons (888e3d0), closes #316
- quick profile (84dabda), closes #301
- restructure layout with top menu and body (a0424f6)
- update the title of the page (b151ff4), closes #314
- bad bad turtles (f253755), closes #307
- double action for log out (8f2b058), closes #280
- time breaking on two lines on home page (249b397)
- title breaking on small width devices on multiple lines (0dcbdd8)
- typo in font (9ac9afe)
- video hover broken (491d3bd), closes #279
0.14.0 (2019-09-27)
- implement default selected video in private list (4035669)
- improve private playlist and player (8d3e2b8), closes #276
- update real-time the user plan id on subscription update (d013e56), closes #269
0.13.0 (2019-09-25)
- bad time conversion (401bfbb), closes #254
- clean up title in playlist (a82471c)
- new added courses (7844e84), closes #272
- react loves keys select-input (9284a64)
- remove blink created by new styles (f5695a3)
- split of undefined (a1fbb8a)
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of null (94b7348), closes #228
- Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'isAdmin' of undefined (046c18c), closes #230
- Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'subscription' of undefined (570bdf3), closes #232
- update the attribute to the correct one (ac44402)
- update the site value of chargebee (46cdab7)
- when accepted is undefined (d877a37)
- add accepted to user and enable subscription form (76f5264), closes #251
- add basic list for v2 (afaa45f)
- add course version (37f2676)
- add duration to lecture title (6a0a411), closes #253
- add duration to the lecture (05589e8), closes #246
- add nice cursor to the subscribe button (412f6fb)
- add site attribute to the chargebee script (5867fad)
- add test subscribe button (9c43750), closes #218
- add totalDuration and totalSeconds to a course (c0f755b)
- add vimeo id to lecture (7675049), closes #238
- add watch now button and style it a bit (324aef3)
- autoselect the value in the courseLevel (8454a58)
- course description max height (f94e2a0), closes #249
- create a list of course descriptions that point to a playlist (9aba852), closes #241
- disable mentored (94a17a9), closes #226
- enrich manage user list data (1da2500)
- hide dashboard and manage user (c34dbe4), closes #222
- implement a level pill (c926a45), closes #248
- implement manage subscription (af46e83), closes #234
- implement supporter, starter, wise and mentored (680515f), closes #220
- improve manage your subscription button (6cc65c5)
- improve readability of the subscribe button (18d7e42)
- increase the visibility of min and max range on subscriptions (55bb218)
- initial makeover of home page (b77b880)
- part 1 - update course schema with courseAuthorCustom (ccc4baf)
- partial duration for home page (a8172a0), closes #250
- reimplement old youtube play list for version 1 courses (4e037a3)
- render only visible thumbnails on landing page (95427eb), closes #196
- replace current_term_end with next_billing_at (a61102f), closes #236
- show subscribe for all authenticated users (cfafd13), closes #224
- swap subscribe button for manage subscription (6a2ab3b), closes #268
- the course should present the author (8647106), closes #244
- the difficulty (STARTER|JUNIOR|MID|SENIOR) a user should mind when consuming the course (537700c), closes #245
- update management routes to include /manage (df51bff)
0.12.0 (2019-09-10)
- add member level required to access the video (fdc17c6), closes #175
- add publish date to lecture (2e6354c), closes #174
- create a route to manage users (922e440), closes #155
- grab the users from the database and display them in a vertical list (faca3fc), closes #157
- implement a link in the top menu with the label Manage Users (6cd9149), closes #156
0.11.0 (2019-09-09)
0.10.0 (2019-09-07)
- alternating style background for sections (3ecc368)
- automatic order value (0ca4608), closes #194
- drag and drop lecture and section (23224eb), closes #198
- order in play-video component, now it's called index (5c0a233), closes #197
- various react warnings and messages (ca63d15)
- youtubePlaylistId missing (e4b55d5)
- add colors to sections in home page (3122e89)
- add oncontextmenu false for video players (dfb6097), closes #187
- add order to section (4cf061b), closes #170
- allow lectures to be reordered by drag and drop inside sections (47ccfc3), closes #190
- create a Pull Request Template (41be9d9), closes #201
- display a list of comments below (11f8a53), closes #165
- enable video to play in a playlist on the video page (e839918)
- implement sections into the homepage list (ec01078), closes #120
0.9.0 (2019-08-20)
- create a route to manage users (ebf29cf), closes #155
- implement a CSS corner ribbon on the home page (4d0ca2b), closes #176
0.8.0 (2019-08-20)
- home button readability and refactor course panel into dashboard (ca56e0b)
- add order to course (ca02b61), closes #121
- show a video to be played that is loaded from YouTube in an embed (8cecdf0), closes #160
- style the play-video component to be 16/9 ratio (bbf176a)
0.7.0 (2019-08-17)
- add a Watch this Course NOW button next to the title of the course in the home page (9047fd4), closes #147
- add youtube presentation features (a2f0e71), closes #144 #148 #149
- add YouTube video Id to the lecture (7cdc435), closes #145
- generate YouTube preview using the default image from YouTube thumbnail if no image is currently uploaded for the current lecture (59ca3d6), closes #146
0.7.0-alpha.0 (2019-08-17)
- add navigate from reach/router (e2c830f)
- Bogdan is super eager to start with updating this component to hide the dashboard button when the user is not logged in (a1674b0)
- log in or out to dashboard (c072dad), closes #137
- update the top-menu by changing the dashboard dipplay off (d447e70)
0.6.0 (2019-08-12)
- delete image when parent is removed (aff1081), closes #128
- implement replace image feature (5023be4), closes #122
- improve labels in github (68292b1), closes #129
- update chat to self host (de50d92)
0.5.0 (2019-08-06)
- homepage doesn't look good on desktop or mobile (e685bdd), closes #114
- remove unnecessary empty div tag when chat is hidden (a48a6b5)
- top menu is on top of the chat (ca5504b)
- add default image if a lecture doesn't have one (0121484), closes #118
- add lecture info to home page (c6ca314)
- add responsive thumbnail and style lecture info (769e557)
- build a smarter pre-loader for the image upload component (2abe1d0), closes #105
- Create a config for prettier as default project setting (54226e4), closes #104
- display an image in the lecture manage area if one has been uploaded (cec8dfe)
- Implement a logo on the top menu for CodeTap Academy with a slogan (0d5253d)
- make the chat be sticky so the send message input element is visible all times to the user (736a004)
- move home into the Logo (d33bc6c)
- publish / unpublish a lecture is on (f809862)
- refator header title over panel title (0d0cb96)
- update the header tags style to maximize real estate (3932c78)
- we can now publish and unpublish courses (f62fc53)
0.4.0 (2019-07-30)
- bad course list initializer and only load if no data (f9531a3)
- create some sort of initialising only once (0a31b5d), closes #74
- add or update user on login (b1703d5), closes #95
- Add small user avatar for the logged in users (8fb6a42), closes #93
- alternate section background (48f34cd), closes #82
- create a list of lectures in a section and filter lectures for each section and for each course (5485d36)
- create an add section and button for lectures (1d7f1a7), closes #85
- filter sections by course (0314bd9), closes #87
- implement a button to get back to the course section and jump to the section that the navigate away originated from (e40a026)
- implement a link to navigate to the lecture screen (separate page) (f072666)
- implement login / logout through GitHub (f602125), closes #89
- keep user logged in if they close the bro wser (72330f3), closes #91
- provide a way to delete a lecture (fb4051d)
- refactor confusing Course and Section (336ca31)
- reposition the action buttons of the section to slide only from one side (29aad47)
- update the section section to be able to update and delete sections (0abaf52), closes #80
0.3.0 (2019-07-22)
- course card overlaps the main menu (caf5c78), closes #62
- redux keeps initialising the list over an over (708286e), closes #71
- add a button to toggle the discord chat (eeb0e3b), closes #78
- create reusable title (6ecfbe8), closes #68
- re-enable the chat bot (cf8a1d1), closes #76
- refactor the course reducer into web info (780b420), closes #66
- share state between course and dashboard (dd90205), closes #64
0.2.0 (2019-07-20)
- top menu position and improve UI style #60 (ced58f1)
- update the cance/reset logic in course management (6a555c5)
- add description to the CRUD process of course title (3dba68e), closes #51
- add Roboto font to the webpage as the default one (cf2267c), closes #59
- Autofocus the title after a course has been added (6a01091), closes #57
- create routing for course entity (c30d465), closes #54
- update dashboard course display (f81d172), closes #55
- can not read property split of undefined (9761509), closes #16
- display either diaplay_name or real_name in chat messages (0c4939e)
- add an ugly menu to the top (5f17cfb), closes #41
- add commit helper (ac19cc9), closes #48
- add delete to the course title (a9e180d)
- add initial style to the top mega ultra super nice menu (d73f172), closes #41
- add section where info for the website should be (84ce0ee)
- add super duper ultra mega nice funny awesome CRUD for course entity (9d2c6b8)
- add tests for action and reducer in course-panel (bffafcb)
- avatar is nicely displayed in the CodeTap chat (0744ebb)
- change bg color from green to CodeTap red (23e67f8), closes #20
- Congratulations your repo is Commitizen-friendly. Time to flaunt it! (62b4315)
- connect firebase and add courses by title (c998632)
- final final version of version one of the chat style (1c5e3c0)
- group chat messages (c6c1b7f), closes #2
- reafctor user into UserSpan component (31065bd)
- refactor message conversion (86ebb3b)
- style a bit the messages one each line (8bc3554)
- The old rusty Slack and Zoom got destroyed by Discord (f6703d0), closes #30
- update the app layout style (82d87d5)
- update the Codetap title (a3de51d), closes #17