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UX_UX To Do's

willum070 edited this page Mar 6, 2014 · 1 revision
  1. Debug Developer Documentation - Go through the the getting started for developers wiki page and make sure those instructions are working

  2. Fixed header - Use the correct foundation 4 technique to make the header menu stay at the top of the browser viewport

  3. Sections - Use the correct foundation 4 sections technique to put sections on the "my competitions" page.

  4. Login/Signup/Logout - Make these show up in formatted reasonably on the page, instead of full width.

  5. Verify steps to generate css. For Windows the steps are:

    • Install Ruby from During installation make select the option to add Ruby to your PATH.

    • Open a command window and install compass by executing:

      gem update –system

      gem install compass

    Then, to generate the css files after you've made some changes to the scss files in the sass folder:

    cd codalab\apps\web\static\foundation

    compass compile

    Or to start a process which will automatically re-generate the files when changes are made:

    cd codalab\apps\web\static\foundation

    compass watch .

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