You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 130
Dev_Administrator Procedures
In codalab-competitions
folder, on the CodaLab instance:
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec django bash
python manage.py reset_db
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py syncdb --migrate
docker-compose restart
docker-compose up -d
This gives access to health/simple_status and more.
docker-compose exec django bash
# python manage.py shell_plus
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="your username")
>>> user.is_superuser = True
>>> user.is_staff = True
>>> user.save()
/!/ Always check the user's email address to ensure you won't erase an account under the demand of another user /!/
docker-compose exec django bash
# python manage.py shell_plus
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="user name") # or (email="user email")
>>> user.delete() # ??? Don't seem to work at all ???
Hint: check if the request is sent from the email address linked to the user account.
docker-compose exec django bash
# python manage.py shell_plus
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="new_username") # check if 'new_username' already exists
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="old_username") # or (email="user email"), good to check if the person who contacted us owns the account
>>> user.username = 'new_username'
>>> user.save()
On the top right, under your username, you have a new button "admin monitoring links". It gives you the links to RabbitMQ and Flower interface. You still need the ID and password (you can find them in your .env file).
You have access to new status pages:
Log into each worker to check if they are stuck:
docker logs -f compute_worker
If one worker is stuck then restart it:
docker stop compute_worker
docker rm compute_worker
big command from the wiki
Go to RabbitMQ interface: https://<CODALAB-URL>/admin_monitoring_links/
In "Queues" tab we find the queue and restart it
This one is the default queue (virtual host: "/"):
To determine the workers linked to this queue, click on its name, then open the "Consumers" tab
From the shell plus:
def delete_submission_files(submission):
from apps.web.utils import BundleStorage
url = submission.s3_file
if not url or url == '':
logger.error("Received an invalid url to convert to a key: {}".format(url))
# Remove the beginning of the URL (before bucket name) so we just have the path(key) to the file
sub_file_key = url.split("{}/".format(settings.AWS_STORAGE_PRIVATE_BUCKET_NAME))[-1]
# Path could also be in a format <bucket>.<url> so check that as well
sub_file_key = sub_file_key.split("{}.{}/".format(settings.AWS_STORAGE_PRIVATE_BUCKET_NAME, settings.AWS_S3_HOST))[-1]
data_file_attrs = [
for data_attr in data_file_attrs:
attr_obj = getattr(submission, data_attr)
storage = attr_obj.storage
if attr_obj.name and attr_obj.name != '':
logger.info("Attempting to delete storage file: {}".format(attr_obj.name))
my_subs = CompetitionSubmission.objects.filter(participant__user__username='pavao') # OR CompetitionSubmission.bojects.filter(participant__user__email="<your-email>")
print(my_subs) # Ensure they're all yours and look correct
for submission in my_subs:
# One completed succesfully
Renewed SSL certificate should be installed before the expiration.
In the case it's not done on time:
- https://www.certeurope.fr/blog/guide-csr-certificat/
- https://fr.godaddy.com/help/generer-une-nouvelle-cle-pour-mon-certificat-4976
Il suffit de copier le certificat au bon endroit, comme spécifié dans le fichier .env
Put SSL certificates in ./certs/ and they are mapped to /app/certs in the container.
To renew in case it's needed:
sudo openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
sudo openssl req -new -out cert-codalab.csr -key private.key
Then copy/paste the content of cert-codalab.csr in GoDaddy (in "renew certificate")
5 minutes later, you'll be able to download a zip containing the new certificate.
- Concatenate the big certificate and [...]bundle[...].crt together into [...].chained.crt
- Rename the big certificate to codalab.crt (or how it is called in .env file)
Then restart docker-compose