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Dev_Administrator Procedures

Adrien Pavão edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 25 revisions

Administrator procedures

Delete all contents of database

In codalab-competitions folder, on the CodaLab instance:

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec django bash
python reset_db
python migrate
python syncdb --migrate
docker-compose restart
docker-compose up -d

Add yourself to "staff" and "superuser"

This gives access to health/simple_status and more.

docker-compose exec django bash
# python shell_plus
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="your username")
>>> user.is_superuser = True
>>> user.is_staff = True

Erase user

/!/ Always check the user's email address to ensure you won't erase an account under the demand of another user /!/

docker-compose exec django bash
# python shell_plus
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="user name")    # or (email="user email")
>>> user.delete() # ??? Don't seem to work at all ???

Change username

Hint: check if the request is sent from the email address linked to the user account.

docker-compose exec django bash
# python shell_plus
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="new_username") # check if 'new_username' already exists
>>> user = ClUser.objects.get(username="old_username")    # or (email="user email"), good to check if the person who contacted us owns the account
>>> user.username = 'new_username'

Some platform admin functionalities

How to flush the default queue?

Log into each worker to check if they are stuck:

docker logs -f compute_worker

If one worker is stuck then restart it:

docker stop compute_worker
docker rm compute_worker
big command from the wiki

Go to RabbitMQ interface: https://<CODALAB-URL>/admin_monitoring_links/

In "Queues" tab we find the queue and restart it

This one is the default queue (virtual host: "/"):


To determine the workers linked to this queue, click on its name, then open the "Consumers" tab

Delete all submissions from one user

From the shell plus:

def delete_submission_files(submission):
    from apps.web.utils import BundleStorage
    url = submission.s3_file
    if not url or url == '':
        logger.error("Received an invalid url to convert to a key: {}".format(url))
    # Remove the beginning of the URL (before bucket name) so we just have the path(key) to the file
    sub_file_key = url.split("{}/".format(settings.AWS_STORAGE_PRIVATE_BUCKET_NAME))[-1]
    # Path could also be in a format <bucket>.<url> so check that as well
    sub_file_key = sub_file_key.split("{}.{}/".format(settings.AWS_STORAGE_PRIVATE_BUCKET_NAME, settings.AWS_S3_HOST))[-1]
    data_file_attrs = [
    for data_attr in data_file_attrs:
        attr_obj = getattr(submission, data_attr)
        storage =
        if and != '':
  "Attempting to delete storage file: {}".format(
my_subs = CompetitionSubmission.objects.filter(participant__user__username='pavao')  # OR CompetitionSubmission.bojects.filter(participant__user__email="<your-email>")
print(my_subs)  # Ensure they're all yours and look correct
for submission in my_subs:
# One completed succesfully

SSL certificate

Renewed SSL certificate should be installed before the expiration.

In the case it's not done on time:

Il suffit de copier le certificat au bon endroit, comme spécifié dans le fichier .env. Put SSL certificates in ./certs/ and they are mapped to /app/certs in the container.

To renew in case it's needed:

sudo openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
sudo openssl req -new -out cert-codalab.csr -key private.key

Then copy/paste the content of cert-codalab.csr in GoDaddy (in "renew certificate")

5 minutes later, you'll be able to download a zip containing the new certificate.

  • Concatenate the big certificate and [...]bundle[...].crt together into [...].chained.crt
  • Rename the big certificate to codalab.crt (or how it is called in .env file)

Then restart docker-compose.

Admins URL

  • Health status: ???
  • Health simple status: ???
  • Django interface: ???
  • RabbitMQ interface: ???
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