diff --git a/doc/doc/tutorial/08-rangeonly-slam/solution.m b/doc/doc/tutorial/08-rangeonly-slam/solution.m
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5560d2cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/doc/tutorial/08-rangeonly-slam/solution.m
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+% Codac - Examples
+% Dynamic range-bearing localization
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import py.codac.*
+% =========== CREATING DATA ===========
+dt = 0.05;
+iteration_dt = 0.2;
+tdomain = Interval(0,15); % [t0,tf]
+% Initial pose x0=(0,0,2)
+x0 = [0, 0, 2];
+% System input
+u = Trajectory(tdomain, TFunction('3*(sin(t)^2)+t/100'), dt);
+% Noise
+i_n = Interval(-0.03,0.03); % the noises are known to be bounded by i_n
+n_u = RandTrajectory(tdomain, dt, i_n); % input noise
+n_theta = RandTrajectory(tdomain, dt, i_n); % heading noise
+% Actual trajectories (state + derivative)
+v_truth = TrajectoryVector(int32(3));
+x_truth = TrajectoryVector(int32(3));
+v_truth.setitem(int32(2), u + n_u);
+x_truth.setitem(int32(2), v_truth.getitem(int32(2)).primitive() + x0(3));
+v_truth.setitem(int32(0), 10*cos(x_truth.getitem(int32(2))));
+v_truth.setitem(int32(1), 10*sin(x_truth.getitem(int32(2))));
+x_truth.setitem(int32(0), v_truth.getitem(int32(0)).primitive() + x0(1));
+x_truth.setitem(int32(1), v_truth.getitem(int32(1)).primitive() + x0(2));
+% Bounded trajectories (dead reckoning)
+v = TubeVector(tdomain, dt, int32(3));
+x = TubeVector(tdomain, dt, int32(3));
+v.setitem(int32(2), Tube(u, dt).inflate(i_n.rad())); % command u with bounded uncertainties
+x.setitem(int32(2), Tube(x_truth.getitem(int32(2))+n_theta, dt).inflate(i_n.rad())); % heading measurement with bounded uncertainties
+v.setitem(int32(0), 10*cos(x.getitem(int32(2))));
+v.setitem(int32(1), 10*sin(x.getitem(int32(2))));
+x = v.primitive()+IntervalVector(x0); % dead reckoning
+% Set of landmarks
+v_m = { py.list([6,12]), py.list([-2,-5]), py.list([-3,20]), py.list([3,4]) };
+% =========== GRAPHICS ===========
+fig_map = VIBesFigMap('slam');
+fig_map.set_properties(int32(50), int32(50), int32(1200), int32(600));
+fig_map.add_tube(x, 'x', int32(0), int32(1));
+fig_map.add_trajectory(x_truth, 'truth', int32(0), int32(1), 'white');
+fig_map.add_landmarks(py.list(v_m), single(0.4));
+% =========== CONTRACTOR NETWORK ===========
+v_m_boxes = cell(size(v_m));
+for i=1:length(v_m)
+  v_m_boxes(i) = {IntervalVector(int32(2))};
+% Contractor Network:
+cn = ContractorNetwork();
+t = tdomain.lb();
+prev_t_obs = t;
+while t < tdomain.ub()
+  if t-prev_t_obs > 2*dt % new observation each 2*delta
+    % Creating new observation to a random landmark
+    landmark_id = randi([1 length(v_m)]); % a random landmark is perceived
+    xt = double(x_truth(t));
+    pos_x = [xt(1), xt(2)];
+    pos_b = double(v_m{landmark_id});
+    yi = Interval(sqrt((pos_x(1)-pos_b(1))^2+(pos_x(2)-pos_b(2))^2));
+    yi.inflate(0.03); % adding range bounded uncertainty
+    prev_t_obs = t;
+    % Adding related observation constraints to the network
+    % Alias (for ease of reading)
+    b = v_m_boxes{landmark_id};
+    % Intermediate variables
+    ti = Interval(t);
+    xi = IntervalVector(int32(3));
+    % Contractors
+    cn.add(CtcEval(), py.list({ti, xi, x, v}));
+    cn.add(CtcDist(), py.list({xi.getitem(int32(0)), xi.getitem(int32(1)), b.getitem(int32(0)), b.getitem(int32(1)), yi}));
+  end
+  contraction_dt = cn.contract_during(iteration_dt);  
+  if iteration_dt>contraction_dt
+    pause(iteration_dt-contraction_dt); % iteration delay
+  end
+  % Display the current slice x
+  fig_map.draw_box(x(t).subvector(int32(0),int32(1)));
+  t = t + dt;
+cn.contract(true); % lets the solver run the remaining contractions
+for i=1:length(v_m_boxes)
+  b = v_m_boxes{i};
+  fig_map.draw_box(b);