Releases: cloudfoundry/stratos
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Add support for API Keys #4504
- Register Endpoint: Reduce size of cards #4568
- Metrics view: Add "The last day" to time range selector #4516
- Sort endpoint table by type results in empty sort drop down in cf endpoints list #4565
- Endpoint unregister clears user sort & filter selection #4563
- Metrics: Metrics detail page can show two endpoint cards if URLs have trailing slash #4528
- Deploy from Gitlab: Repos in groups do not work #4153
- Deploy app from Github repo only shows branches from a-e in dropdown #3966
4.1.0 Release Candidate 4
4.1.0 Release Candidate 2
4.1.0-rc.2 4.1.0-rc.2
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Helm Deployment: Allow nginx protocols and ciphers to be configured via values #4512
4.0.1 Release Candidate 2
4.0.1 Release Candidate 1
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Extensions: Allow typed access to store entities and their actions #4494
- Extensions: Remove the need for symlinks and improve the build process #4472
- Extensions: Allow Themes to be published and installed to/from npm #4471
- Extensions: Move to extensions and themes to be packages #4470
- Show service broker space scope information in service wall list #4458
- Client Secret is shown in the clear in the UI #4445
- Improve sizing of UI elements on desktop browsers #4419
- Theming: Allow more control over link and side navigation colors #4406
- Update to latest set of icons #4403
- Theming: Allow more control over page header colors and style #4396
- Helm Chart: Remove encryption volume #4351
- Improve app summary responsiveness #4348
- Improve UI for the case when we can't determine cf app deployment info #4347
- Change recent activity icon to avoid confusion with the refresh button #4346
- Helm Chart: Change default image pull policy to Always #4342
- Permissions: Org Managers: Disable org role checkboxes in roles stepper if not admin/org manager #4332
- Autoscaler: Add support for custom metrics #4298
- Add support for copying endpoint address in list view #4238
- Update to Angular 9 framework #4214
- Update docker logo in deploy app stepper #4133
- Helm Chart: Remove need for --recreate-pods when upgrading #4132
- Make permissions model extension friendly #3789
- User Favourites: Add icons to cards #3409
- Improve log out experience #2587
- Ensure
cf push
works from Windows #4465 - SSLMode is not respected for database connections #4434
- Visiting marketplace tab breaks service list #4397
- CF Application reports error after restage #4392
- Helm Chart: Icon is missing #4370
- Permissions: Users with no developer roles can click on create app button #4361
- Edit endpoint not available in table view #4349
- CF: Routes List: Filter by org breaks when user is an org auditor #4343
- Permissions: Only space developers should be able to see add service instance buttons #4331
- Permissions: Only Space Developers should be able to change count, terminate or ssh to instances #4330
- App: Gitlab Tab: Fix console errors #4325
- Permissions: Only space developers should be able to create/unbind/delete routes in app routes list #4324
- Permissions: Only Space Developers should be able to create/edit/delete an Autoscaler policy #4323
- Permissions: Only space developers should be able to see the app summary deployment card #4322
- Duplicated documentation between deploy/kubernetes and Helm Chart #4315
- App Service Edit Binding: cancel of stepper results in leaked subscription #4295
- Exceptions thrown when navigating back from marketplace #4287
- Unbind services stepper fails to show bound services #4246
- Progress icon appears too close to right-hand size of table #4234
- Cancel/create in service instance stepper returns to incorrect locations #4052
- Exception thrown in setup steppers #3897
- Logout leaves the UI as is if the verify or logout call fails #2633
- Cf Build Packs: file name should wrap to next line if too long #1803
Breaking Changes:
Customizations in
are now npm packagesStratos customizations were previously in
and included in the build via symlinks. These customizations have now moved into local npm packages located in./src/frontend/packages
. For more details please see our customization documentation at./website/docs/extensions/
or There you will also find instructions on migrating to npm packages and a tool to help automate most of the process. -
Kubernetes: Upgrade only possible from version 3.0.0 or later
When deploying into Kubernetes using Helm and upgrading from an earlier version of Stratos using
helm upgrade
, upgrade is only supported from version 3.0.0 or later. If you are using an earlier version, first upgrade to version 3.x before then upgrading to the latest version. -
Angular 9 requires extensions to be declared
Extension components must now be made known to the extensions system in the module that they are declared in, using
. Please check the documentation. This is required to ensure that the new Angular compiler for Ivy does not remove these components for being unreferenced in the application.
4.0.0 Release Candidate 2
4.0.0 Release Candidate 1