+ Merq
+ Mercury: messenger of the Roman gods
+ Mercury > Merq-ry > Merq
+Merq brings the Message Bus pattern together with
+a command-oriented interface for an
+extensible and decoupled in-process application architecture.
+These patterns are well established in microservices and service oriented
+architectures, but their benefits can be applied to apps too, especially
+extensible ones where multiple teams can contribute extensions which
+are composed at run-time.
+The resulting improved decoupling between components makes it easier to evolve
+them independently, while improving discoverability of available commands and
+events. You can see this approach applied in the real world in
+VSCode commands
+and various events such as window events.
+Clearly, in the case of VSCode, everything is in-process, but the benefits of
+a clean and predictable API are pretty obvious.
+Merq provides the same capabilities for .NET apps.
+Events can be any type, there is no restriction or interfaces you must implement.
+Nowadays, C# record types
+are a perfect fit for event data types. An example event could be a one-liner such as:
+public record ItemShipped(string Id, DateTimeOffset Date);
+The events-based API surface on the message bus is simple enough:
+public interface IMessageBus
+ void Notify<TEvent>(TEvent e);
+ IObservable<TEvent> Observe<TEvent>();
+By relying on IObservable<TEvent>
, Merq integrates seamlessly with
+more powerful event-driven handling via System.Reactive
+or the more lightweight RxFree.
+Subscribing to events with either of those packages is trivial:
+IDisposable subscription;
+// constructor may use DI to get the dependency
+public CustomerViewModel(IMessageBus bus)
+ subscription = bus.Observe<ItemShipped>().Subscribe(OnItemShipped);
+void OnItemShipped(ItemShipped e) => // Refresh item status
+public void Dispose() => subscription.Dispose();
+Commands can also be any type, and C# records make for concise definitions:
+record CancelOrder(string OrderId) : IAsyncCommand;
+Unlike events, command messages need to signal the invocation style they require
+for execution:
+ Scenario |
+ Interface |
+ Invocation |
+ void synchronous command |
+ ICommand |
+ IMessageBus.Execute(command) |
+ value-returning synchronous command |
+ ICommand<TResult> |
+ var result = await IMessageBus.Execute(command) |
+ void asynchronous command |
+ IAsyncCommand |
+ await IMessageBus.ExecuteAsync(command) |
+ value-returning asynchronous command |
+ IAsyncCommand<TResult> |
+ var result = await IMessageBus.ExecuteAsync(command) |
+The above command can be executed using the following code:
+// perhaps a method invoked when a user
+// clicks/taps a Cancel button next to an order
+async Task OnCancel(string orderId)
+ await bus.ExecuteAsync(new CancelOrder(orderId), CancellationToken.None);
+ // refresh UI for new state.
+An example of a synchronous command could be:
+// Command declaration
+record SignOut() : ICommand;
+// Command invocation
+void OnSignOut() => bus.Execute(new SignOut());
+// or alternatively, for void commands that have no additional data:
+void OnSignOut() => bus.Execute<SignOut>();
+The marker interfaces on the command messages drive the compiler to only allow
+the right invocation style on the message bus, as defined by the command author:
+public interface IMessageBus
+ // sync void
+ void Execute(ICommand command);
+ // sync value-returning
+ TResult Execute<TResult>(ICommand<TResult> command);
+ // async void
+ Task ExecuteAsync(IAsyncCommand command, CancellationToken cancellation);
+ // async value-returning
+ Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(IAsyncCommand<TResult> command, CancellationToken cancellation);
+For example, to create a value-returning async command that retrieves some
+value, you would have:
+record FindDocuments(string Filter) : IAsyncCommand<IEnumerable<string>>;
+class FindDocumentsHandler : IAsyncCommandHandler<FindDocument, IEnumerable<string>>
+ public bool CanExecute(FindDocument command) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Filter);
+ public Task<IEnumerable<string>> ExecuteAsync(FindDocument command, CancellationToken cancellation)
+ => // evaluate command.Filter across all documents and return matches
+In order to execute such command, the only execute method the compiler will allow
+IEnumerable<string> files = await bus.ExecuteAsync(new FindDocuments("*.json"));
+If the consumer tries to use Execute
, the compiler will complain that the
+command does not implement ICommand<TResult>
, which is the synchronous version
+of the marker interface.
+While these marker interfaces on the command messages might seem unnecessary,
+they are actually quite important. They solve a key problem that execution
+abstractions face: whether a command execution is synchronous or asynchronous
+(as well as void or value-returning) should not be abstracted away since
+otherwise you can end up in two common anti-patterns (i.e. async guidelines for ASP.NET),
+known as sync over async and
+async over sync.
+Likewise, mistakes cannot be made when implementing the handler, since the
+handler interfaces define constraints on what the commands must implement:
+// sync
+public interface ICommandHandler<in TCommand> : ... where TCommand : ICommand;
+public interface ICommandHandler<in TCommand, out TResult> : ... where TCommand : ICommand<TResult>;
+// async
+public interface IAsyncCommandHandler<in TCommand> : ... where TCommand : IAsyncCommand;
+public interface IAsyncCommandHandler<in TCommand, TResult> : ... where TCommand : IAsyncCommand<TResult>
+This design choice also makes it impossible to end up executing a command
+implementation improperly.
+In addition to execution, the IMessageBus
also provides a mechanism to determine
+if a command has a registered handler at all via the CanHandle<T>
method as well
+as a validation mechanism via CanExecute<T>
, as shown above in the FindDocumentsHandler
+Commands can notify new events, and event observers/subscribers can in turn
+execute commands.
+Analyzers and Code Fixes
+Beyond the compiler complaining, Merq also provides a set of analyzers and
+code fixes to learn the patterns and avoid common mistakes. For example, if you
+created a simple record to use as a command, such as:
+public record Echo(string Message);
+And then tried to implement a command handler for it:
+public class EchoHandler : ICommandHandler<Echo>
+the compiler would immediately complain about various contraints and interfaces
+that aren’t satisfied due to the requirements on the Echo
type itself. For
+a seasoned Merq developer, this is a no-brainer, but for new developers,
+it can be a bit puzzling:
+A code fix is provided to automatically implement the required interfaces
+in this case:
+Likewise, if a consumer attempted to invoke the above Echo
command asynchronously
+(known as the async over sync anti-pattern),
+they would get a somewhat unintuitive compiler error:
+But the second error is more helpful, since it points to the actual problem,
+and a code fix can be applied to resolve it:
+The same analyzers and code fixes are provided for the opposite anti-pattern,
+known as sync over async,
+where a synchronous command is executed asynchronously.
+Message Bus
+The default implementation lives in a separate package Merq.Core
+so that application components can take a dependency on just the interfaces.
+The default implementation of the message bus interface IMessageBus
+no external dependencies and can be instantiated via the MessageBus
+The bus locates command handlers and event producers via the passed-in
instance in the constructor:
+var bus = new MessageBus(serviceProvider);
+// execute a command
+bus.Execute(new MyCommand());
+// observe an event from the bus
+bus.Observe<MyEvent>().Subscribe(e => Console.WriteLine(e.Message));
+When using dependency injection for .NET,
+the Merq.DependencyInjection package
+provides a simple mechanism for registering the message bus:
+var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
+All command handlers and event producers need to be registered with the
+services collection as usual, using the main interface for the component,
+such as ICommandHandler<T>
and IObservable<TEvent>
+To drastically simplify registration of handlers and producers, we
+recommend the Devlooped.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Attributed.
+package, which provides a simple attribute-based mechanism for automatically
+emitting at compile-time the required service registrations for all types
+marked with the provided [Service]
attribute, which also allows setting the
+component lifetime, such as [Service(ServiceLifetime.Transient)]
+This allows to simply mark all command handlers and event producers as
and then register them all with a single line of code:
+Telemetry and Monitoring
+The core implementation of the IMessageBus
is instrumented with ActivitySource
, providing out of the box support for Open Telemetry-based monitoring, as well
+as via dotnet trace
+and dotnet counters.
+To export telemetry using Open Telemetry,
+for example:
+using var tracer = Sdk
+ .CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
+ .SetResourceBuilder(ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault().AddService("ConsoleApp"))
+ .AddSource(source.Name)
+ .AddSource("Merq")
+ .AddConsoleExporter()
+ .AddZipkinExporter()
+ .AddAzureMonitorTraceExporter(o => o.ConnectionString = config["AppInsights"])
+ .Build();
+Collecting traces via dotnet-trace:
+dotnet trace collect --name [PROCESS_NAME] --providers="Microsoft-Diagnostics-DiagnosticSource:::FilterAndPayloadSpecs=[AS]Merq,System.Diagnostics.Metrics:::Metrics=Merq"
+Monitoring metrics via dotnet-counters:
+dotnet counters monitor --process-id [PROCESS_ID] --counters Merq
+Example rendering from the included sample console app:
+Duck Typing Support
+Being able to loosely couple both events (and their consumers) and command execution (from their
+command handler implementations) is a key feature of Merq. To take this decoupling to the extreme,
+Merq allows a similar capability as allowed by the TypeScript/JavaScript in VSCode: you can just
+copy/paste an event/command definition as source into your assembly, and perform the regular
+operations with it (like Observe
an event and Execute
a command), in a “duck typing” manner.
+As long as the types’ full name match, the conversion will happen automatically. Since this
+functionality isn’t required in many scenarios, and since there are a myriad ways to implement
+such an object mapping functionality, the Merq.Core
package only provides the hooks to enable
+this, but does not provide any built-in implementation for it. In other words, no duck typing
+is performed by default.
+The Merq.AutoMapper package provides one such
+implementation, based on the excelent AutoMapper library. It can be
+registered with the DI container as follows:
+// register all services, including handlers and producers
+We also produce CI packages from branches and pull requests so you can dogfood builds as quickly as they are produced.
+The CI feed is https://pkg.kzu.dev/index.json
+The versioning scheme for packages is:
+ - PR builds: 42.42.42-pr
+ - Branch builds: 42.42.42-
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