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JSON validator for Node.js and browser by using simple configuration rule


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JSON validator for Node.js and browser by using simple configuration rule




Parameter Class

  • constructor([options]) - New Class Parameter instance
    • options.isUseDefault - If use default value, default to true
    • options.isRemoveAdditional - Delete is not defined in the rule as an attribute, default to false
    • options.isCoerceTypes - Change data type of data to match type keyword, default to false
    • options.emptyValues - The contained value will be treated as a empty value, default to [null, undefined, NaN, '']
  • schema(rule, [options]) - Returns a validate with fixed parameters
  • validate(rule, value, [options]) - Validate the value conforms to rule. return an array of errors if break rule
    • rule - The rule of the verified json
    • value - JSON to be verified
    • options - Override the definition of constructor([options])
  • addRule(type, checkFunction) - Add custom rules.
    • type - Rule type, required and must be string type.
    • checkFunction(rule, value) - Custom check rule function.
import { Parameter } from '@ckpack/parameter';

const parameter = new Parameter();

// check rule
const rule = {
  isAdmin: {
    type: 'boolean',
  age: {
    type: 'int',
    min: 0,
  role: {
    type: 'enum',
    enum: ['am', 'pm'],
  ids: {
    type: 'array',
    itemType: 'int',
    itemRule: {
      min: 1

// check value
const data = {
  isAdmin: true,
  age: 18,
  role: 'am',
  ids: [1, 2, 3]

const errors = parameter.validate(rule, data);


setLocale 设置错误信息语言


import { zhLocale, setLocale, Parameter } from '@ckpack/parameter';


const parameter = new Parameter();

// parameter.validate(rule, data);


common rules

  • type: The rule type
  • message: Custom error message
  • isRequired: If check the empty value, default to true
  • default: Is isUseDefault is true, the empty value will be set default value, default to undefined


If type is int, There are the following options rules

  • max - The maximum of the value, value must <= max
  • min - The minimum of the value, value must >= min
  score: 'int',
// or
  score: {
    type: 'int',
    min: 0,
    max: 200,


If type is number, There are the following options rules

  • max - The maximum of the value, value must <= max
  • min - The minimum of the value, value must >= min


  score: 'number',
// or
  score: {
    type: 'number',
    min: 0,
    max: 100,


If type is string, There are the following options rules

  • regexp - A RegExp to check string's format
  • max - The maximum length of the string
  • min - The minimum length of the string


  username: 'string',
// or
  username: /\S{4,20}/,
// or
  username: {
    type: 'string',
    regexp: /\S{4,20}/


If type is boolean


  isAll: 'boolean',
// or
  isAll: {
    type: 'boolean',


If type is array, There are the following options rules

  • itemType - The type of every item in this array
  • itemRule - The rule of every item in this Rule
  • itemChecker- The checker of every item, in this case you can omit itemType and itemRule
  • max - The maximun length of the array
  • min - The minimum length of the array


  ids: {
    itemType: 'int',
    itemRule: {
      min: 1,
      max: 1000,
    min: 0,
    max: 100,


If type is enum, There are the following rules

  • enum- An array of data, value must be one on them


  sex: ['man', 'woman']
// or
  sex: {
    type: 'enum'
    enum: ['man', 'woman']


If type is object, There are the following rules

  • rule- An object that validate the properties ot the object


  people: {
    type: 'object',
    rule: {
      name: 'string',
      age: {
        isRequired: false,
        type: 'int',
        min: 1,
        max: 200

custom rule

definition custom rule, example

// custom check
parameter.addRule('even', (rule, value) => {
  return value % 2 === 0 ? null : `${value} is not even`;

use the custom rule

  someNumber: 'even'
  someNumber: {
    type: "even",

you alse can add options rules

import { Parameter } from '@ckpack/parameter';
const parameter = new Parameter();
parameter.addRule('times', (rule, value) => {
  const { times } = rule;
  return value % times === 0 ? null : `not an integer multiple of ${times}`;

// rule
  someNumber: {
    type: "times",
    times: 3,

complex example