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Releases: cicirello/JavaPermutationTools

JavaPermutationTools (JPT): A Java API for computation on permutations and sequences

10 May 19:53
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The JavaPermutationTools (JPT) API provides Java classes that enable representing and generating permutations and sequences, as well as performing computation on permutations and sequences. It includes implementations of a variety of permutation distance metrics as well as distance metrics on sequences (i.e., Strings, arrays, and other ordered data types).

New in this release: Added functionality to the Permutation class, and added normalization for permutation distance measures.

JavaPermutationTools (JPT): A Java API for computation on permutations and sequences

09 May 18:21
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The JavaPermutationTools (JPT) API provides Java classes that enable representing and generating permutations and sequences, as well as performing computation on permutations and sequences. It includes implementations of a variety of permutation distance metrics as well as distance metrics on sequences (i.e., Strings, arrays, and other ordered data types).

New in this release: KendallTauSequenceDistance in the package org.cicirello.sequences.distance, as well as some new functionality in the permutation distance classes.

JavaPermutationTools (JPT): A Java API for computation on permutations and sequences

12 Feb 18:43
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The JavaPermutationTools (JPT) API provides Java classes that enable representing and generating permutations and sequences, as well as performing computation on permutations and sequences. It includes implementations of a variety of permutation distance metrics as well as distance metrics on sequences (i.e., Strings, arrays, and other ordered data types).

New in this release is a replication program for reproducing the data from the paper: Vincent A. Cicirello. Classification of Permutation Distance Metrics for Fitness Landscape Analysis. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies. ICST, March 2019.

JavaPermutationTools: A Java API for Computation on Permutations and Sequences

05 Nov 22:28
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Release includes all updates, revisions, etc produced during review of paper for Journal of Open Source Software, titled "JavaPermutationTools: A Java library of permutation distance metrics."

JavaPermutationTools: A Java Library of Permutation Distance Metrics

05 Nov 21:41
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This release includes all updates, revisions, etc produced during the review process for the Journal of Open Source Software, paper titled 'JavaPermutationTools: A Java Library of Permutation Distance Metrics'.

Release for JOSS paper

24 Oct 19:04
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This release includes all updates, revisions, etc produced during the review process for the Journal of Open Source Software, paper titled 'JavaPermutationTools: A Java Library of Permutation Distance Metrics'.

Sequence distance metrics now included

01 Sep 16:47
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This release now includes distance metrics on sequences (i.e., Strings, arrays of primitives, arrays of objects). All prior functionality remains as is.

minor update

20 Aug 17:29
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Release includes: More efficient implementations of ReinsertionDistance and KendallTauDistance. Specifically O(n lg n) implementations where the prior implementations were O(n^2).