Deploy your own version of coolstore.
oc new-project userXY-coolstore
oc process -f | oc create -f -
oc status
Wait till all images are built and all pods are deployed.
In the mean time, check the documentation over the microservices:
Familiarize yourself with deployed environment. List services and visit the cool store app.
Not all services are running and thus not all features of the store are available, what happens if you start more of the services? Which features do appear how?
You can test the individual apps from within the cluster (inside a container of the project):
oc rsh dc/coolstore-gw
curl http://catalog:8080/api/products
curl http://inventory:8080/api/availability/329299
curl http://cart:8080/api/cart/FOO
curl http://rating:8080/api/rating/329299
curl http://review:8080/api/review/329299
Read more about jolokia here
Each of the deployed Java applications has JMX over the jolokia Port (8778) enabled. You can attach to each of them through the pod view on the WebUI.
What kind of interesting information can you find?