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Project Versioning Plugin

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This Gradle Plugin will generate automatically project versions based on your repository's tags and commits.

It is a basic implementation of Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 recommendation and has been initially developed to adopt the suggested Google Play publishing scheme.

It works with Git version 2.x.

Why choosing this library?

Because it keeps the process simple, automatic and you can apply the plugin in any gradle-based project.

How does it work?

The plugin counts the number of commits with major or minor or patch keywords.

Let's say you have the following number of commits in your repository:
(The keyword here is [minor-change], but you can define your own keywords.)

"[minor-change] JIRA-01 Initial commit"
"[minor-change] JIRA-02 Pushing random code"

Then, the plugin will generate the version 0.2.0.
If you add a new commit with a [minor-change] keyword.

"[minor-change] JIRA-01 Initial update"
"[minor-change] JIRA-02 Pushing random code"
"[minor-change] JIRA-03 Adding a new random feature" <--

Then, the plugin will generate the version 0.3.0.
If you add a new commit with a [patch-change] keyword.

"[minor-change] JIRA-01 Initial update"
"[minor-change] JIRA-02 Pushing random code"
"[minor-change] JIRA-03 Adding a new random feature"
"[patch-change] JIRA-04 Fixing a previous feature" <--

Then, the plugin will generate the version 0.3.1.
If you add a new commit with a [minor-change] keyword.

"[minor-change] JIRA-01 Initial update"
"[minor-change] JIRA-02 Pushing random code"
"[minor-change] JIRA-03 Adding a new random feature"
"[patch-change] JIRA-04 Fixing a previous feature"
"[minor-change] JIRA-05 Adding a new random feature" <--

Then, the plugin will generate the version 0.4.0.
(When you increase the minor version, the patch version resets to 0)
If you add a new commit with a [major-change] keyword.

"[minor-change] JIRA-01 Initial update"
"[minor-change] JIRA-02 Pushing random code"
"[minor-change] JIRA-03 Adding a new random feature"
"[patch-change] JIRA-04 Fixing a previous feature"
"[minor-change] JIRA-05 Adding a new random feature"
"[major-change] JIRA-06 Adding an incompatible or big change" <--

Then, the plugin will generate the version 1.0.0.
(When you increase the major version, the minor and patch version reset to 0)

You can define your own keywords like [feature], [bug], [hotfix], etc.


Before you can start using the plugin, you must create a version tag in your repository.

git tag <tagname> // "version/0.7.0" for example from master
git push origin <tagname>

How to apply?

plugins {
    id 'com.chattylabs.versioning' version '<latest version>'


buildscript {
    repositories { 
        // Optional. Access to early versions.
        maven { url "" }
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.chattylabs:versioning:<latest version>'
apply plugin: 'com.chattylabs.versioning'

Now, setup the required and optional values in your gradle file.

versioning {
    tagPrefix "version/"                // Required
    keywords {
        major "[incompatible]"          // Optional. By default it never upgrades the major version.
        minor "[feature]"               // Required
        patch "[bug]"                   // Required

The plugin will generate a file within the project's module.
You should add this file into your .gitignore config.

How to use?

The following functions are available:                   // i.e. generates "0.1.0"  - string
versioning.code()                   // i.e. generates 000100   - integer
versioning.computedVersionCode()    // i.e. generates 725      - integer (based on the total number of commits)

To update to the last project version run:

./gradlew pullVersion

To create a new project version tag run:

./gradlew pushVersion

Where to use?

The followings are some platform examples:


version =


android {
    defaultConfig {
        versionCode versioning.computedVersionCode()


afterEvaluate {
    // Use some (JVM) plist library such as Apache's common configuration http://commons.apache
    .org/proper/commons-configuration/ to update info.plist
    infoPlist.set(CFBundleVersion, "${versioning.computedVersionCode()}")



You must create an initial version tag in your repository following the tagPrefix you have setup and the current version of your project. Otherwise the build will throw an Exception.

git tag <tagPrefix + current version>   // i.e. "version/0.1.0" or "v0.1.0"
git push origin <tagPrefix + current version>

Increasing versions

The only rule to increase the version is that you add the keywords you have configured into the commit message.
If you push commits without the keywords, it won't be counted as a version upgrade.

Continuous Integration

If you are running the update through a Continuous Integration system, and you want to get the generated version, you can use the following bash function to read the

function retrieveVersion() {
  if [ -f "$file" ]
    printf "\"$file\" found."
    while IFS='=' read -r key value
      eval ${key}=\${value}
    done < "$file" &> /dev/null
    printf "\"$file\" not found."
# Example of use
./gradlew :app:pullVersion :app:assemble
retrieveVersion  // <-- The function
# Publish to Google Play Store / Apple Store / Bintray / Fastlane / HockeyApp ...
# To create a new version on the reposiroty. Needs repository write access.
./gradlew :app:pushVersion 
printf "New version <${versionName}> published successfuly"

Multiple modules

If you have several projects/modules into the same repository, and you want to generate a different version per project/module, you only need to establish a specific tagPrefix per module/version.

You also have to distinguish the projects/modules commits by a unique keyword.

versioning {
    tagPrefix "${}-version/"      // Use a unique prefix per each module
    keywords {
        minor "[${}-feature]"     // Use a unique keyword for the commits


You can setup a different .git folder by applying the following option:

versioning {

    git { // Optional. You can specify a custom .git folder path
        dir new File("../another/different/.git/folder")